Thank you for your interest in supporting Eastside Preparatory School.Eastside Prep is a growing and thriving school that relies on the generosity of many who support our mission. Your donations and gifts of time are essential for enhancing and maintaining the many elements of our program that make EPS special – everything from academics to athletics, teachers to technology. Your gifts support the people and programs that make it all possible.At Eastside Prep, we don’t believe in event fundraising or multiple fundraising efforts. Each year, we rely solely on the donations raised through our Annual Fund to support each aspect of our program. We invite you to join the 97% of our parents (and 100% of faculty/staff and trustees) who regularly support the Annual Fund. First Name* Last Name* Email Donation Amount* * Pay Existing Annual Fund Pledge Pay New Annual Fund Pledge Pay Existing Endowment Pledge Pay New Endowment Pledge Total $ 0.00 Pay one time Schedule recurring payment Recurring Payment Fields If you choose a day that does not recur each month (like the 31st), you will be charged on the nearest date within the next month (the 30th, or, in February, the 29th or 28th). First Payment On Frequencyweeklybiweeklymonthly Repeat End After Payments Please include specific details here: Each student's experience is possible because of our community's generosity.