Avant de rechercher un financement externe, vous devez avoir une idée claire de vos objectifs et de vos besoins pour votre startup. Quelle est votre proposition de valeur, votre marché cible et votre avantage concurrentiel ? De combien d’argent avez-vous besoin pour atteindre vos jalons et valider vos hypothèses? Quel contrôle êtes-vous prêt à abandonner sur votre vision, votre stratégie et vos opérations? Ces questions vous aideront à déterminer quel type de financement et les options de financement conviennent le mieux à votre démarrage.
Other questions founders seeking funding should consider: What stage is your startup in? What is your financial projection? What is your team's expertise and track record? What is your funding timeline? What is your growth strategy? What is your risk mitigation strategy? What type of investor is the right fit for your startup? Are there any non-financial resources or strategic advantages that investors can bring to your startup? By addressing the aforementioned, founders can gain a comprehensive understanding of their startup's funding requirements and align their strategies with potential investors who are the right fit for their business.
Absolutely agree with this. Some businesses actually do not need funding at all - or may need investors for reasons other than capital. This needs to be understood early on and even before the journey has begun. The key is to find a problem to solve. Can you find a set of people whose problem you solve and get paid for? And is that a big enough number of people? And would they pay for it? And can you build a sustainable operation from this? Those determine if the journey is worth taking on. Next comes scale - if you don't scale you might as well be a one-person team. To scale, you may need capital - and then to become really big and so on. For this you will need capital, the right people, advisors, team, resources, branding and so on.
The fundraising strategy needs to be developed before starting a fundraising round, and based on the above you need to define your Dream Investor and the strategy itself to achieve the fundraising goals. Having defined your Dream Investor profile and the fundraising strategy, you need to list Investors that match the profile in a strategic way to avoid you having more than 100 meetings with investors that do not match your strategy.
Il existe de nombreuses façons de collecter des fonds pour votre startup, telles que le bootstrapping, le financement participatif, les subventions, les prêts, les investisseurs providentiels, les investisseurs en capital-risque et les entreprises partenaires. Chaque option a ses propres avantages et inconvénients, ainsi que des termes et conditions qui affectent votre équité et votre contrôle. Par exemple, le bootstrapping et le financement participatif vous permettent de conserver la pleine propriété et l’autonomie, mais peuvent limiter votre potentiel de croissance et votre accès aux réseaux. D’autre part, les investisseurs providentiels et les investisseurs en capital de risque peuvent fournir plus de capital et d’expertise, mais peuvent également exiger plus d’équité et d’influence sur vos décisions. Vous devez rechercher et comparer soigneusement vos options et conditions, et négocier la meilleure offre pour votre startup.
I would always: 1) bootstrap as long as I could first; 2) Next, borrow as much as possible. Never use equity to buy something you can buy with borrowed money. Debt is cheaper than equity! Hock whatever is necessary and sign personally for the debt if needed; And 3) Sell equity to key employees. All this comes before selling any equity outside of the company. The more you can demonstrate that you can grow the business without outside capital, the less ownership you will have to give away to new equity investors. It really is fundamental!
Trade-off is part of the learning game of a startup. You can never have it all - you win some and lose some. You give some and gain some. And many times it appears as if you are just giving in the hope of gaining something eventually. And that may be frustrating too. This can become subjective and sometimes other stake holders may not agree with you or your view. This is how conflicts are created. And even in conflict there is room for you to give some and take some. There is a secret to solve this or at least get some direction in this matter: that is to know your 'Why'. It is the single most important question startup entrepreneurs should ask themselves. The answer to the question 'why' usually lets you know which way to go.
L’un des facteurs clés pour équilibrer le compromis entre l’abandon de capitaux propres et le maintien du contrôle de votre startup est d’aligner vos intérêts et vos attentes avec vos investisseurs ou partenaires potentiels. Vous voulez trouver des personnes qui partagent votre vision, vos valeurs et vos objectifs, et qui peuvent ajouter de la valeur à votre startup au-delà de l’argent. Vous voulez également communiquer clairement et honnêtement sur vos attentes et vos responsabilités, et établir la confiance et le rapport. En alignant vos intérêts et vos attentes, vous pouvez réduire le risque de conflits et de malentendus et augmenter les chances d’une relation réussie et à long terme.
That makes sense in writing, but the reality is, that finding someone with the same values, interests and expectations that also has spare money to invest, is probably quite rare.
Un autre facteur important pour équilibrer le compromis entre l’abandon des capitaux propres et le maintien du contrôle de votre startup est de protéger vos droits et vos actifs. Vous voulez vous assurer que vous disposez d’une base juridique et financière solide pour votre startup et que vous disposez des documents et accords nécessaires. Par exemple, vous souhaiterez peut-être avoir une convention de cofondateur, un calendrier d’acquisition, une convention d’actionnaires, une feuille de conditions, une convention de non-divulgation et un enregistrement de brevet ou de marque de commerce. Ces documents et accords vous aideront à définir et à sécuriser votre propriété, votre contrôle et votre propriété intellectuelle, et à prévenir tout litige ou poursuite.
One suggestion I've made to clients is to consider moving ownership and revenue streams for certain products and services into separate entities under common ownership. You can invite investors into some but not all of those entities under common ownership.
Enfin, vous devez être flexible et adaptable pour équilibrer le compromis entre l’abandon des capitaux propres et le maintien du contrôle de votre startup. Vous devez comprendre que la collecte de fonds pour votre startup n’est pas un événement ponctuel, mais un processus continu qui peut nécessiter plusieurs cycles de financement et de financement. Vous devez également reconnaître que votre startup peut changer et évoluer au fil du temps, et que vous devrez peut-être ajuster vos plans et stratégies en conséquence. Vous devez être ouvert à la rétroaction, à l’apprentissage et à l’expérimentation, et être prêt à faire des compromis et des compromis si nécessaire. En étant flexible et adaptable, vous pouvez maximiser vos opportunités et vos résultats, et minimiser vos risques et vos coûts.
Be careful about choosing the right investors. Good investors know that diluting your ownership too much will harm the business and your cap-table and make it very hard for you to win investors in your next round. Good investors don't rip you off and know how much dilution is fair, according to market standards, and what it needs from an ownership perspective to incentivize you commercially as a founder to stay until the exit.
My experience is too many business founders try to get outside capital too soon. Their business has not produced significant results yet and appears very risky. Therefore if anyone does invest they are going to insist on taking a large chunk of equity and/or having controlling interest. The longer a founder can wait to go outside for money, the better. They will get more money for a smaller share of their business the better proven their concept is. Plus the fact is bootstrapped companies have more financial discipline and generally do better later when they do get off the ground.
Looking for potential investors vs. debt is an ongoing issue. One of the most important ideas is seriously considering a professionally administered succession plan. The plan will address the hard side as well as the soft side issues. The plan will likely handle the debt vs. equity and potential investor concerns. Please see the following link that will address the succession issue at greater length. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/traditional-fomb-succession-planning-components-10-factors-chindamo/
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