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Custom ADMX template focused on hardening Windows 10 & Windows 11 systems

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Custom ADMX template focused on hardening Windows 10 and Windows 11 systems.

Table of contents

Available policies

System policies

Enable Virtualization-Based Security in Mandatory mode

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceGuard

  • Registry key(s): Mandatory

  • Values: 0/1

  • Description: This policy will enable the Virtualization-Based Security (VBS) function in Mandatory mode.

    Mandatory mode is a new functionnality introduced to prevent the Windows Downdate attack (and other related dowgrading attacks) by forcing the verification of the components of the Secure Kernel and the hypervisor at boot time. Consequently, enabling this functionnality can lead to boot failure (and a denial of service) in case of a modification of a core component of Secure Kernel, hypervisor or a related dependant module.

    NOTE: if you already have Virtualization-Based Security enabled with UEFI Lock, this setting will not do anything, as the VBS configuration is already written and locked in a UEFI variable. This variable needs to be deleted using the bcdedit.exe tool before deploying the Mandatory flag and the UEFI Lock. Guidance and more information about this procedure are available here:

    Enabling this policy will set the Mandatory flag and force the verification of the VBS components at boot time.

    Enabling this policy with UEFI Lock already enabled wil do nothing.

    Disabling this policy will disable the verification of the components, only if the UEFI Lock is not enabled. Otherwise, disabling this policy will do nothing.

Enable Generative AI features in Acrobat and Acrobat Reader

  • Registry path(s): SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\FeatureLockDown

  • Registry key(s): bEnableGentech

  • Values: 0/1

  • Description: The generative AI features in Acrobat and Acrobat Reader are turned on by default. This policy controls the state of the feature.

    Enabling this policy will enable the Generative AI feature.

    Disabling this policy will disable the Generative AI feature. For privacy purposes, it is recommended to set this policy to Disabled.

Configure the Windows Sudo command behavior

  • Registry path(s): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Sudo

  • Registry key(s): Enabled

  • Values: 0/1/2/3

  • Description: This policy configures the behavior of the Sudo command introduced in Windows 11 24H2.

    Possible choices are:

    • Force a new elevated window to open (default behavior)
    • Disable inputs to the elevated process
    • Run in the current window
    • Disable the functionnality

    It is recommended to use the default behavior and let the Sudo command open a new elevated window.

Enable Secure Boot/Code Integrity mitigations for BlackLotus (CVE-2023-24932)

Prevent standard users to install root certificates

  • Registry path(s): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\Root\ProtectedRoots

  • Registry key(s): Flags

  • Values: 0/1

  • Description: This policy prevent standard (non-administrators) users to install root certificate authorities to their user-specific trust store.

    Enabling this policy can help prevent code signing certificate cloning attacks. It is recommended to enable this policy.

Block drivers co-installers applications

  • Registry path(s): SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Device Installer

  • Registry key(s): DisableCoInstallers

  • Values: 0/1

  • Description: A co-installer is a user-mode Win32 DLL that typically writes additional configuration information to the registry, or performs other installation tasks that require information that is not available when an INF is written.

    If you enable this setting, co-installers execution will be prevented, and additional configuration software for specific devices (mouses, gaming keyboards, etc) must be downloaded and manually installed from the manufacturer website.

    If you disable this setting, co-installers execution will be permitted, which is a significant security risk (potentially dangerous code execution).

Limits print driver installation to Administrators

Enable the strict Authenticode signature verification mechanism

  • Registry path(s):
    • Software\Microsoft\Cryptography\Wintrust\Config
    • Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Cryptography\Wintrust\Config
  • Registry key(s): EnableCertPaddingCheck
  • Values: 1/<delete>
  • Description: The strict Authenticode signature verification mechanism disallow to add extraneous information in the WIN_CERTIFICATE structure.

Disable standard users in Safe-Boot mode

  • Registry path(s): SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System

  • Registry key(s): SafeModeBlockNonAdmins

  • Values: 0/1

  • Description: An adversary with standard user credentials that can boot into Microsoft Windows using Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking or Safe Mode with Command Prompt options may be able to bypass system protections and security functionalities. To reduce this risk, users with standard credentials should be prevented from using Safe Mode options to log in.

    Enabling this policy will prevent standard users to open a session in Safe Mode.

    Disabling this policy will allow standard users to open a session in Safe Mode.

Enable additional LSA process hardening

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa
  • Registry key(s): RunAsPPL
  • Values: 0/1
  • Description: Enable this option to allow the LSA process to run as a PPL (Protected Process Light), in order to disallow its debugging.

Disable the SAM server TCP listener

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa

  • Registry key(s): SamDisableListenOnTCP

  • Values: 0/1

  • Description: By default, the SAM server (lsass.exe) is constantly listening on a random TCP port, bound to all network interfaces.

    Enabling this policy will disable the TCP listener.

Enable PowerShell Constrained Language Mode

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment

  • Registry key(s): __PSLockdownPolicy

  • Values: 4/0

  • Description: Enable the Constrained Language Mode for Powershell. This mode disallow several language elements that can be leveraged by attackers to perform sensitive APIs calls.

    NOTE: since this policy is only rewritting the __PSLockdownPolicy environment variable, this is not a secure way to enable CLM, and this is intended for defense-in-depth only. CLM can only be securely enforced by AppLocker and/or WDAC.

Allow custom DLL loading list for application processes

  • Registry path(s): Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows
  • Registry key(s): LoadAppInit_DLLs
  • Values: 0/1
  • Description: The list is located in the registry key HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WindowsAppInit_DLLs

Number of PBKDF2 iterations for cached logons credentials hashing

  • Registry path(s): SECURITY\Cache

  • Registry key(s): NL$IterationCount

  • Values: 1 to 200000000

  • Description: For domains logons, if credentials caching is enabled, credentials are stored as MSCacheV2 hashes, derived using the PBKDF2-SHA1 hashing algorithm.

    The number of iterations for the PBKDF2-SHA1 algorithm used for hashing operations can be controlled with this policy, with the following logic:

    • For a value lower than or equal to 10240, the setting acts as a 1024-mutiplier (for example, setting it to 20 will result in 20480 iterations).
    • For a value greater than 10240, the setting acts as the chosen value (modulo 1024).

    The recommended value depends on the target environment, the CPU power available and the performance hit you are willing to tolerate at logon (a high value can incur a net performance penalty for the logon process).

    When the policy is enabled, the default value configured is 1954 (2 000 896 rounds). This is the recommended value (at the time of December 2022) for the PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1 algorithm, considering the compute power of a RTX 4090 GPU in a offline bruteforce attack model.

    More information:

Disable administrative shares for workstations

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanManServer\Parameters
  • Registry key(s): AutoShareWks
  • Values: 0/1
  • Description: Not recommended, except for highly secure environments.

Disable administrative shares for servers

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanManServer\Parameters
  • Registry key(s): AutoShareServer
  • Values: 0/1
  • Description: Not recommended, except for highly secure environments.

Enable Spectre and Meltdown mitigations

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management
  • Registry key(s):
    • FeatureSettingsOverride
    • FeatureSettingsOverrideMask
  • Values:
    • 72/8264/8/0/1/64/3
    • 3/3/3/3/3/3/3
  • Description: TODO

Enable Structured Exception Handling Overwrite Protection (SEHOP)

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\kernel
  • Registry key(s): DisableExceptionChainValidation
  • Values: 0/1
  • Description: SEHOP blocks exploits that use the Structured Exception Handling overwrite technique, a common buffer overflow attack.

This policy is only effective on 32 bits systems.

Enable Network Level Authentication (NLA) for RDP connections

  • Registry path(s): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services

  • Registry key(s):

    • SecurityLayer
    • UserAuthentication
    • MinEncryptionLevel
  • Values:

    • 2
    • 1
    • 3
  • Description: This policy enable Network Level Authentication for RDP connections, with the following settings:

    • TLS is required for server authentication and link encryption.
    • High level of encryption (128 bits) for the data link.
    • User authentication is required at connection time.

    Disabling this policy does nothing.

Harden network logons and authentication security

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa
  • Registry key(s): LmCompatibilityLevel
  • Values: 5/1
  • Description: Enable this policy to disable LM and NTLM authentication modes, and enable use of NTLMv2 only.

Disable this policy to restore LM and NTLMv1 capabilities, in addition to NTLMv2.

Disable WDigest protocol

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\WDigest

  • Registry key(s):

    • UseLogonCredential
    • Negotiate
  • Values:

    • 0
    • 0
  • Description: Enabling this policy will disable the WDigest protocol, now considered obsolete.

    Keeping WDigest enabled could allow an attacker to retrieve plain-text passwords stored in the LSA service with a tool such as Mimikatz, and it is therefore recommended to enable this policy.

Domain credentials caching hardening

  • Registry path(s):

    • SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
    • SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa
  • Registry key(s):

    • CachedLogonsCount
    • TokenLeakDetectDelaySecs
  • Values:

    • 2
    • 30
  • Description: Enabling this policy modifiy two settings related to how the local system handles domain-related credentials:

    • Reduce the caching count (2 cached credentials) of domain-related credentials for offline authentication if no domain controller is available
    • The delay before the credentials are cleared from memory after a logoff is set to 30 seconds.

    Those settings reduce the exposure time of credentials to attack tools such as Mimikatz.

    NOTE: those settings can prevent a new session opening, if the network is not available, or if a domain controler is not reachable.

Force the randomization of relocatable images (ASLR)

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

  • Registry key(s): MoveImages

  • Values: 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF)/0

  • Description: Enabling this policy will enable ASLR even for relocatable images that do not explicitly expose this capability.

    Disabling this policy will explicitly disable the ASLR mechanism.

Additional registry fix for CVE-2015-6161

  • Registry path(s):

    • SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\FEATURE_ALLOW_USER32_EXCEPTION_HANDLER_HARDENING
  • Registry key(s): iexplore.exe

  • Values: 0/1

  • Description: Enable this policy to change the registry value FEATURE_ALLOW_USER32_EXCEPTION_HANDLER_HARDENING to 1.

    This modification is necessary to fully fix an ASLR bypass vulnerability (CVE-2015-6161). For more information, refer to the MS15-124 security bulletin (

Additional registry fix for CVE-2017-8529

  • Registry path(s):

    • SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\FEATURE_ENABLE_PRINT_INFO_DISCLOSURE_FIX
  • Registry key(s): iexplore.exe

  • Values: 0/1

  • Description: Enable this policy to change the registry value FEATURE_ENABLE_PRINT_INFO_DISCLOSURE_FIX to 1.

    This modification is necessary to fully fix an information disclosure vulnerability in Microsoft browsers (CVE-2017-8529). For more information, refer to the related security update guide (

Enable kernel-level shadow stacks

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceGuard\Scenarios\KernelShadowStacks

  • Registry key(s): Enabled

  • Values: 0/1

  • Description: The policy enable kernel-level shadow stacks, also known as Intel CET (Control-flow Enforcement Technology) or AMD Shadow Stack.

    Please note that this security function require specific hardware support (AMD Zen 3 or Intel 11th Gen. processors) and OS support (Windows 21H2 or newer).

Disable the WPBT functionnality

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
  • Registry key(s): DisableWpbtExecution
  • Values: 0/1
  • Description: This policy disable the Windows Platform Binary Table (WPBT) functionnality, that can be used for persistence through an UEFI implant.

Disable Time-Travel Debugging

  • Registry path(s): SOFTWARE\Microsoft\TTD
  • Registry key(s): RecordingPolicy
  • Values: 0/2
  • Description: This policy disable the Time-Travel Debugging (TTD) functionnality, that can be used to dump sensitive processes memory content, and to launch third-party executables.

Remove current working directory from DLL search

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
  • Registry key(s): CWDIllegalInDllSearch
  • Values: 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF)/0
  • Description: The CWDIllegalInDllSearch registry entry is used to remove the current working directory (CWD) from the DLL search order.

Enable Windows Defender sandbox

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment

  • Registry key(s): MP_FORCE_USE_SANDBOX

  • Values: 0/1

  • Description: This policy enables the sandbox (content process) for the main process of Windows Defender.

    The new content processes, which run with low privileges, aggressively leverage all available mitigation policies to reduce the attack surface. They enable and prevent runtime changes for modern exploit mitigation techniques such as Data Execution Prevention (DEP), Address space layout randomization (ASLR), and Control Flow Guard (CFG). They also disable Win32K system calls and all extensibility points, as well as enforce that only signed and trusted code is loaded.

    More information:

Network policies

TLS cipher suites configuration

  • Registry path(s): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Cryptography\Configuration\SSL\00010002

  • Registry key(s): Functions

  • Values:

  • Description: This policy allows you to select between several TLS cipher suites configuration profiles.

    NOTE: for profiles listed with TLS 1.3, please verify that your OS version support TLS 1.3 (Windows 10 v1903 and up) and that TLS 1.3 support is enabled in the Schannel "Protocols" section, otherwise you could break TLS support on your system.

    Changing this setting will require a restart of the computer before the setting will take effect. You can check the applied configuration with the Get-TlsCiphersuite cmdlet in a PowerShell session.

    Ciphers enabled for each profile, in order of preference:

    Modern (TLS 1.3 only)


    Modern (TLS 1.3 and 1.2)


    Standard (TLS 1.2 only)



    Backward compatible (TLS 1.2, 1.1 and 1.0)


Configure the IP source routing protection level

  • Registry path(s): System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters
  • Registry key(s): DisableIPSourceRouting
  • Values: 0/1/2
  • Description: Allows to choose a protection for source-routed packets.

Configure the IP source routing protection level for IPv6

  • Registry path(s): System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters
  • Registry key(s): DisableIPSourceRouting
  • Values: 0/1/2
  • Description: Allows to choose a protection for source-routed packets.

Enable Kerberos events logging

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\Kerberos\Parameters

  • Registry key(s): LogLevel

  • Values: 0/1

  • Description: Enable logging of debug events related to Kerberos in the System Event log.

    If disabled, this policy disable Kerberos-related events logging (this is the default behavior). Enabling this option is only recommended for debugging purposes. Security auditing of events related to Kerberos events should be configured with Advanced Auditing policies.

Disable SMB 1.0 support (client and server)

  • Registry path(s):
    • SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters
    • SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\mrxsmb10
  • Registry key(s):
    • SMB1
    • Start
  • Values:
    • 0
    • 4
  • Description: Disable SMB 1.0 support (client and server)

Configure the minimum SMB2/3 client dialect supported

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters

  • Registry key(s): MinSMB2Dialect

  • Values: 514/528/768/770/785/<delete>

  • **Description:**This policy allows you to configure the minimum SMB2/3 version supported when acting as a client.

    It is recommended to select the minimal version supported by your environment.

    NOTE: if you select a version above what the remote server can, handle, you will not be able to connect to the remote file share.

    Supported versions:

    • SMB 2.0.2
    • SMB 2.1.0 (Windows 7)
    • SMB 3.0.0 (Windows 8)
    • SMB 3.0.2 (windows 8.1)
    • SMB 3.1.1 (Windows 10, Windows Server 2016)

Configure the maximum SMB2/3 client dialect supported

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters

  • Registry key(s): MaxSMB2Dialect

  • Values:

  • Description: This policy allows you to configure the maximum SMB2/3 version supported when acting as a client.

    It is recommended to not configure this policy and to let the system negociate the most suitable version.

    NOTE: do not configure this policy with a value below the one selected in the "Configure minimum SMB2 client dialect supported" policy, otherwise you could break SMB support on your system.

    Supported versions:

    • SMB 2.0.2
    • SMB 2.1.0 (Windows 7)
    • SMB 3.0.0 (Windows 8)
    • SMB 3.0.2 (windows 8.1)
    • SMB 3.1.1 (Windows 10, Windows Server 2016)

Enable support for TLS 1.2 only in WinHTTP

  • Registry path(s):

    • SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\WinHttp
    • SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\WinHttp
  • Registry key(s): DefaultSecureProtocols

  • Values: 2048/<delete>

  • Description: Enabling this policy will enable the support for TLS 1.2 only for applications based on WinHTTP and specifying the WINHTTP_OPTION_SECURE_PROTOCOLS flag.

    Disabling this policy will remove the DefaultSecureProtocols value, and restore the default behavior of WinHTTP.

    NOTE: for Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8 Embedded, you need to install the KB3140245 update before enabling this policy.

Enable advanced logging for Schannel

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL

  • Registry key(s): EventLogging

  • Values: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/0

  • Description: Enabling this policy will enable detailed Schannel events generation. You can choose the desired level of verbosity.

    Logged events are available in the System event log.

Disable the strong-name bypass feature

  • Registry path(s):

    • SOFTWARE\Microsoft.NETFramework
    • SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft.NETFramework
  • Registry key(s): AllowStrongNameBypass

  • Values: 0/1

  • Description: Starting with the .NET Framework version 3.5 Service Pack 1 (SP1), strong-name signatures are not validated when an assembly is loaded into a full-trust xref:System.AppDomain object, such as the default xref:System.AppDomain for the MyComputer zone. This is referred to as the strong-name bypass feature. In a full-trust environment, demands for xref:System.Security.Permissions.StrongNameIdentityPermission always succeed for signed, full-trust assemblies regardless of their signature.

    The only restriction is that the assembly must be fully trusted because its zone is fully trusted. Because the strong name is not a determining factor under these conditions, there is no reason for it to be validated. Bypassing the validation of strong-name signatures provides significant performance improvements.

.NET Framework 4: enable strong cryptographic support

  • Registry path(s):

    • SOFTWARE\Microsoft.NETFramework\v4.0.30319
    • SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft.NETFramework\v4.0.30319
  • Registry key(s):

    • SchUseStrongCrypto
    • SystemDefaultTlsVersions
  • Values:

    • 0/1
    • 0/1
  • Description: Enabling or disabling this policy will respectively enable or disable support for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 in .NET Framework 4.

    If this setting is left unconfigured, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 will be enabled by default for applications targeting .NET Framework 4.6 or higher and disabled otherwise.

.NET Framework 2: enable strong cryptographic support

  • Registry path(s):

    • SOFTWARE\Microsoft.NETFramework\v2.0.50727
    • SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft.NETFramework\v2.0.50727
  • Registry key(s):

    • SchUseStrongCrypto
    • SystemDefaultTlsVersions
  • Values:

    • 0/1
    • 0/1
  • Description: Enabling or disabling this policy will respectively enable or disable support for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 in .NET Framework 2.

    If this setting is left unconfigured, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 will be disabled by default.

Debugging policies

Enable Kernel Address Sanitizer

  • Registry path(s): SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Kernel

  • Registry key(s): KasanEnabled

  • Values: 0/1

  • Description: The Kernel Address Sanitizer (KASAN) is a bug detection technology supported on Windows kernel drivers that enables you to detect several classes of illegal memory accesses, such as buffer overflows and use-after-free events.

    It requires you to enable KASAN on your system, and recompile your kernel driver with a specific MSVC compiler flag.

    This policy controls the support of KASAN in the kernel. Enabling this polic will enable the support of KASAN. Disabling this policy will disable the support of KASAN.
