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Revision as of 14:38, 15 March 2012 by Suresht (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{header|events}} This is the main page for a Fedora Awareness at Fedora Eventwith Mozilla[[")
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This is the main page for a Fedora Awareness at [Fedora Event]with Mozilla[Mozilla Event],It will be a series of events among the university students in Srilanka as much i can with Mozilla.event will be like Barcamp style and huckfest goodies distributing... which is a FAD focused on Gather in one place all the highest open source contributors .


Our purpose is to have to create strong foundation in Srilanka FAD with the following primary goals:

    • Gather in one place all the highest contributors from Sri Lanka.
    • Give education and knowledge to Sri Lankan undergraduates about how to join and help the Fedora Project.
    • Make Fedora popular among undergraduates.

Detailed Work Items & Final Attendees

No Name Roll comments status
01 Suresh Fedora Project Contributor & Ambassador ***


  1. Location -[SLIIT]
  2. Date:29 March 2012
  3. Time:13.30 - 15.30
  4. Venue:5th Floor-Hall No 501


Question Answer
What's Fedora_Table? It will be the normal booth camp event like others are doing around the world
Audience? welcome everyone who are interested in FOSS.expected Audience Level >150
Goodies Fedora CD,Firefox stickers & standard-issue buttons will be available for students.
Travelling-Local ? Open for anyone.
Event Owners? Suresh Packiyarajah
Fedora Awareness News announcing  ? [twitter] , [Facebook] and [Blog].