A library that reconstructs the 3D environment with dynamic objects (either rigid body or has defromation).
We build this library on top of InfiniTAM, ORBSLAM3 and Yolact. We use Yolact to provide the image segmentation, ORBSLAM3 to provide the pose estimation and the InfiniTAM to perform reconstruction. We use ROS to connect the sub-systems. The ROS rqt_graph
is like the following
We play a ROS bag contains stereo and depth image obtained by Intel Realsense. We send the depth to the Yolact. Yolact produces the required segmented image and send it to the SLAM system and the InfiniTAM. SLAM system sends the pose edtimation to the infiniTAM with the depth image from the camera. Please refer the thesis for the detail implementation and system description.
We strongly recommend you to build the library in the docker but you can still build it without docker. We have already build the docker image with all the dependencies in a seperate Ubuntu system. Install and run are pretty easy. However, the docker image size is large.
With docker, for GPU RTX 20X, GTX 10X and most of the GPU before 2020. Pull the image
docker pull zhch5450/dynamic_3d_reconstruction_img:1
for new GPU like RTX 30x, pull the image
docker pull zhch5450/dynamic_3d_reconstruction_img:2
Then run the following for installation
git clone https://github.com/arpg/dyna_infini.git
cd dyna_infini/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/arpg/orbslam3.git
cd ../../
cd ..
brings you into the docker container, then in the container you run the build.sh
script. build.sh
builds some external libraries for ORBSLAM. In the future, if you make futher modifications to this lib, you simply need the following to rebuild in the docker container
cd catkin_ws
If you are using a Ubunu system and want to visualize the UI in the docker, remember to input command line xhost +
in the host machine terminal.
Without docker
We try not to add new dependencies to this lib so you just need to download the dependencies of the sub systems.
You don't need to install the optional
dependencies shown in those libraries. Then
git clone https://github.com/arpg/dyna_infini.git
cd dyna_infini/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/arpg/orbslam3.git
cd ../../
Download the pretrained model or your own Yolact model at https://github.com/dbolya/yolact. Create a weights
folder in the yolact_ros
and put the model into the yolact_ros/wieghts
Download our example dataset . You can either put the data in your local machine or in the docker image.
If you don't want to handle the dynamic objects you can run the original IniniTAM. Open the
. Change the following value from True
to False
<param name="use_external_pose_estimation" type="bool" value="True" />
<param name="dynamic_objects" type="bool" value="True" />
With docker
If you put the dataset on your local machine and want to access the data in the docker container, open the run_docker.sh
, find
-v /home/zhaozhong/dataset/arpg_realsensed455_3DM-GX5-15:/opt/dataset/realsense \
Replace the /home/zhaozhong/dataset/arpg_realsensed455_3DM-GX5-15
with the dataset address on your local machine, replace the /opt/dataset/realsense
with any address A
you want to access the data. Then in your container, you can find the dataset in the A
cd catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch dyna_infini run_systems_realsense.launch
In another terminal
docker exec -it dyna_infini_container /bin/bash
cd catkin_ws
Press n
or b
in the window showing up to view the reconstruction like the original InfiniTAM
Without docker
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch dyna_infini run_systems_realsense.launch
In another terminal
cd catkin_ws
If you want to run with your own dataset, please let them publish the same topic as the example dataset or make the topic name correspondes with the topic name in the run_systems_realsense.launch
Run the test dataset Without dynamic detection
Run the test dataset with dynamic detection
We are going to adjust and add more features. If you use the related work, please cite
TO ADD the thesis