CRA demand has outrun supply for some time now, driven by increasing trial sizes and the rise of more complicated scientific assets (and therefore complex trial data).
Side note: this has also been the main driver in the considerable increase of salaries for experienced CRAs.
⏪ Let’s rewind a bit..
🔍 The CRA in history: Site assessments, onsite visits for data monitoring, face-to-face site contact, site personnel supervision, post-visit report writing and more.
So what’s changed?..
😷 The CRA was one of the most affected roles during the pandemic, with questions over face-to-face contact and patient safety.
🌍 This, coupled with technology revolution and increasing globalisation of clinical trials, gave further permission to the use of decentralized trials (that is where clinical trial activities take place at locations other than the clinical trial site e.g. a patient’s home or nearby care facility) and remote monitoring (that is, virtual data collection with the use of new digital technology).
✋ Both methods enable more patients to participate in a clinical trial, ultimately increasing participation numbers, retention and diversity.
What does this mean for the CRA?
💻 With huge increases in data quantity (and arguably quality), coupled with different data formats and collection methods, the CRA will be required to expand their skill set to data monitor, data analyst and risk analyst.
✍ It is also anticipated that AI will take over a lot of the CRA’s admin responsibility such as data collation and document review, shifting their priorities.
🏥 Whilst historically a CRA would often be seen as site owner, demanding travel schedules often prevented full embracement of this role. With less travel comes more time to dedicate to sites, relationship building, patient flow and ultimately being a true site expert.
Will CRAs become data scientists?
🤝 Whilst technology advances are changing the role of a CRA, it’s likely that this may increase the need for the ‘human touch’ with clinical trial sites.
⚙ Without CRAs being on hand to train trial-sites, answer queries and engage site staff, clinical trials would not function.
💡 Having said that, CRA training will need to be re-considered: digital tools, altered data handling and collection, virtual monitoring to name a few.
📚 The CRA is being forced to adapt. Different skills are being required and therefore different candidates will be selected to perform the role if they do not keep up, or are not offered appropriate upskilling support.
#CRA #Clinicalresearchassociate #Clinicalresearch #Pharma
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