Camille Tyan

Camille Tyan

Paris, Île-de-France, France
10 k abonnés + de 500 relations

À propos

I am a fintech entrepreneur based in Paris. For the past 14 years, I have been building…

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Prix et distinctions

  • 1.75 M€ EU grant (Horizon 2020)

    European Commission

    In 2015, PayPlug was awarded €1.75 million in funding for "PayPlug Labs", a payments and big data project aiming to offer SMEs a next generation payment system combined with fraud protection technology powered by modern statistical algorithms and machine learning.

    Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation program ever launched. Provided with about € 3 billion in funding, the dedicated SME Instrument focuses on high-potential innovation by funding high-potential SMEs to…

    In 2015, PayPlug was awarded €1.75 million in funding for "PayPlug Labs", a payments and big data project aiming to offer SMEs a next generation payment system combined with fraud protection technology powered by modern statistical algorithms and machine learning.

    Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation program ever launched. Provided with about € 3 billion in funding, the dedicated SME Instrument focuses on high-potential innovation by funding high-potential SMEs to develop groundbreaking innovative ideas for products, services or processes that are ready to face global market competition.


  • English


  • French


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