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Implements the ASN.1 Specification for TPM 2.0 Key Files.

Implementation Status

  • Loadable Keys
  • Importable Keys
  • Sealed data

Loadable Keys

With NewLoadableKey

package main

import (

	keyfile ""


func main() {
	tpm, _ := simulator.OpenSimulator()
	defer tpm.Close()
	k, _ := keyfile.NewLoadableKey(tpm, tpm2.TPMAlgECC, 256, []byte{},
		keyfile.WithDescription("TPM Key"),
	os.Writefile("key.pem", k.Bytes(), 0640)

With NewTPMKey

package main

import (

	keyfile ""


func main(){
	tpm, _ := simulator.OpenSimulator()
	defer tpm.Close()

	primary, _ := tpm2.CreatePrimary{
		PrimaryHandle: tpm2.TPMRHOwner,
		InPublic:      tpm2.New2B(tpm2.ECCSRKTemplate),

	eccTemplate := tpm2.TPMTPublic{
		Type:    tpm2.TPMAlgECC,
		NameAlg: sha,
		ObjectAttributes: tpm2.TPMAObject{
			SignEncrypt:         true,
			FixedTPM:            true,
			FixedParent:         true,
			SensitiveDataOrigin: true,
			UserWithAuth:        true,
		Parameters: tpm2.NewTPMUPublicParms(
				CurveID: ecc,
				Scheme: tpm2.TPMTECCScheme{
					Scheme: tpm2.TPMAlgNull,

	eccKeyResponse, := tpm2.CreateLoaded{
		ParentHandle: tpm2.AuthHandle{
			Handle: primary.ObjectHandle,
			Name:   primary.Name,
			Auth:   tpm2.PasswordAuth([]byte(nil)),
		InPublic: tpm2.New2BTemplate(&eccTemplate),

	k := keyfile.NewTPMKey(
		keyfile.WithDescription("This is a TPM Key"),

	os.Writefile("key.pem", k.Bytes(), 0640)


go-tpm-keyfile implements a crypto.Signer interface to be used with the keys for easy signature creation and verification.

The TPMKeySigner struct implements a callback-style approach for user auth, owner auth and for TPM fetching for easier implementation towards things that require user-input.

package main

import (

	keyfile ""


func main() {
	tpm, _ := simulator.OpenSimulator()
	defer tpm.Close()

	k, _ := NewLoadableKey(tpm, tpm2.TPMAlgECC, 256, []byte(""))

	signer, _ := k.Signer(tpm, []byte(""), []byte(""))

	h := crypto.SHA256.New()
	b := h.Sum(nil)

	sig, _ := signer.Sign((io.Reader)(nil), b[:], crypto.SHA256)

	ok, err := k.Verify(crypto.SHA256, b[:], sig)
	if !ok || err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("invalid signature")