Paris et périphérie
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+ de 500 relations
Cher réseau, Il est encore temps de vous souhaiter une très belle année 2025, que je vous souhaite fructueuse en projets et en découvertes 🌱🖼️ ✨ !…
Cher réseau, Il est encore temps de vous souhaiter une très belle année 2025, que je vous souhaite fructueuse en projets et en découvertes 🌱🖼️ ✨ !…
Aimé par Matthieu BARRUE--BRAGADE
Merci encore Futur Association et Les enfants de la balle et toutes les personnes présentes pour ce beau moment ! ❤️
Merci encore Futur Association et Les enfants de la balle et toutes les personnes présentes pour ce beau moment ! ❤️
Aimé par Matthieu BARRUE--BRAGADE
En couverture de Challenges cette semaine 📰 Quelles sont les meilleures écoles de commerce en 2025 ? ➡️ Notre-Dame de Paris…
En couverture de Challenges cette semaine 📰 Quelles sont les meilleures écoles de commerce en 2025 ? ➡️ Notre-Dame de Paris…
Aimé par Matthieu BARRUE--BRAGADE
Ensae ParisTech
Activités et associations :- Basketball Team - ENSAE Junior Etudes - BDS ENSAE
One of France's top schools of economics and statistics ; directly attached to France's National Institute of Economic and Statistical Information (INSEE) and the French Ministry of Economy and Finance.
I was given a proficient training both in economics and statistics. I also had the opportunity to realize an internship year, and graduated with a Master of Science, specialized in Data Science in 2019 -
Activités et associations :Intense preparatory course, training undergraduate students for enrollment in one of the Grandes Ecoles.
Two-year intensive preparation in Mathematics, Physics, French, English, and Informatics (use of Python and Caml) for the highly competitive entrance exams to top French engineering schools
Licences et certifications
Expériences de bénévolat
Groupe Scolaire Sophie Barat
- aujourd’hui 9 ans 1 mois
Intervention of 2 hours with final years of high school to present my educational pathway.
Data Analysis (use of SAS)
English (Foreign Language)
History of Economic Analysis
Introduction to Statistics and Econometrics (use of R)
Machine Learning
Numerical Methods and Applications
Probability Theory
Python for Data Scientist
R programming
Spanish (Foreign Language 2)
Color Crush
Creation of a game, similar to Candy Crush, by using Python.
It is a simpler version, with no appearances of special candies, where the player can try to beat the highest score by aligning 3 balls of similar color.
It helped my team member and I to improve our knowledge of Python, and to learn how to handle a graphic interface (PyQt4 in this project)Autres créateurs -
Economics Paper - The Bitcoin : A monetary revolution for the financial institutions ?
A 30-page long economics paper dealing with the revolution that could instigate the revolution in the financial institutions as we know them.
After introducing its main characteristics, we wondered if the Bitcoin could be considered as a money regarding the classic definition of the money and then we focused on the existing connection between financial institutions and money (monetary politics, exchange rate regime) to assess if the Bitcoin could trigger a real monetary revolution.Autres créateurs
Prix et distinctions
2nd place at ENSAE's Hackathon
Genius ENSAE, EY, Latitudes, Label Emmaüs
Member of the 2nd place team
This Hackathon consisted in a 24h deep learning project for the charity association "Emmaüs", an international solidarity movement founded in Paris in 1949 by the Catholic priest and Capuchin friar Abbé Pierre to combat poverty and homelessness.
The objective of the project was to identify through image classification several objects, which were hard to identify by new volunteers, to improve the efficiency of Emmaüs' online shop, and help new…Member of the 2nd place team
This Hackathon consisted in a 24h deep learning project for the charity association "Emmaüs", an international solidarity movement founded in Paris in 1949 by the Catholic priest and Capuchin friar Abbé Pierre to combat poverty and homelessness.
The objective of the project was to identify through image classification several objects, which were hard to identify by new volunteers, to improve the efficiency of Emmaüs' online shop, and help new volunteers' integration.
A lot of data wrangling and cleansing was necessary, especially since the data was really unbalanced in terms of classes. We used Inception V3 (Tensorflow) for image classification, and Keras for identification of similar images to improve our results.
We also had to prepare a Jupyter notebook and a 3 minutes presentation to summarize our results in an understandable way for both teachers of the ENSAE and Members of "Label Emmaüs". -
1st place at ENSAE's Hackathon
Genius ENSAE, EY, La Croix-Rouge
Member of the winning team
This Hackathon consisted in a 24h machine learnig project, to provide a volunteers' classification to the charity association "La Croix Rouge", which objectives are to come in assistance to people in trouble in France and abroad. Its fundamental missions are the first aid, the social action, the training, the health and the international action.
Te objective of the project was to identify the different profiles of the volunteers of "La Croix Rouge", to…Member of the winning team
This Hackathon consisted in a 24h machine learnig project, to provide a volunteers' classification to the charity association "La Croix Rouge", which objectives are to come in assistance to people in trouble in France and abroad. Its fundamental missions are the first aid, the social action, the training, the health and the international action.
Te objective of the project was to identify the different profiles of the volunteers of "La Croix Rouge", to find out how to give them motivation to keep being part of the association for a longer time, and as more or less active members. It was meant to help "La Croix Rouge" in understanding better their volunteers and to improve their formations and therefore their efficiency.
A lot of data wrangling and cleansing was necessary, as well as the use of relevant classification algorithms like SVM.
We also had to prepare a 5 minutes presentation to present our results in an understandable way for both teachers of the ENSAE and Members of "La Croix Rouge". For this, we used PowToons, to use an efficient and entertaining way to do it.
Résultats d’examens
Résultat : 940/990
Bilingue ou langue natale
Capacité professionnelle complète
Compétence professionnelle limitée
Basketball Club ENSAE ParisTech
Team Captain
-- Person in charge of the relations with the school administration - Communication between the various members - Integration of the new members
Bureau des Sports ENSAE ParisTech
-The "Bureau des Sports ENSAE ParisTech" is an association which consists in promoting the practice of sports among the pupils of the ENSAE ParisTech through the organization of various events (inter schools tournaments for instance) As a treasurer, my task consisted in : - Association's bank account management: Processed all accounts payable and accounts receivable. Calculated and made daily bank deposits. Reviewed budget and made transfers as necessary. - Organization of Sporting Events:…
The "Bureau des Sports ENSAE ParisTech" is an association which consists in promoting the practice of sports among the pupils of the ENSAE ParisTech through the organization of various events (inter schools tournaments for instance) As a treasurer, my task consisted in : - Association's bank account management: Processed all accounts payable and accounts receivable. Calculated and made daily bank deposits. Reviewed budget and made transfers as necessary. - Organization of Sporting Events: Coupe de l'X (Sporting tournament with the best Grandes Ecoles : Polytechnique, HEC, Mines Paris, Centrale Paris, etc.). TOSS (The most prestigious students' sporting tournament in France). Of course, as a member of the association, I also helped with the organization of several other events
Plus d’activités de Matthieu
💬 "Ce qui se conçoit bien s’énonce clairement, et les mots pour le dire arrivent aisément." Qui aurait cru que cette citation de Boileau résonnerait…
💬 "Ce qui se conçoit bien s’énonce clairement, et les mots pour le dire arrivent aisément." Qui aurait cru que cette citation de Boileau résonnerait…
Aimé par Matthieu BARRUE--BRAGADE
🚀 What a weekend! 🚀 I had the incredible opportunity to dive into the AI x Healthcare Hackathon organized by Mistral AI and Alan—and wow, it was…
🚀 What a weekend! 🚀 I had the incredible opportunity to dive into the AI x Healthcare Hackathon organized by Mistral AI and Alan—and wow, it was…
Aimé par Matthieu BARRUE--BRAGADE
Aujourd’hui c’est moi le chef 👨🏻🍳 chez Decideom. Après avoir vu les deux co-fondateurs de Snow hier, ça nous a inspiré ! Je suis au…
Aujourd’hui c’est moi le chef 👨🏻🍳 chez Decideom. Après avoir vu les deux co-fondateurs de Snow hier, ça nous a inspiré ! Je suis au…
Aimé par Matthieu BARRUE--BRAGADE
Clap de fin des JO de Paris 2024 🏆 Nous sommes fiers d'avoir été mentionnés dans le journal ÉcoRéseau Business Merci de mettre en lumière nos…
Clap de fin des JO de Paris 2024 🏆 Nous sommes fiers d'avoir été mentionnés dans le journal ÉcoRéseau Business Merci de mettre en lumière nos…
Aimé par Matthieu BARRUE--BRAGADE
11 faits inconnus sur moi 👇 (La 8ème est vraiment insolite 👀) 1- Je suis hypersensible 🥹 La madeleine à chaque remise de médaille des JO…
11 faits inconnus sur moi 👇 (La 8ème est vraiment insolite 👀) 1- Je suis hypersensible 🥹 La madeleine à chaque remise de médaille des JO…
Aimé par Matthieu BARRUE--BRAGADE