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Extreme Summarization (XSum) Dataset

You can always build the dataset using the instructions below. The original dataset is also available upon request.

This repository contains download and preprocessing instructions for the XSum dataset described in our EMNLP 2018 paper "Don't Give Me the Details, Just the Summary! Topic-Aware Convolutional Neural Networks for Extreme Summarization". Please contact me at [email protected] for any question.

Please cite this paper if you use our code or data.

  author =      "Shashi Narayan and Shay B. Cohen and Mirella Lapata",
  title =       "Don't Give Me the Details, Just the Summary! {T}opic-Aware Convolutional Neural Networks for Extreme Summarization",
  booktitle =   "Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing ",
  year =        "2018",
  address =     "Brussels, Belgium",

What builds the XSum dataset?

XSum-WebArxiveUrls.txt: The XSum dataset consists of 226,711 Wayback archived BBC articles ranging over almost a decade (2010 to 2017) and covering a wide variety of domains (e.g., News, Politics, Sports, Weather, Business, Technology, Science, Health, Family, Education, Entertainment and Arts).

scripts/ Use this script to download BBC articles (html files) from the Wayback Machine.

scripts/ Use this script to extract text from BBC html files.

XSum-WebArxiveUrls-BBCids.txt: Each article comes with a unique identifier in its URL.

XSum-TRAINING-DEV-TEST-SPLIT-90-5-5.json: We used these identifiers to randomly split the dataset into training (90%, 204,045), validation (5%, 11,332), and test (5%, 11,334) set.

Running the Download and Extraction Scripts

The download script is based on the methodology proposed in Hermann et al. (2015) from Google DeepMind.


Python 2.7, wget, libxml2, libxslt, python-dev and virtualenv. libxml2 must be version 2.9.1. You can install libxslt from here:

Activating Virtual Environment

sudo pip install virtualenv
sudo apt-get install python-dev
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev

Download URLs

python scripts/ [--timestamp_exactness 14]

This will download BBC news articles (html files) from the Wayback Machine. The script could fail to download some URLs (Wayback Machine servers temporarily down). Please run this script multiple times to ensure that you have downloaded the whole dataset. Each time you run this script, it stores the missing URLs that should be downloaded in the next turn.

[Sep 19, 2018]: Each URL includes a timestamp (14 letters; year, month, date, hour, minute and second, e.g., 20130206080312) showing when it was stored. By default, it is set to 14 letters. You can lower this to improve your chances to download a BBC article. For example, with timestamp_exactness=4 the time stamp will be chopped to first 4 letters (i.e., 2013) and it will try to download a version of the article stored in 2013 (any month, date, hour, minute or second). Every time you rerun the download script, lower the timestamp_exactness (>= 1) to improve the chances of getting missed URLs from the previous step. However, lower the timestamp_exactness value, more time it will take to retrieve the article.

This will create a directory called "xsum-raw-downloads" with downloaded html files.

Extract Text from HTML files

python scripts/

This will extract text (url, body, summary) from html files. It will create a directory called "xsum-extracts-from-downloads" with extracted data ( files.

Deactivate Virtual Environment


Postprocessing: Sentence Segmentation, Tokenization, Lemmatization and Final preparation

Stanford CoreNLP toolkit

We use the Stanford CoreNLP toolkit to preprocess (segment, tokenize and lemmatize) the extracted files in "xsum-extracts-from-downloads."

Create a file stanford-inputlist.txt which lists extracted data files in "xsum-extracts-from-downloads." For example, it will have entries like:

and so on.

Now, run the Stanford CoreNLP toolkit:

cd tools/stanford-corenlp-full-2015-12-09
./ -annotators tokenize,ssplit,pos,lemma -ssplit.newlineIsSentenceBreak always -filelist stanford-inputlist.txt -outputFormat xml -outputDirectory StanfordOutput

The directory "StanfordOutput" will have CoreNLP output files in the XML format.

Extracting data from CoreNLP XML files

python3 scripts/

It processes files in "StanfordOutput" and creates a directory "xsum-preprocessed" with three subfolders "document", "document-lemma" and "summary".

  • "document-lemma" files are used to train LDA models.

LDA Topic Modeling

This part is only used for Topic-ConvS2S models.

We use the gensim's parallelized Latent Dirichlet Allocation ldamulticore to learn topics over the XSum training ("xsum-preprocessed/document-lemma") data.

Training LDA Models from Scratch

python scripts/ 512 1000 > lda-train.log 2> lda-train.log.2

We train 512 topics with 1000 iterations over the training set. "lda-train.log" prints learned topics with their 30 most frequent words.

This script will generate a directory called "lda-train-document-lemma-topic-512-iter-1000".

Predicting Topics for Each Document in the Corpus

python scripts/ 512 1000

It will use LDA models in "lda-train-document-lemma-topic-512-iter-1000" and create a directory "xsum-preprocessed/document-lemma-topic-512-iter-1000" predicting topics for each document.

Predicting Topics for Each Word in the Corpus

python scripts/ 512 1000 > ./lda-train-document-lemma-topic-512-iter-1000/word_term_topics.log

It will use LDA models in "lda-train-document-lemma-topic-512-iter-1000" and create a file "lda-train-document-lemma-topic-512-iter-1000/word_term_topics.log" predicting topics for each word.

Pretrained LDA Models

In case you have problems training LDA models, you can download them here (200MB).

Please contact [email protected] if you have any problem downloading and preprocessing this dataset.