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Frá Wikipedia, hin frælsa alfrøðin

Viðmerking: tó at nágreiningarnar niðanfyri kunnu vera gagnligar til at skilja og skriva tekst á samfelagssíðunum (Kjak, Wikipedia, Brúkari, Meta, osf.) og til at skriva samandráttir, vilja vit helst at anfrøðisgreinarnar verða skrivaðar uttan krákumál, sum er lættliga skilligt uttan serligan kunnleika til Wikipediuverkætlanina. Sí: Wikipedia:Lýs krákumál

Hetta er ein orðalisti av orðum, sum vanliga verða nýtt í Wikipediu. Ynskir tú meira hjálp, sí so Wikipedia:Hjálp, Wikipedia:OSS, and Wikipedia:Contributing FAQ. Styttingar, sum ofta verða brúktar í skriva samandráttir, sí Wikipedia:Edit summary legend. Vanlig snarskrift sæst í VfD, sí Wikipedia:Guide to Votes for deletion.

Innihaldsyvirlit A Á B D Ð E É F G H I Í J K L M N O Ó P R S T U Ú V Y Ý Æ Ø
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HTML-navn fyri kotu, ið letur teg slóða til eitt ávíst punkt á síðuni við at brúka stavin "#". Tú kanst brúka teir til at slóða til eitt petti av greinini, t.d. Wikipedia:How to edit a page#Links,_URLs,_images. Legg til merkis, at akker í løtuni onga ávirkan hava í ávísingum.
Enskt: Anchor.
"Article of the week"; Vikugreinin.
Banning is the extreme, last resort action by which someone is prevented from editing Wikipedia for a prolonged or indeterminate length of time. Reason for banning is usually a long history of biased edits, persistent adding of incorrect or doubtful material, refusal to cooperate with others, or extreme incivility and threats. If someone is banned, their username is blocked, and any username or IP that is with great likelihood identified as being the same person can be blocked without any further reason. See also: block
Be Bold
Unofficial policy that users should try and fix mistakes in articles themselves, rather than complaining about it. See WP:BB.
Abbreviation for Wikipedia:Bad jokes and other deleted nonsense.
Removing all content from a page. Newcomers often do this accidentally. On the other hand, if blanking an article is done in bad faith, it is vandalism. If blanking is done to a vandalised brand-new page, it is maintenance, and the page will be deleted by an admin within a few hours if no dispute arises. {{delete}} should be added to the blanked page to draw attention to it, rather than just blanking it.
Action by a sysop, removing from a certain IP-number or username the ability to edit Wikipedia. Usually done against addresses that have done vandalism or against users who have been banned. See also: ban
Boilerplate text
A standard message which can be added to an article using a template. For example, {{stub}} is expanded to the following:
See also Wikipedia:Boilerplate text.
A program that automatically or semi-automatically adds or edits Wikipedia-pages.
See also Wikipedia:Bots, Rambot.
Broken link
Also used: edit link, red link.
A link to a nonexistent page, usually colored red. [[Template:]] may display this way depending on your settings. Links may also appear broken due to a bug in templates which causes links incorporating parameters to be treated as if their target does not exist, regardless of whether it does: Fyrimynd:Redlink.
Broken redirect
Redirect to a non-existing page. Common opinion is that these should be removed.
A Wikipedia Admininistrator who has been entrusted with promoting users to sysops.
See also Wikipedia:Bureaucrats.
A secretive organization which some Wikipedians claim is ultimately responsible for the development of Wikipedia. Supposedly the Cabal acts to stifle dissent and impose their private points of view while hypocritically extolling NPOV. Admins who take action against users for seemingly illogical or immature reasons are often claimed to be acting on behalf of the Cabal.
Compare with Troll.
See also m:Cabal, There Is No Cabal.
A category is a collection of pages automatically formed by the Wikipedia servers by analysing category tags in articles. Category tags are in the form [[Category:Computers]]. The part after the ":" is the name of the Category. Adding a category tag causes a link to the category and any super-categories to go to the bottom of the page. As stated, it also results in the page being added to the category listing. A list of basic categories to browse through can be found at Category:Fundamental.
The Wikipedia:Categories for deletion page.
A term used for articles which seem to attempt a conversation with the reader. Chatty articles may need cleanup.
The process of repairing articles that are ungrammatical, are poorly formatted, etc. Cleanup generally requires only editing skills, as opposed to the specialized knowledge that is more often called for by pages needing attention.
See also: Wikipedia:Cleanup process.
Community Portal
One of Wikipedia's main pages. It can often be found on the quickbar (on the left side in most skins), and is a page that lists the collaboration of the week, outstanding tasks that need to be addressed, and several other useful bits of information and resources. The Community Portal is useful for picking an article or topic to work on or read.
Short for contributions. These are the edits that a user has made.
Also used: copyviol.
Copyright violation. Usually used in an edit summary when some copyrighted material has been added to Wikipedia.
See also Wikipedia:Copyrights.
"Collaboration of the week"; Vikugreinin.
Cut and paste move
Moving a page by taking the text of the page, and put it into the edit window for the second page. Generally considered worse than the 'move page' option, because it causes the page and its edit history to be in different places. Cut and paste moves can be fixed by administrators.
See also Wikipedia:How to fix cut and paste moves.
See Disambiguation.
Data dump
At innseta tilfar frá uttanhýsis keldum til Wikipedia uttan at ritstjórna, formattera og slóða. Flestu Wikipedians taka ikki undir við hesum.
Sí eisini Wikify.
Dead-end page
Page that has no links to existing other pages, except perhaps interlanguage links. Special:Deadendpages lists them, but this function is disabled in some Wikimedia projects.
See De-sysop.
Also used: un-bold.
To remove a phrase's bold typeface, because it is not the first reference to the title or a synonym of the topic (which should be bold), or that it is not the topic of the article at all. Common situations when one would de-bold include: bold foreign words (should instead be italicized) and bold Wikilinks (which, according to current Manual of Style, should be plain).
Someone who is in favor of deleting some pages that others prefer to keep. Often used as a derogatory term. The term 'inclusionist' for the opposite party is less used.
See also m:deletionism and m:inclusionism.
Also used: De-admin.
Take away someone's sysop status. Used very rarely, in cases where someone has misused their sysop powers.
See also Wikipedia:Possible misuses of admin privileges.
Brúkari, sum kann gera beinleiðis broytingar í Wikipedia software og Wikipedia-dátugrunnin.
Sí eisini m:Developer, har tú fært ein lista yvir mennarar (developers) og aðra kunning.
Also used: Un-Wikify.
To remove (de-link) a wikification of an article. This can be done to remove selflinks or excessive common-noun Wikification.
Also used: Dictdef.
Short for a dictionary definition. This term is commonly used on Wikipedia:Votes for deletion when referring to an article that is more similar to a dictionary article than an encyclopedia one.
See also Wikipedia:Wikipedia is not a dictionary.
Munurin (difference) millum tvær útgávur av einari síðu, soleiðis sum hann verður vístur, tá Page history-funktiónin verður nýtt, ella frá Recent Changes. Tær samanbornu útgávurnar eru kodaðar í URL'inum, so tú kanst gera eina slóð við at kopiera og seta munin inn - til dømis tá tú kjakast um eina broyting á kjaksíðuni til eina grein.
Sí eisini m:Help:Diff.
Also used: dab, disambig.
The process of resolving the conflict that occurs when articles about two or more different topics have the same natural title.
See also Wikipedia:Disambiguation.
Disambiguation page
Síða, sum inniheldur ymiskar týdningar av einum orði, og vísir til síðurnar, har ymisku týdningarnir eru defineraðir.
Double redirect
A redirect which leads to another redirect. Counterintuitively, this will not bring one to the final destination, so it needs to be eliminated by linking directly to the target redirect.
Short for a duplicate article. Often used when identifying a duplicate page that needs to be merged with another.
An abbreviation for Template:Did you know.


Edit conflict
Two or more parties both attempt to save different edits to the same page at the same time, causing one to get canceled out.
See also Wikipedia:edit conflicts.
Edit link
See Broken link.
Edit summary
The contents of the "Summary:" field below the edit box on the "Edit this page" page.
See also Wikipedia:Edit summary.
Edit war
Also used: revert war.
Tveir ella fleiri partar, sum áhaldandi gera broytingar á eini síðu, og taka burtur broytingar, sum teir ikki eru taka undir við. Vanliga er ein edit war úrslit av einari ósemju á kjaksíðuni, sum ikki kundi loysast.
Sí eisini Wikipedia:Edit war.
External link
Also used: ext. ln, ext lk, or extlink.
A link to a website not owned by Wikimedia. The alternatives are an internal link, wikilink or free link within Wikipedia, and an interwiki link to a sister project.
See also Wikipedia:External links.
Featured article candidate, an article that has been proposed for consideration to be featured as one of the best in Wikipedia.
A neologism most often seen on WP:VFD, meaning a trivia article of interest only to hardcore fans of a specific film, television series, book, game, etc. Where the line is drawn is highly subjective and can be controversial. Often seen as an insult to those who've contributed that information, and to others interested in the subject.
Forest fire
A flame war which spreads, seemingly uncontrollably, beyond the pages where it began into unrelated articles' talk pages. A forest fire becomes progressively more difficult for any user to keep track of. On Wikipedia, this is less of a problem than on other wikis, due to well-established boundaries for user conduct, clear guidelines for article content, and a formal dispute resolution process.
See also wildfire and MeatBall:ForestFire.
Free link
A link pointing to another page within Wikipedia or its sister projects by using the wiki markup double square-brackets "[[" and "]]". Sometimes they are referred to as wikilinks or internal links. These links usually show up as blue if they are working and you haven't visited them before, red if they are broken, and purple if they are working and you have visited them before; note that they do not have the arrow symbol characteristic of an external link.
GNU Free Documentation License. Wikipedia articles are released under this license.
See also Wikipedia:Copyrights.
Google test
Running sections or titles of articles through the Google search engine for various purposes. The four most common are to check for copyright violations, to determine which term among several is the most widely used, to decide whether a person is sufficiently famous to warrant an article or is simply engaging in vanity and to check whether a questionable and obscure topic is real (as opposed to the idiosyncratic invention of a particular individual).
See also Wikipedia:Google test.
Ein undirsíða til eina kjaksíðu hagar partar av kjakinum verða fluttir fyri at minka um sjálva kjaksíðuna.
Sí eisini: Wikipedia:Hvussu goymi eg eina kjaksíðu.
Enskt: Archive.
GNU General Public License. Wikipedia's software is released under this license.
Uppslag í alfrøði. Allar greinir eru síður, men ikki allar síður eru greinir.
Sí eisini wikipediasíðuna Wikipedia:Hvat er ein grein (ið ikki er ein grein).
Enskt: Article.
Hetta er ein grein, sum bara er til við tí endamáli at lýsa fyri og stuðla einari vøru, felagi, tænastu ella síðu, heldur enn at geva alfrøðiligar upplýsingar.
Enskt: Ad, Advertisement.
Stytting fyri Images for Deletion.
Stytting fyri I Am Not A Lawyer, sum vísir til, at ein ritstjóri fer at siga sín hugburð um eina løgfrøðiligan spurning, sum hann skilir hann, hóast hann ikki er kvalifiseraður og helst ikki skilir viðkomandi lóg til fulnar.
A consistently-formatted table which is present in articles with a common subject.
See also: taxobox.
Internal link
free link.
A link to a sister project; this can be an interlanguage link to a corresponding article in a different language in Wikipedia, or a link to a project such as Wikibooks, Meta, etc.
Stytting fyri Template:In the news
Jimmy Wales, chair of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Language link
An attempt by a third party to resolve an edit war or other conflict between users. There exists a Wikipedia:Mediation Committee which can do so on a more or less official basis as the penultimate step in the Wikipedia:dispute resolution process.
See also: Wikipedia:What is mediation?; Wikipedia:Mediation.
The software behind Wikipedia and its sister projects, as well as several projects not related to Wikimedia, and a namespace.
Compare with Wikimedia.
See also Wikipedia:MediaWiki, Wikipedia:MediaWiki namespace.
At taka tekstin frá tveimum síðum og leggja hann saman til eina síðu.
A separate wiki (http://meta.wikipedia.org) used to discuss general Wikipedia matters. In the past, this has been called Metapedia, Meta Wikipedia, Meta Wikimedia, and many other combinations.
See also Meta.
Meta page
Síða sum kunnar um Wikipedia. Metasíður kallast eisini - rættari - project namespace-síður. Metasíður eiga ikki at verða mistiknir fyri síður á Meta-Wikimedia.
Sí eisini Wikipedia:Meta page.
Eitt annað website enn Wikipedia sum hevur innihald við uppruna í Wikipedia sum kelda fyri í minsta lagi sumt av sínum innihaldi.
Sí eisini Wikipedia:Mirrors and forks.
Changing the name and location of an article due to a misspelling, violation of naming convention, misnomer, or inaccuracy. Involves either renaming the page or moving it and constructing a redirect to keep the original link in tact.
See also Help:Renaming (moving) a page.


An abbreviation for new article, often used in edit summaries.
A way to classify pages. Wikipedia has namespaces for encyclopedia articles, pages about Wikipedia (project namespace), user pages (User:), special pages (Special:), template pages (Template:), and talk pages (Talk:, Wikipedia talk:, and User talk:), among others.
See also Wikipedia:Namespace.
Newbie test
Also used: newb test, noob test.
An edit made by a newcomer to Wikipedia, just to see if "Edit this page" really does what it sounds like. Newcomers should use Wikipedia:Sandbox for this purpose.
See also Wikipedia:Clueless newbies.
Neutral point of view, or the agreement to report subjective opinions objectively, so as not to cause edit wars between opposing sides. As a verb, to remove biased statements or slanted phrasing. As an adjective, it indicates that an article is in compliance with Wikipedia's NPOV policy.
A Wikipedia predecessor project that shut down in 2003. It is currently inactive and there are no plans to resurrect it.
See also: Wikipedia:Nupedia and Wikipedia.
A page with no links from other pages. You can view lists of orphaned articles and images.
See also Wikipedia:Orphan.
Any individual topic within Wikipedia; the web page without the top, bottom and side bars. Pages include articles, stubs, redirects, disambiguation pages, user pages, talk pages, documentation and special pages.
Patent nonsense
A humorous pejorative applied to articles that are either completely unintelligible or totally irrelevant. See Wikipedia:Patent nonsense.
Peer Review
A request to have fellow wikipedians review and help improve an article. Wikipedia has a page specifically for posting such a request and offering up your work for review. See Wikipedia:Peer Review.
Phase I
The wiki software UseModWiki. Wikipedia used this software prior to January 25, 2002.
Phase II
The wiki software written by User:Magnus Manske and adopted by Wikipedia after January 25, 2002 (Magnus Manske Day).
Phase III
A rewritten and improved version of the Phase II software. It was eventually renamed to MediaWiki. Wikipedia currently uses MediaWiki version 1.4
See also Wikipedia:MediaWiki, m:MediaWiki.
Phase IV
A dreamy proposal for the next generation of Wikipedia software made back when complete rewrites were in vogue. Development is now focused on incremental progress.
See also m:Wikipedia4.
Piped link
A link where the displayed text is not the name of the target article. Such links are created using the pipe character "|" e.g. [[Target article|Displayed text]]. The pipe trick is a software feature that generates the displayed text for you in certain circumstances.
See also Wikipedia:Piped link.
Point of view. Often used negatively as an adjective to indicate bias, as in "That reply was POV, not neutral.".
POV warrior
A wiki editor who aggressively distorts coverage of certain topics to suit his/her biases despite community norms of neutrality. An affliction that especially infests Wikipedia.
Project namespace
The project namespace is a namespace dedicated to providing information about wikipedia.
Protected page
A page that cannot be edited except by sysops. Usually this is done to cool down an edit war.
See also Wikipedia:This page is protected.
The Pump
Also used: VP.
A nickname for Wikipedia:Village pump.
Wikimedia Quarto is a multilingual quarterly newsletter published by the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. It can be read online here
A poll among Wikipedia regulars on issues that need to be quickly resolved, such as the banning of problematic users. Also used as verb: to quickpoll, meaning to hold a quickpoll. Considered obsolete.
A controversial bot written by User:Ram-Man and used to enter United States geographical data for tens of thousands of cities, notable and otherwise.
See also User talk:Rambot.
Random page
The Random page link is on the left of each page for most skins. It will take you to a Wikipedia article that is chosen by a computer algorithm without any deliberate pattern or meaning to the choice.
An abbreviation for Special:Recentchanges
A posting either of the same text of a deleted article by a new user, or of the same text or different text of a deleted article by the original creator.
Also used: redir.
A page title which, when requested, merely sends the reader to another page. This is used for synonyms and ease of linking. For example, impressionist might redirect to impressionism.
See also Wikipedia:Redirect.
Red link
See Broken link.
An edit that reverses changes made by someone else.
See also Wikipedia:Revert
Revert war
See Edit war.
Can mean request for adminship or request for arbitration, depending on the context. The latter is frequently abbreviated RfAr to avoid the ambiguity.
Request for comment, part of the dispute resolution process. A request for comment is an informal process for soliciting input from Wikipedians about a question of article content or a user?s conduct.
See also: Wikipedia:Requests for comment.
The Wikipedia:Redirects for deletion page.
Request for mediation, part of the dispute resolution process.
See also: Wikipedia:Requests for mediation.
Remove. Used in edit summaries to indicate that a particular piece of text or formatting has been deleted.
To change a page back to the version before the last edit. Sysops have special possibilities to do this more easily.
Revert. An edit summary indicating that the page has been reverted to a previous version, often because of vandalism.
See also Wikipedia:How to revert a page to an earlier version.
Replace word1 with word2. Used in edit summaries. It is a reference to the command for "find and replace" in languages such as sed and Perl. s/word1/word2/g means "replace all occurrences of word1 with word2" (g stands for "global").
A sandbox is a page that users may edit however they want. Though it is meant to help users experiment and gain familiarity with Wiki markup, the public sandbox at Wikipedia:Sandbox is often filled with strange things and patent nonsense. In addition to the public sandbox, users may create private sandboxes on subpages of their user page, e.g. User:Hephaestos/Sandbox.
Section editing
Using the 'edit' links to the right of the page, one can get an edit window containing only part of the page, making it (hopefully) easier to find the exact spot where one wants to edit. Javascript is needed for section editing. You can turn section editing off in your preferences under the "Enable section editing via [edit] links" option.
A Wikilink contained in an article that points the reader to that same article, e.g. linking Vice President in the article "Vice President". Such links are automatically displayed as strongly emphasised text rather than links, but the more complex case of a link which redirects to the same article is not, and should be de-wikified.
The appearance theme in Special:Preferences. Currently, five are available: Standard, Nostalgia, Cologne Blue, Monobook, and MySkin.
Sock puppet
Another user account created secretly by an existing wikipedian, generally to manufacture the illusion of support in a vote or argument.
See also Wikipedia:Sock puppet.
Soft redirect
A very short article or page that essentially points the reader in the direction of another page. Used in cases where a normal redirect is inappropriate for various reasons (e.g. it is a cross-wiki redirect)
See also Wikipedia:Soft redirect.
Short for spelling correction. Used in edit summaries.
Separating a single page into two or more pages.
An Administrator who has been empowered to change any user's status, including granting and revoking Administrator status and granting bureaucrat status.
See also Wikipedia:Administrators#Stewards.
An article usually consisting of one short paragraph or less.
See also Wikipedia:Find or fix a stub.
A very short stub. For example, an article that is no more than a simple definition ("An airplane is a type of winged flying vehicle").
See also Wikipedia:Substub.
A page connected to a parent page. You can only create subpages in certain namespaces. Do not use subpages in the main article space.
See also Wikipedia:Subpages.
Allar eldri útgávur av eini grein, síðan hon varð byrjað til núverandi útsjónd. Eisini nevnt page history.
Sí eisini: Wikipedia:Page history


Talk page
A page reserved for discussion. All pages within Wikipedia (except talk pages themselves!) have talk pages attached to them.
See also Wikipedia:Talk page.
A type of infobox, a taxobox is a taxonomy table positioned at the right side of an entry for a species of organism (or for a genus or family), giving a chart of the kingdom, phylum, etc. of the creature. Taxoboxes are also used for similar standardised tables.
See also Wikipedia:Taxobox.
A way of automatically including the contents of one page within another page, used for boilerplate text, navigational aids, etc.
See also: Wikipedia:Template namespace.
The Wikipedia:Templates for deletion page.
There are two main ways of using templates on articles: inclusion (accomplished by using {{Template Name}}), and transclusion ({{subst:Template Name}}). The former will include the content of Template Name on the fly whenever the article is loaded, while the latter will permanently insert the content of the template onto the article. Thus, using transclusion, if the template content is modified at a later date, the article's content will not change.
Transclusion is the preferred method for short-term, non-permanent notices, as it is less confusing, and even helps to lighten the load on the database.
The English-language Wikipedia should have only pages in English. Non-English pages are subject to deletion unless translated.
See also: Wikipedia:Pages needing translation into English for pages on the English Wikipedia that are written in a foreign language; Wikipedia:Translation into English for requests for translations into English of pages from foreign-language Wikipedias.
Move a page to another wiki, in particular Wiktionary, Wikibooks, Wikisource or sep11.
See also m:Transwiki.
A user who incites or engages in disruptive behavior (trolling). This term is applied fairly arbitrarily; generally, it can be assumed that someone who calls another user a troll simply does not like that user. Admins sometimes consider trolling to be justification for banning indefinitely. The validity of this is somewhat questionable, partly because the definition of troll is not agreed upon, and because calling someone a troll has an effect similar to calling someone a Nazi – no further meaningful debate can be held.
Compare with Cabal.
See also polarization.
A cute misspelling of typo. Used as an edit summary when correcting typos.
See also Wikipedia:typo.
Ein brúkari við serligum tøkniligum framíhjárættindum, sum ger húsligt arbeiði.
Enskt: Admin, Administrator; eisini brúkt: sysop.
What should not be in Wikipedia; the term is highly debated and sometimes considered useless or tautological.
See also Wikipedia:Unencyclopedic.
Going against the character of a Wiki. Usually saying that something is un-wiki means that it makes editing more difficult or impossible.
See UseModWiki.
User page
A personal page for Wikipedians. Most people use their pages to introduce themselves and to keep various personal notes and lists. They are also used by Wikipedians to communicate with each other via the user talk pages. A user page is linked to as [[User:Hephaestos|Hephaestos]] and appears as Hephaestos.
See also Wikipedia:User page.
Seinasta stigið í ósemjuloysn viðvíkjandi innihaldi og orðalagi í greinum.
Sí eisini Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee.
Enskt: Arbitration.
Some kind of bot being used for vandalism or spamming. Recognizable by the fact that one or a few IP-addresses make many similar clearly vandalist edits in a short time. In the worst cases these have created or vandalized hundreds of pages in several Wikipedias in a timespan of only minutes.
See also m:Vandalbot.
Deliberate defacement of Wikipedia pages. This can be by deleting text or writing nonsense, bad language etcetera. The term is often incorrectly used to discredit the views of an opponent in edit wars. Vandalism can be reported at Wikipedia:Vandalism in progress.
See also m:Wikipedia vandalism.
Vanity page
A page in the article namespace that presents biographical details of a non-famous person favorably and is considered inappropriate and/or unencyclopedic by most Wikipedians. Such articles are often suspected to be written by their subjects.
See also Wikipedia:Wikipedia is not a vanity press.
The Wikipedia:Votes for deletion page.
See also Wikipedia:Votes for deletion phrases for explanation of some terms used on VfD.
The Wikipedia:Votes for undeletion page.
Vikugreinin ella Samstarvið hesa vikuna er í nøkrum øðrum wikipedium ein grein, sum treingir til at verða betrað. Greinin verður við atkvøðugreiðslu vald at vera evnið í einari víðari samstarvsbetring í eina viku. (Tað enska navn var fýrr Article of the week, AOTW, men hevur nýliga fingið nýggja navnið Wikipedia:Collaboration of the week, COTW.)
The Wikipedia:Village pump page.
A set of pages selected by the user, who can then click on My watchlist to see recent changes to those pages.
See also: Help:Watching pages.
A Wikipedia sister project that works to develop free textbooks, manuals, and other texts online.
See also Wikibooks.
Also used: Wikivacation.
When a Wikipedian takes a break from Wikipedia.
See also m:Wikibreak.
To format using wiki markup (as opposed to plain text or HTML) and add internal links to material, incorporating it into the whole of Wikipedia. Noun: Wikification. Sometimes abbreviated wfy.
A link to another Wikipedia page, as opposed to an external link. See Wikipedia:Canonicalization.
Wiki markup
Also used: wiki text, wikitext.
Code like HTML, but simplified and more convenient, for example '''bold''' instead of <b>bold</b>. It is the source code stored in the database and shown in the edit box. Searching by the Wikipedia software is done in the wikitext, as opposed to searching by Google, which is done in the resulting text. The size of a page is the size of the wikitext.
See also Wikipedia:How to edit a page.
Properly Wikimedia Foundation Inc., a non-profit organisation that provides a legal, financial and organisational framework for Wikipedia and its sister projects and provides the necessary hardware.
Compare with MediaWiki.
See also Wikimedia.
Also used: Wikipedist, Wikipede.
A contributor to Wikipedia.
See also Wikipedia:Wikipedians.
An attempt to standardise the content and formatting of a particular category of articles using an agreed template.
See also Wikipedia:WikiProject.
The Wikipedia etiquette of working with others on Wikipedia.
See also Wikipedia:Wikiquette.
A Wikipedia sister project to create a free online collection of quotations.
See also Wikiquote.
A Wikipedia sister project to create a free online compendium of primary source texts.
See also Wikisource.
Articles with advertorial content.
Personal stress or tension induced by editing Wikipedia, or more often by being involved in minor conflict with another editor. Some users maintain a Wikistress meter on their user page. See Wikistress template.
A Wikipedia sister project to create a free online dictionary of every language.
See also Wiktionary.
See Wikimedia Foundation.
Common abbreviation for Wikipedia, especially for pages in the Wikipedia namespace. See Wikipedia:Namespace#Pseudo namespaces and Wikipedia:WP.
en: / de: / ja: / etc.
The English / German / Japanese / etc.-language Wikipedia. Often used in edit summaries to indicate changes to interwiki links. For a full list of codes, see ISO 639. For a full list of Wikipedias, see m:Complete list of language Wikipedias available

Fyrimynd:CompactTOC2 minnan:Wikipedia:Te̍k-sû iōng-gí