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- Founding Partner at Metrix Partners a boutique advisory firm serving the startup…
Artículos de Xavier
Do you follow RethinkX ? If not, you should, if nothing else to read about an extreme view on how technology can transform humankind. In his article…
Do you follow RethinkX ? If not, you should, if nothing else to read about an extreme view on how technology can transform humankind. In his article…
Publicado por Xavier Sansó
Last week, I was in Barcelona for the 4YFN conference and felt energized by the vibrant Spanish HealthTech ecosystem. As a Frenchman who studied in…
Last week, I was in Barcelona for the 4YFN conference and felt energized by the vibrant Spanish HealthTech ecosystem. As a Frenchman who studied in…
Recomendado por Xavier Sansó
"Trump is making Europe great again" by giving us different opportunities: - The opportunity to make the Euro a true reserve currency - The…
"Trump is making Europe great again" by giving us different opportunities: - The opportunity to make the Euro a true reserve currency - The…
Compartido por Xavier Sansó
Licencias y certificaciones
Competencia bilingüe o nativa
Competencia bilingüe o nativa
Competencia bilingüe o nativa
Competencia bilingüe o nativa
Deloitte Alumni in Spain
ESADE Alumni
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Who is a woman who has inspired your career? #IWD25 There is no doubt about this - my wife Margalida Amengual. Since we met in 1992 we have been…
Who is a woman who has inspired your career? #IWD25 There is no doubt about this - my wife Margalida Amengual. Since we met in 1992 we have been…
Publicado por Xavier Sansó
Who is a woman who has inspired your career? #IWD25 Not just my career, but my whole life: my grandmother who was born in a small town in the…
Who is a woman who has inspired your career? #IWD25 Not just my career, but my whole life: my grandmother who was born in a small town in the…
Recomendado por Xavier Sansó
📢 Heute ist #WeltFRAUENtag – und unsere Stimmen zählen! 💪 Während weltweit Frauenrechte beschnitten werden, ist eines klar: Wir lassen uns nicht…
📢 Heute ist #WeltFRAUENtag – und unsere Stimmen zählen! 💪 Während weltweit Frauenrechte beschnitten werden, ist eines klar: Wir lassen uns nicht…
Recomendado por Xavier Sansó
🔜 A new chapter for Nelly This week marks the end of an era – it's our last one in our beloved office at Spreeufer. A place that has been so much…
🔜 A new chapter for Nelly This week marks the end of an era – it's our last one in our beloved office at Spreeufer. A place that has been so much…
Recomendado por Xavier Sansó
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