Adrien Fourrier

Adrien Fourrier

Paris, Île-de-France, France
4 k abonnés + de 500 relations


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  • Graphique Sqwad (ex Study Call)

    Sqwad (ex Study Call)

    Paris, Île-de-France, France

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    Paris Area, France

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    Région de Paris, France

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    Région de Salt Lake City, États-Unis


  • Graphique emlyon business school

    EMLYON Business School


    Activités et associations :SOLIDARI-TERRE (World Solidarity) Ligne2Mire (Non-Profit Organization)

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    Intensive higher education studies to prepare for the entrance exams for the Top French Business Schools (“Grandes Ecoles”).
    Equivalent to the first years of a BA.
    Mathematics, Economics, Philosophy, Text synthesizing, English, German

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  • Ligne2Mire (Non-Profit Organization)



    Ligne2Mire – Video association of EMLYON Business School. • Shared out the overall workload among members (filming events, editing) – Particpated to 6 medium-length movies realized. • Conducted interviews and organized school events covering – Official seminars, conferences and the yearly school movie for eligible candidates edited. • Realized promotional short-length movies for external companies

  • SOLIDARI-TERRE (World Solidarity)



    School Construction Project in Kpadape. 1 year fundraising (15 000 €) - 1 month on the field.(Kpadape, Togo) In partnership with "Terre de la Jeunesse Culturelle", a local NGO specialized in Education.

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