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If you find our code or paper useful, please cite as
author = {Niemeyer, Michael and Geiger, Andreas},
title = {CAMPARI: Camera-Aware Decomposed Generative Neural Radiance Fields},
booktitle = {International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)},
year = {2021}
First you have to make sure that you have all dependencies in place. The simplest way to do so, is to use anaconda.
You can create an anaconda environment called campari
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate campari
You can now test our code on the provided pre-trained models. For example, for creating short video clips, run simply run
python configs/celeba_pretrained.yaml
python configs/celeba_pretrained.yaml
for creating respective figures.
This script should create a model output folder out/celeba_pretrained
The animations are then saved to the respective subfolders.
To train a model from scratch, you have to download the respective dataset.
For this, please run
bash scripts/
and following the instructions. This script should download and unpack the data automatically into the data/
Note: For FID evaluation or creating figures containing the GT camera distributions, you need to download the "stats files" (select "4 - Camera stats files" for this).
To render short clips or figures from a trained model, run
python CONFIG.yaml
python CONFIG.yaml
where you replace CONFIG.yaml
with the correct config file.
The easiest way is to use a pre-trained model.
You can do this by using one of the config files which are indicated with *_pretrained.yaml
For example, for our model trained on celebA, run
python configs/celeba_pretrained.yaml
Our script will automatically download the model checkpoints and render images.
You can find the outputs in the out/*_pretrained
Please note that the config files *_pretrained.yaml
are only for evaluation or rendering, not for training new models: when these configs are used for training, the model will be trained from scratch, but during inference our code will still use the pre-trained model.
For evaluation of the models, we provide the script
. Make sure to have downloaded the stats files (see Usage - Datasets and Stats Files). You can run it using
python CONFIG.yaml
The script generates 20000 images and calculates the FID score.
Finally, to train a new network from scratch, run
python CONFIG.yaml
where you replace CONFIG.yaml
with the name of the configuration file you want to use.
You can monitor on the training process using tensorboard:
tensorboard --logdir ./logs
where you replace OUTPUT_DIR
with the respective output directory. For available training options, please take a look at configs/default.yaml
If you like the CAMPARI project, please check out related works on neural representions from our group:
- Niemeyer et. al. - GIRAFFE: Representing Scenes as Compositional Generative Neural Feature Fields (CVPR'21)
- Schwarz et. al. - GRAF: Generative Radiance Fields for 3D-Aware Image Synthesis (NeurIPS'20)
- Niemeyer et. al. - DVR: Learning Implicit 3D Representations without 3D Supervision (CVPR'20)
- Oechsle et. al. - Learning Implicit Surface Light Fields (3DV'20)
- Peng et. al. - Convolutional Occupancy Networks (ECCV'20)
- Niemeyer et. al. - Occupancy Flow: 4D Reconstruction by Learning Particle Dynamics (ICCV'19)
- Oechsle et. al. - Texture Fields: Learning Texture Representations in Function Space (ICCV'19)
- Mescheder et. al. - Occupancy Networks: Learning 3D Reconstruction in Function Space (CVPR'19)