Olivier Mathiot

Olivier Mathiot Olivier Mathiot est un influencer

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Articles de Olivier


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  • Commerce sur internet


    15 experts and 110 pages to know everything about Ecommerce

    Ecosystem - which player, what they do, how they interact ?
    - E boutiques
    - Marketplaces
    - Comparison Shopping sites
    - Shopping flows
    - Affiliate networks

    Connectivity :

    - M-commerce
    - F-commerce
    - S-commerce

    Branding on the internet

    Ergonomic issues


    Client relationship
    - Emailing
    - SEO /SEA
    - Consumer networks
    - Blogs
    - Social networks

    Other authors
  • La Gauche a mal à son entreprise

    Editions Plon

    Economy, politics, entrepreneurship, left wing, digital ?
    How to concilate everything and build a social and sustainable model for the sake and the future of our "old" country, France !
    One chapter is direct letter sent to the French President :

    See publication


  • English


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