Scott Nuttall and Joseph Bae

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Like their mentors, Henry Kravis and George Roberts, the duo atop KKR have a long history of working together. Joseph Bae and Scott Nuttall met as 27-year old analysts, and climbed the ranks at the private equity giant over the course of careers that spanned the globe. Now co-CEOs of KKR, they sit atop the world’s third-largest alternative asset manager that boasts the industry’s hottest stock and biggest ambitions. By venturing beyond PE and building a buy-and-hold strategy similar to Berkshire Hathaway, Bae and Nuttall have an audacious goal to reach $1 trillion in assets by 2030. As Bae told Fortune this fall for a KKR profile, “Philosophically, the firm’s culture is to underpromise and overdeliver. We wouldn’t put out those long-term targets if we didn’t have a hell of a lot of confidence we could get there and exceed them over time.”