Thematic Working Groups on Monitoring and Evaluating the CAP

The European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP organises Thematic Working Groups (TWG) to find practical solutions to specific issues related to the evaluation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

Each TWG typically includes members of the Evaluation Helpdesk’s permanent staff as well as selected external experts with relevant knowledge. The topics addressed through a TWG are decided by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI), in cooperation with the Evaluation Helpdesk and in consultation with EU Member States. DG AGRI staff and EU Member States' representatives are also invited to contribute to specific TWG activities, when appropriate.


  • Provide important input related to CAP monitoring and evaluation in terms of methods and approaches.
  • Bring together specific groups of designated experts to address a particular monitoring and evaluation need or topic.
  • Produce guidance on a specified topic or support the development of methodologies that can address a particular CAP monitoring and evaluation issue.

Ongoing Thematic Working Groups

Assessment of sectoral support within the CAP

This Thematic Working Group aimed to guide EU Member States and evaluation stakeholders in comprehensively assessing the impact of the CAP, focusing on the sectoral support for the fruit and vegetables, for the wine, olive oil and hops sectors, the apiculture sector and others.

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Assessment of CAP contributions to sustainable productivity

The objective of this Thematic Working Group was to produce guidance on how to assess the CAP’s contribution to sustainable farm productivity while considering social and environmental indicators as well.

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Previous Thematic Working Groups

Assessment of results based interventions

This Thematic Working Group aimed to develop a common understanding of the types and definition of result-based interventions, analysed recent experiences, and assed their contribution to the objectives of the CAP Strategic Plans.

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Use of factors of success in evaluation

This Thematic Working Group aimed to promote common approaches regarding the use of factors of success, by showing EU Member States how to operationalise them in CAP Strategic Plans evaluations, with a specific focus on their use for the assessment of the key evaluation elements.

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Assessing the Added Value of LEADER

This Thematic Working Group aimed to provide methodological support to EU Member States in evaluating and demonstrating the added value of LEADER.

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Assessment of CAP income support interventions

This Thematic Working Group developed guidance for EU Member States on how to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of these CAP interventions in supporting adequate levels and stability of farm income.

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Evaluation of AKIS

This Thematic Working Group had the objective to conceptualise and operationalise the methodological guidance that Member States may need in assessing the functioning and improvement of AKIS and its impact on innovation uptake by farmers.

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Animal Welfare Indicator

The first TWG of the 2023-2027 programming period from the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP had the overall objective of providing support to the European Commission in the assessment of animal welfare supported by the CAP.

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