Strong stakeholder engagement towards Minesto’s first tidal energy Dragon farm in Hestfjord, Faroe Islands On Monday 3rd February, ocean energy developer Minesto welcomed Faroese stakeholders, authorities as well as the public to a seminar at the Nordic House in Torshavn. Martin Edlund, CEO of Minesto, presented the company’s vision for a sustainable energy system in the Faroe Islands, a 200MW buildout roadmap. The CEO of Faroese utility company Sev, Hákun Djurhuus took part in a panel to discuss the role of tidal energy in reaching a 100% renewable electricity generation as well as the collaboration with Minesto in developing the first Dragon farm (tidal array) in Hestfjord. The Minesto event attracted a broad range of stakeholders, there among Faroese suppliers, energy companies, academia, authorities, politicians and the business community in general. “With world class tidal stream resources, marine operations skills and strong local partners Faroe Islands are an ideal location for the first build out of Minesto’s dragon farms. Selecting Faroe Islands as our step-in market is for our also motivated by the strong political will and our partner SEVs determination to take the energy transition all the way to net-zero”” said Martin Edlund, CEO of Minesto. “The collaboration with Minesto is of great value to us, together we are pioneering tidal energy. Our vision is to reach 100% sustainable electricity generation and tidal power with its predictable power has the potential to be the key enabler to reach the target”, commented Hákun Djuurhus, CEO of Sev. Martin Edlund presented how Minesto’s dragons contribute to the Faroe Islands electricity mix by lowering total investment needs and providing security of supply to enable the renewable transition. Martin Edlund described the need for local collaboration and investments: . “The Hestjord Dragon Farm will be a first-of-a-kind tidal energy array. We actively work with Sev and the Faroese community with site development to plan for infrastructure and obtain vital permits. There is a genuine interest from Faroese investors and actors to become a part of this journey,” said Martin Edlund. “Realising the Hestfjord dragon farm is a joint work, also outlined in the collaboration agreement between Sev and Minesto. Sev’s role in the Hestfjord project includes providing onshore grid infrastructure and of course, willingness to buy the electricity produced”, said Hákun Djurhuus. “We congratulate Minesto for a successful event at the Nordic House, attracting many actors and stakeholders and creating an open and interesting discussion, also acknowledging the challenges ahead. We look forward to continued collaboration with Minesto regarding the realization of the world’s first tidal “Dragon” farm of 10MW in Hestfjord”, concludes Hákun Djurhuus.
Elfelagið SEV - Electrical company
Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing
100% burðardygg elorka á landi í 2030 - 100 by 2030
About us
Sev is the main electricity supplier in the Faroe Islands. Situated in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean the Faroese live in co-existence with nature. As the main supplier of electricity Sev has faced the challenge of sustainable energy head on. Combining hydropower, solarpower and wind power to generate 50% of the Faroese energy supply sustainable. Our overall aim is to reach 100% sustainable electricity generation by 2030. Elfelagið Sev er lívæðrin í føroyska samfelagnum. Sev hevur veitingarskyldu, og veitir øllum borgarum, virkjum, stovnum o.l. støðugan streym alt samdøgrið. Harumframt hevur Sev sett sær fyri, at øll elorka á landi stavar frá varandi orkukeldum í 2030. Vit arbeiða hvønn dag ítøkiliga fram ímóti at røkka hesum máli til frama fyri føroyska samfelagið.
- Website
External link for Elfelagið SEV - Electrical company
- Industry
- Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing
- Company size
- 51-200 employees
- Headquarters
- Thorshavn
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 1946
Landavegur 92
Thorshavn, 100, FO
Employees at Elfelagið SEV - Electrical company
Kristianna Rein
Jan Erik Niclasen
Electrical Engineer - Power Operations at SEV - Electrical company
Pauli Djurholm
Computer Administration and Support at Electrical Power company SEV
Terji Nielsen
Head of R&D department at Electrical Power company SEV, MBA Renewables - PhD student @ AAU (Electric Power systems and Microgrids)
Leyst starv - Hevur tú dirvi og áræði til at standa við ábyrgdini av elframleiðsluni í meginøkinum í Føroyum? Ert tú maskinmeistari ella elinnleggjari? Vit sóknast eftir fólki til høvuðskontrollrúmið hjá Sev at byrja skjótast til ber. Freistin at søkja er 27. januar. Les meira
Maintenance work in the mountains 👷♂️ ❄️ Our transmission network has to withstand all weather conditions. At this time of the year, days are short and nights are long and dark - but the work needs to be done, nontheless, in order to maintain a reliable electrical grid. #faroeislands #100by2030 #electricity #gridwork
Leyst starv - Maskinmeistari/maskinistur til Sundsverkið Ert tú okkara nýggi maskinmeistari? Okkum tørvar ein maskinmeistara/maskinist til Sundsverkið Sundsverkið er garantur fyri veitingartrygdini, og tú verður partur av starvsfólkahópinum á verkinum, sum telur 40 dugnalig fólk. Freistin at søkja er 8. januar, kl. 24.00.
Happy #globalhydropowerday 🌊 Today, we celebrate the vital importance of hydro power production in our journey towards 100% sustainable electricity generation by 2030 🌿 In the Faroe Islands, we have harnessed hydro power since 1921 and it still plays a big part in our energy mix.
Vit sóknast eftir løgfrøðingi til Sev Talan er um nýtt fulltíðarstarv, sum tú verður við til at mynda í samráð við leiðsluna hjá Sev. Tú verður fakliga ímyndin av “løgfrøðiliga vanganum” hjá Sev, og er einasti løgfrøðingur hjá Sev, sum burturav er settur sum løgfrøðingur. Freistin at søkja er 13. oktober
Leyst starv - Løgfrøðingur til Sev - endurlýsing Trívist tú við at ráðgeva í løgfrøðiligum spurningum – serliga á privat- og byggirættarliga økinum? Viðkomandi, ið settur verður, skal eisini hava kunnleika til ella royndir innan fyrisitingarrættin, og við at samstarva og samskifta við kommunur og almennar myndugleikar. Freistin at søkja starvið er 13. oktober, vit gleða okkum til at hoyra frá tær.
One of Sev’s biggest projects is laying cables next to the new road from Hvítanes to Tórshavn. While the road is under construction, Sev is laying cables underground that span tens of kilometers. The Faroese electrical grid needs to be strong enough to meet the increasing energy demands, e.g. industrial activity, energy transition and population growth. Since all constructions and extensions put huge demands on the electrical grid, it consistently needs to be strengthened and renewed. Over the last 12 years, the electricity sales (kWh) have doubled. Jón Nielsen, Director of Distribution at Sev, explains how they are working to future-proof the electrical grid in the Faroe Islands, and how the process of renewing started in the late 80’s when the grid was damaged by the storms. Heini Ziskason Viðoy shot the drone footage.
A typical workday at the Grid Operation Department at Sev. Pætur Dam, electrician, explains. Sev is obligated to supply power to the whole population of the Faroe Islands 24 hours a day. The Faroese electrical grid goes over the mountains to almost every corner of the country. Since the overhead power lines are prone to be damaged by the harsh weather, Sev is gradually working towards putting everything in cables underground, in order to reduce the risk of power outages caused by, for example, the weather. The Grid Operation Department maintains, strengthens and develops the Faroese electrical grid. This video shows a typical workday where they reconfigure the network in the mountains, before the poles are dismantled. Music by Bensound License code: 4FCMHDJXBRIAEZFL
The Faroe Islands 58% green for the first half of 2024 🌿 Sustainables made up 58% of total electricity generation for the first half of 2024. Wind power and hydro power generation, respectively, increased as thermal power generation decreased.
The Faroe Islands 58% green for the first half of 2024