“I met Mr. Socheat Chhay during his stay in Uruguay for a complex project. For 4 or 5 years I had the pleasure to be in touch with him, supplying accounting and administrative services for his company. Socheat has a comprehensive knowledge of financial, operational and commercial areas, great adaptability capacity, and a remarkable analitic simplicity to face complex situations. His excelent character, complete the picture of a great person that would add much value in any business and any human group. Fernando Iruleguy - Partner BGVI”
À propos
Socheat has over 20 years of C-Level experience with a past as an early employee of a…
University of Oxford
Entrepreneurship, Social Business, Corporate Strategy, Strategy and Innovation, Entrepreunarial Finance, Analytics, Leadership, Technology Operation Management, Corporate Turnaround, Impact investment, PE/VC, Marketing, Fintech
Travelled to Silicon Valley, UK, South Africa, India, China, HK, Singapore to meet leading local startups, VCs, incubators, corporate, government bodies and universities to research on social business models -
Licences et certifications
Financial inclusion
World Bank Group
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Hacking Finance to change the world
University of Cape Town
Délivrance leID rmedqbclyx97 du diplôme -
Geospatial Information Technology in fragile context
World Bank Group
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Artificial Intelligence in Finance
CFTE - Centre for Finance, Technology and Entrepreneurship
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Management and Production in Agrobusiness
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Expériences de bénévolat
- aujourd’hui 6 ans 7 mois
Sciences et technologie
Socheat is mentor for several startups, participates on one-on-one discussions (vision, strategy, growth, funding), gives group presentations on Entrepreneurial finance (Funding, VC, valuation, KPIs)
La French Tech
- aujourd’hui 5 ans 5 mois
Autonomisation économique
Le French Tech Tremplin est une initiative qui vise à identifier les entrepreneurs issus des milieux
les moins aisés et les intégrer dans l'écosystème French Tech afin d’optimiser leurs chances de
réussite grâce à des financements, des formations et du mentorat. -
Volunteer Staff
Armée du Salut
Lutte contre la pauvreté
Bilingue ou langue natale
Compétence professionnelle limitée
Bilingue ou langue natale
Recommandations reçues
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