An asynchronous, non-blocking, .net core implementation of the client for EOS blockchain ( The library contains an RPC client as well as a wallet for managing keys and signing transactions.
The library is available on NuGet
Install using Package Manager Console:
Install-Package eosnet
Create a wallet with private keys which will be responsible for signing transactions:
var wallet = new EosWallet(new []
"5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3", // private key for myaccount111
"5KKXE5rsqQ1niB4hKTJkvBGJHgguFfta41vHLaWGR1jKXrG2BbL" // private key for myaccount222
Create a client for interaction with the blockchain. By default, client connects to a local EOS instance (nodeos) running on default host:
var client = new EosClient(wallet);
The node can be overridden in the constructor:
var client = new EosClient(new Uri(""), wallet);
The simplest way to trigger a smart contract is to push an action. Remember, there must be a private key in the wallet for an account(s) specified in the authorization section:
var transactionId = await client.PushActionsAsync(new []
new EOS.Client.Models.Action()
Account = "eosio.token",
Name = "transfer",
Authorization = new []
new Authorization
Actor = "myaccount111",
Permission = "active"
Data = new Dictionary<string, object>
{"from", "myaccount111"},
{"to", "someuserrrrr"},
{"quantity", "100.0000 EOS"},
{"memo", ""}
The code above will generate a transaction with default parameters and the specified action. To generate a custom transaction use PushTransactionAsync method:
var transactionId = await client.PushTransactionAsync(new Transaction
RefBlockNum = 11762412, // mandatory
RefBlockPrefix = 15881242, // mandatory
Expiration = DateTime.Parse("2018-08-20T13:13:13Z"), // mandatory
/* other optional parametrs */
Actions = new []
new EOS.Client.Models.Action()
Account = "eosio.token",
Name = "transfer",
Authorization = new []
new Authorization
Actor = "myaccount111",
Permission = "active"
Data = new Dictionary<string, object>
{"from", "myaccount111"},
{"to", "someuserrrrr"},
{"quantity", "100.0000 EOS"},
{"memo", ""}
Interaction with the blockchain:
// Get status of the blockchain
var chainInfo = await client.Api.GetInfoAsync();
// Get info about the account eosnewyorkio
var account = await client.Api.GetAccountAsync("eosnewyorkio");
// Get a concrete block using the block number or unique id
var block = await client.Api.GetBlockAsync("5485906");
// Get a balance of the everipedia token (IQ) for account eosnewyorkio
var balance = await client.Api.GetCurrencyBalanceAsync("everipediaiq", "eosnewyorkio", "IQ");
// Sending a transaction into the blockchain. The transaction must be signed using EosWallet
// or any other signature provider:
var res = await client.Api.PushTransactionAsync(signedTransaction);
All methods throw either HttpRequestException (if there were a network error) or HttpResponseException (if the node returned an unsuccessful result).