Kevin Fenzi
Greetings. I work for Red Hat as the Fedora Infrastructure Lead. This means I work on keeping all the servers that run Fedora running. I work in the CPE ( Community platform engineering ) group within Red Hat.
I also do lots of other things for Fedora in my "spare" time.
Not that I have spare time.
Things I do/work on in Fedora:
- I've been on FESCo since it has existed.
- I am a SCMAdmin, and process SCM requests for new packages or branches sometimes.
- I'm a packaging Sponsor and help review and sponsor new packagers.
- I (co)maintain the Xfce packages in Fedora, as well as many others.
- I Help out as time permits in #fedora on
- I run the fedbot that is used in #fedora
- I Help maintain the Xfce spin and am active in the SPINS sig.
- I am in EPEL-releng and help process requests there as well as help run EPEL meetings.
- I am in the sysadmin-tools group and help manage and create new mailing lists.
And probably other things I can't recall. ;)
You can get a hold of me via email:
Email: [email protected] (vastly preferred, I check this very often)
Email: [email protected] (I prefer to use this only for RH internal stuff, please use above address)
Or via on various of the #fedora-* channels. My IRC nick is 'nirik'.
This is a small test change