At Fortum Innovation & Venturing, I drive, validate, and scale Horizon 3 opportunities…
"Great market insights don’t come from spreadsheets and research reports alone, they emerge from casual interactive conversations with customers." -…
"Great market insights don’t come from spreadsheets and research reports alone, they emerge from casual interactive conversations with customers." -…
Jukka Lahtinen tykkäsi
Did you know that February 28 is an "economic blackout" day? During this time, it's encourages not to buy anything - shopping in-store or online at…
Did you know that February 28 is an "economic blackout" day? During this time, it's encourages not to buy anything - shopping in-store or online at…
Jukka Lahtinen tykkäsi
Vihdoinkin julki. #Kasvuriihi-työryhmämme loppuraportti on julkaistu ja luovutettu tänään pääministeri Petteri Orpolle. Olemme usean kuukauden…
Vihdoinkin julki. #Kasvuriihi-työryhmämme loppuraportti on julkaistu ja luovutettu tänään pääministeri Petteri Orpolle. Olemme usean kuukauden…
Jukka Lahtinen tykkäsi
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural Master's Programme deepening strategic and managerial skills within convergence of innovation, digitalisation and key business concepts.
Core Studies:
Strategy and Management
Data-driven Decision Management
Growth and Innovation -
Core studies:
Management of Innovation and Technology
Service Science Management
Korean Language -
Core studies:
Organizational Management
Project Management
Business Development -
Studying Korean language via Cyber University of Korea, leading on-line university founded by Korea University.
Lisenssit ja todistukset
Project Management Foundation Certificate
IPMA: International Project Management Association
Myönnetty -
Use of PR in Startups
YOLK Crowdfunding Campaign
Assisted with most successful crowdfunding campaign in Korea up to date (Total of $1,021,583)
Äidinkielinen tai kaksikielinen
Kattava ammatillinen kielitaito
Toimiva peruskielitaito
Toimiva peruskielitaito
Toimiva peruskielitaito
More activity by Jukka
One year after the launch of the #AntwerpDeclaration, 400 business leaders, industry and worker representatives from across Europe met in Antwerp to…
One year after the launch of the #AntwerpDeclaration, 400 business leaders, industry and worker representatives from across Europe met in Antwerp to…
Jukka Lahtinen tykkäsi
The U.S. electricity grid is undergoing its biggest transformation in over a century. As solar and batteries scale at record pace and AI…
The U.S. electricity grid is undergoing its biggest transformation in over a century. As solar and batteries scale at record pace and AI…
Jukka Lahtinen tykkäsi
Today, the Commission on the Scaling of Fusion Energy released our preliminary report. This report presents a bold vision for making fusion energy a…
Today, the Commission on the Scaling of Fusion Energy released our preliminary report. This report presents a bold vision for making fusion energy a…
Jukka Lahtinen tykkäsi
✨ Eilen minulla oli loistava kokemus ja onnistunut esitys Finnish Business Angels Network (FiBAN) FiBANice – Angel Investors Oulussa! 🚀 🎯 Tapahtuma…
✨ Eilen minulla oli loistava kokemus ja onnistunut esitys Finnish Business Angels Network (FiBAN) FiBANice – Angel Investors Oulussa! 🚀 🎯 Tapahtuma…
Jukka Lahtinen tykkäsi
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Muut nimetyt Jukka Lahtinen Finland
Jukka Lahtinen
Managing Director
Jukka Lahtinen
Jukka Lahtinen
Software Consultant, Partner at Kipinä Software
Jukka Lahtinen
Architect SAFA, Architect Office HML, Oulu and Helsinki Finland
29 muut nimetyt Jukka Lahtinen Finland ovat LinkedInissä
Muiden nimeäminen Jukka Lahtinen