To install one of the launchers with Portage, you have to add this github repo into portage’s repositories.
If you haven’t already, emerge eselect-repository with
emerge --ask app-eselect/eselect-repository
Now add the repository with
eselect repository add the-anime-team git
emaint sync -r the-anime-team
If /etc/portage/repos.conf is a file, add the following lines to that
file, if /etc/portage/repos.conf is a directory, add a new file with
touch /etc/portage/repos.conf/theanimeteam.conf
and put the
following into it:
location = /var/db/repos/the-anime-team
sync-type = git
sync-uri =
priority = 100
Then sync your local ebuild cache with emaint sync -r the-anime-team
After adding the repository you can emerge the launcher.
emerge --ask games-misc/an-anime-game-launcher
Similarly to install the honkers launcher use the command
emerge --ask games-misc/honkers-launcher
Depending on how the system is set up, it could be that portage refuses to install the packages in this repository, because the ~amd64
keyword is masked for them.
In this case, unmask the keyword for the package.
emerge --ask games-misc/an-anime-game-launcher --autounmask
emerge --ask games-misc/honkers-launcher --autounmask
After that run dispatch-conf
to write it to the configs of portage (or etc-update
if you prefer that).
For further information see the gentoo wiki.
To uninstall just deselect the package and run a depclean
emerge --deselect an-anime-game-launcher
To uninstall the honkers launcher use
emerge --deselect honkers-launcher
In all cases use depclean to remove the unneeded packages
emerge --depclean
To remove the whole repository from your and /etc/portage/repos.conf
is a file, delete the respective lines from repos.conf
, if it is a directory, system execute:
rm /etc/portage/repos.conf/theanimeteam.conf # if the repository was manually added and repos.conf is a directory
eselect repository disable -f the-anime-team # if the repository was added via eselect
And delete the locally stored repository data:
rm -rf /var/db/repos/the-anime-team