<input type="file" accept=".scsyndef" oninput="window.run(this.files[0])"> |
<script type="module"> |
import "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/gh-canon/stack-snippet-console@master/console.js"; |
import { Parser } from "https://esm.sh/binary-parser@2.2.1"; |
window.onerror = e => alert(e.message) |
window.run = async function(file) { |
console.log("Hello?", Parser) |
const pstring = new Parser() |
.namely("pstring") |
.nest(null, { |
type: new Parser() |
// This isn't edian depedent |
.uint8("length", { |
assert: val => val <= 255, // Must be 255 charechters or less |
}) |
.string("text", { |
length: "length", |
}), |
formatter: a => a.text |
}) |
const versionDep = new Parser() |
.namely("versionDep") |
.nest(null, { |
type: new Parser() |
.choice("val", { |
tag: "$root.version", |
choices: { |
1: new Parser().int16be("value"), |
2: new Parser().int32be("value"), |
}, |
}), |
formatter: a => a.val.value, |
}); |
let runs = 0; |
// Build a Supercollider synth def Parser |
// Based on spec: https://depts.washington.edu/dxscdoc/Help/Reference/Synth-Definition-File-Format.html |
const SynthDefParser = new Parser() |
.namely("top") |
.useContextVars() |
.endianness("big") |
.string("fileMagicBytes", { |
length: 4, |
assert: "SCgf", |
}) |
.int32("version", { |
assert: x => x == 1 || x == 2, |
}) |
.int16("defsLength") // Number of synths in this file |
.array("synthDefs", { |
length: "defsLength", |
type: new Parser() |
.endianness("big") // Set this to parse as big-edian numbers |
.nest("name", { type: "pstring", }) // Name of the synthdef |
// Constants |
.nest("constantsLength", { type: "versionDep", }) // Number of constants |
// The values of the constants |
.array("constants", { |
type: new Parser().floatbe("value"), |
length: "constantsLength", |
// Extract contents of unnecessary extra object created by the array parser |
formatter: arr => arr.map(a => a.value), |
}) |
// Synth params |
.nest("numParamInitalValues", { type: "versionDep", }) |
.array("paramsInitalValues", { |
type: new Parser().floatbe("value"), |
length: "numParamInitalValues", |
formatter: arr => arr.map(a => a.value), |
}) |
// The synth parameter names |
.nest("paramNamesLength", { type: "versionDep", }) |
.array("paramNames", { |
length: "paramNamesLength", |
type: new Parser() |
.nest("name", { type: "pstring" }) |
.nest("index", { type: "versionDep", }), // Index in param array |
// Puts the synth params in the correct order |
formatter: arr => { |
let a = new Array(arr.length); |
arr.forEach(val => a[val.index] = val.name); |
return a; |
}, |
}) |
// UGens |
.nest("numUGens", { type: "versionDep" }) |
.array("uGens", { |
length: "numUGens", |
type: new Parser() |
.endianness("big") |
.nest("name", { type: "pstring" }) |
.int8("calculationRate") // No clue what this does |
.nest("inputsLength", { type: "versionDep", }) |
.nest("outputsLength", { type: "versionDep", }) |
.int16("specialIndex") // No clue what this does either |
.array("inputs", { |
length: "inputsLength", |
type: new Parser() |
// UGen index (or constant if x < 0) |
.nest("uGenIndex", { type: "versionDep", }) |
// uGenIndex < 0 |
// ? indexOfConstant |
// : uGenOutputIndex |
.nest("index", { type: "versionDep", }), |
}) |
.array("outputs", { |
length: "outputsLength", |
type: new Parser() |
.int8("calculationRate"), |
formatter: arr => arr.map(a => a.calculationRate) |
}) |
}) |
.int16("numVariants") |
.array("variants", { |
length: "numVariants", |
type: new Parser() |
.nest("name", { type: "pstring" }) |
.array("initalValues", { |
length: "name", |
formatter: a => a.value, |
type: new Parser() |
.floatbe("value") |
}) |
}) |
}); |
// If this runs then there aren't any errors in the parser syntax |
console.log("Yay! No errors in parser syntax!"); |
let res = SynthDefParser.parse(new Uint8Array(await file.arrayBuffer())); |
//res.synthDefs.forEach(synthDef => synthDef.uGens = "truncated") |
console.log(res); |
console.log("Done!") |
} |
</script> |