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Revision as of 20:05, 21 May 2019 by Smooge (talk | contribs) (Clean out old data)
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Stephen Smoogen

I am a 450+ year old Linux administrator who hasn't updated his page in years. My hobbies are role-playing games and computer hacking. My favourite job was working for Los Alamos National Laboratories Computer Incident Response Team.

I believe in and try to act with "Moderation in all things, even Moderation." I am currently working on the EPEL Steering Committee, and working EPEL-8 packages.

Stephen Smoogen
Personal information
Location: United States
E-mail: smooge AT gmail dot com
Contact information
IRC: smooge on

Fedora-specific information
FAS name: smooge
Fedora e-mail: [email protected]
Fedora homepage:


  • Email: [[MailTo(smooge AT gmail DOT com)] (moin encodes email addresses properly to anonymous users)
  • IRC: smooge #epel #centos-devel #fedora-noc

Activities within Fedora

  • Some words about your involvement in Fedora, your plans, ideas, etc.
  • For example, if you are into translations, the languages you are working on; if you are into docs, the docs you are interested in, etc.