«I had the pleasure to work with Victor during my SDG experience. Victor is a highly skilled business developer with strong business and client orientation. He is very energetic, focused on results and is capable to strategically manage opportunities to ensure the optimum business value and to achieve client expectations. We were facing challenging situations together because of the consulting practice and he was always supportive. In addition, Victor is capable to understand technical concepts and connect the dots to improve the value proposition in different sectors and practices.»
Víctor Andía Sierra
Barcelona y alrededores
8 mil seguidores
Más de 500 contactos
Licencias y certificaciones
La cultura de la dada serà cooperativa, transparent i ètica (o no serà)
"Una adequada governança de la dada eliminarà les fronteres perquè una cultura cooperativa impregni tota l'organització"
Planifica y vencerás: Cómo maximizar mi estrategia de objetivos e incentivos
El sector farmacéutico presenta características peculiares que lo hacen único en el panorama económico mundial. Ante los constantes cambios que vivimos, necesitamos una capacidad de reacción rápida. El poder planificar las estrategias de objetivos e incentivos es clave para garantizar a las empresas farmacéuticas una toma de decisiones eficaz y eficiente alineadas con la estrategia de la compañía.
InPresS Mobile Acquisition, processing and display of analog sensor signals developed in Android and Arduino
The aim of this project is to implement InPresS in the Android platform. InPresS is a medical application developed by the team LET’s from Ospedale Fatebenefratelli di Roma, which takes data from an analog sensor that the patient must press. The application in addition to acquiring these data, processes and displays them on screen. In this project, we design an application, that in addition to the actions that had inpress beta version, it has other very useful options such as GPS references and…
The aim of this project is to implement InPresS in the Android platform. InPresS is a medical application developed by the team LET’s from Ospedale Fatebenefratelli di Roma, which takes data from an analog sensor that the patient must press. The application in addition to acquiring these data, processes and displays them on screen. In this project, we design an application, that in addition to the actions that had inpress beta version, it has other very useful options such as GPS references and full connectivity between patient and hospital.
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