Ignasi Barri Vilardell

Ignasi Barri Vilardell

Sant Cugat del Vallès, Cataluña, España
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With over a decade of experience in developing innovative solutions that utilize…


Artículos de Ignasi

  • Penny wise, pound foolish

    Penny wise, pound foolish

    In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the adage "Penny wise, pound foolish" has taken on a new significance…

    1 comentario
  • Tunnel vision

    Tunnel vision

    According to wikipedia, tunnel vision metaphorically denotes the reluctance to consider alternatives to one's preferred…

    1 comentario
  • "SobreConectados"​


    Hace varios años, leía un artículo en Harvard Business Review sobre Collaborative Overload. En el artículo se apuntaba…

    13 comentarios
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  • Gráfico GFT Technologies

    GFT Technologies

    Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

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    Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

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    Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

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    Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

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    Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

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    Barcelona Area, Spain

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    Barcelona y alrededores, España

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    Lleida, España

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    Lleida, España

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    Lleida, España

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  • Gráfico IEB



    El sector financiero se está transformando y la palabra “Digital” suena cada vez más fuerte en los comités de dirección de las principales entidades financieras. Del discurso y la comunicación se ha pasado a los cambios organizativos y la ejecución, síntoma de que la convergencia a la banca digital ya está en marcha y no hay vuelta atrás.
    La aparición de miles de start-ups FinTech a nivel mundial unidas a las grandes empresas tecnológicas como Google o Apple han llegado al sector financiero…

    El sector financiero se está transformando y la palabra “Digital” suena cada vez más fuerte en los comités de dirección de las principales entidades financieras. Del discurso y la comunicación se ha pasado a los cambios organizativos y la ejecución, síntoma de que la convergencia a la banca digital ya está en marcha y no hay vuelta atrás.
    La aparición de miles de start-ups FinTech a nivel mundial unidas a las grandes empresas tecnológicas como Google o Apple han llegado al sector financiero para diseñar un nuevo panorama competitivo, en el cual los actores tradicionales deberán de renovarse para poder sobrevivir. Además las nuevas tecnologías como Big Data, Cloud Computing o Blockchain, las nuevas formas de trabajar como Agile o Lean, o la innovación disruptiva y el Open Innovation han llegado para quedarse.

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Licencias y certificaciones


  • 30 Corporate Innovation Labs In Finance


    Es vital que uno sienta satisfacción del trabajo que realiza. Sin embargo, no está de más, cuando otros lo resaltan.
    En el caso que me ocupa, se trata de CBinsights; han publicado una lista de los 30 Mejores Laboratorios de Innovación en Banca y han incluido el de GFT.
    Este reconocimiento no hace más que reforzar aun más la creencia de haber realizado un buen trabajo y de que, por mucho que mi nombre aparezca en el estudio, uno es tan bueno como el equipo que tiene.
    Gracias a todo el…

    Es vital que uno sienta satisfacción del trabajo que realiza. Sin embargo, no está de más, cuando otros lo resaltan.
    En el caso que me ocupa, se trata de CBinsights; han publicado una lista de los 30 Mejores Laboratorios de Innovación en Banca y han incluido el de GFT.
    Este reconocimiento no hace más que reforzar aun más la creencia de haber realizado un buen trabajo y de que, por mucho que mi nombre aparezca en el estudio, uno es tan bueno como el equipo que tiene.
    Gracias a todo el equipo por haber creado un hito en el mundo de la banca digital, innovación y en GFT!

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  • Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing Volume 151, 2012, pp 229-239

    Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing Volume 151, 2012, pp 229-239

    This article presents PANGEA, an agent platform to develop open multiagent systems, specifically those including organizational aspects such as virtual agent organizations. The platform allows the integral management of organizations and offers tools to the end user. Additionally, it includes a communication protocol based on the IRC standard, which facilitates implementation and remains robust even with a large number of connections. The introduction of a CommunicationAgent and a Sniffer make…

    This article presents PANGEA, an agent platform to develop open multiagent systems, specifically those including organizational aspects such as virtual agent organizations. The platform allows the integral management of organizations and offers tools to the end user. Additionally, it includes a communication protocol based on the IRC standard, which facilitates implementation and remains robust even with a large number of connections. The introduction of a CommunicationAgent and a Sniffer make it possible to offer web services for the distributed control of interaction.

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  • Proximity Detection Prototype Adapted to a Work Environment. Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications

    Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing Volume 153, 2012, pp 51-58

    This article presents a proximity detection prototype that uses ZigBee technology. The prototype is primarily oriented to proximity detection within an office environment and some of the particular characteristics specific to such an environment, including the integration of people with disabilities into the workplace. This allows the system to define and manage the different profiles of people with disabilities, facilitating their job assimilation by automatically switching on or off the…

    This article presents a proximity detection prototype that uses ZigBee technology. The prototype is primarily oriented to proximity detection within an office environment and some of the particular characteristics specific to such an environment, including the integration of people with disabilities into the workplace. This allows the system to define and manage the different profiles of people with disabilities, facilitating their job assimilation by automatically switching on or off the computer upon detecting the user’s presence, or initiating a procedure that automatically adapts the computer to the personal needs of the user.

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  • A formal credit-based incentive model for sharing computer resources

    Euro-Par 2010-Parallel Processing

    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing, the harnessing of idle CPU cycles through the Internet, offers new research challenges in the domain of distributed computing. This paper presents an incentive mechanism based on credits, designed to operate on different types of shared computing networks such as P2P, P2P Grid, Opportunistic Grid, Desktop Grid, volunteer computing platforms, and so on. The main contribution is a new reinvestment policy called Weighted that increases peer participation…

    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing, the harnessing of idle CPU cycles through the Internet, offers new research challenges in the domain of distributed computing. This paper presents an incentive mechanism based on credits, designed to operate on different types of shared computing networks such as P2P, P2P Grid, Opportunistic Grid, Desktop Grid, volunteer computing platforms, and so on. The main contribution is a new reinvestment policy called Weighted that increases peer participation significantly. This mechanism reflects P2P user dynamics, penalizes free-riders efficiently and encourages peer participation. Simulation results show that our policy outperforms alternative approaches, maximizing system throughput and limiting free-riding behaviour. Furthermore, a mathematical model has been proposed and analysed in order to formalize the policy and setting up the configuration of the principal parameters of the incentive mechanism.

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  • Dealing with heterogeneity for mapping MMOFPS in distributed systems

    Euro-Par 2010 Parallel Processing Workshops

    In this paper, we present a distributed heterogeneous system called OnDeGaS (On Demand Game Service), that fits the scalability and latency requirements of MMOFPS networked games. To exploit platform capabilities efficiently, the OnDeGaS system performs a mapping mechanism that assigns the game sessions of a MMOFPS, taking advantage of the specific available computational resources of individual nodes. We show through simulation that this mapping mechanism is able to deal with different…

    In this paper, we present a distributed heterogeneous system called OnDeGaS (On Demand Game Service), that fits the scalability and latency requirements of MMOFPS networked games. To exploit platform capabilities efficiently, the OnDeGaS system performs a mapping mechanism that assigns the game sessions of a MMOFPS, taking advantage of the specific available computational resources of individual nodes. We show through simulation that this mapping mechanism is able to deal with different heterogeneity conditions in the distributed area. It allows the system to grow at any moment according to the existing demand, while latency values are maintained under the acceptable threshold permitted in MMOFPS games.

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  • Distributing game instances in a hybrid client-server/P2P system to support MMORPG playability

    Multimedia Tools and Applications. Volume 75 Number 4

    MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) is the most popular genre among network gamers, and now attract millions of users, who play simultaneously in an evolving virtual world. This huge number of concurrent players requires the availability of high performance computation servers. Additionally, gaming aware distribution mechanisms are needed to distribute game instances among servers to avoid load imbalances that affect performance negatively. In this work, we tackle the…

    MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) is the most popular genre among network gamers, and now attract millions of users, who play simultaneously in an evolving virtual world. This huge number of concurrent players requires the availability of high performance computation servers. Additionally, gaming aware distribution mechanisms are needed to distribute game instances among servers to avoid load imbalances that affect performance negatively. In this work, we tackle the problem of game distribution and scalability by means of a hybrid Client-Server/P2P architecture that can scale dynamically according to the demand. To manage peak loads that occur during the game, we distribute game computation across the system according to the behavior of MMORPGs. We distinguish between the computation associated with the Main Game, that affects all players, and the computation of Auxiliary Games that affects only a few players and acts in isolation from the execution of the Main Game. Taking this distinction into account, we propose a mechanism that is focused in the distribution of Auxiliary Games, as an entity, across the pool of servers and peers of the underlying hybrid architecture. We evaluate the performance of the balancing mechanism taking the criteria of latency and reliability into account, and we compare the effectiveness of the mechanism with a classic approach that applies load balancing to individually players in a Client-Server system. We show that the balancing mechanism based on the latency criteria provides lower latency than the classical proposal, while in relation to reliability, we obtain a failure probability of under 0.9 % in the worst case, which is amply compensated by the scalability provided by the use of the P2P area.

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  • Digital Innovation Lab

    - actualidad

    At the GFT Digital Innovation Lab we help our customers shape the future of digital business in financial services. In this space, we research the latest technology trends and analyze their influence on customer behavior by testing concepts and prototypes in areas that emulate day-to-day environments.
    The Lab is the perfect set up to bring together banks and insurers, customers, business visionaries and technology experts to work on the design of new experiences for banking and insurance…

    At the GFT Digital Innovation Lab we help our customers shape the future of digital business in financial services. In this space, we research the latest technology trends and analyze their influence on customer behavior by testing concepts and prototypes in areas that emulate day-to-day environments.
    The Lab is the perfect set up to bring together banks and insurers, customers, business visionaries and technology experts to work on the design of new experiences for banking and insurance. Discover it in this video.
    Also in the Lab team: Josep Maria Viladegut, David Castellà, Albert Bonet, Marc Rodríguez Estivill among others.

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  • Digital Transformation Unit


    Thanks to an extensive presence in forums, conferences and networking events, we identify all changes produced in the market, understand them and subsequently embrace them to make them part of our DNA.

    In parallel to our own ongoing transformation, we envisage which of those learnings can be adopted by our clients. In doing so, we deliver services that enrich all stages of their value chain, helping them to keep pace with the rapid changes…

    Thanks to an extensive presence in forums, conferences and networking events, we identify all changes produced in the market, understand them and subsequently embrace them to make them part of our DNA.

    In parallel to our own ongoing transformation, we envisage which of those learnings can be adopted by our clients. In doing so, we deliver services that enrich all stages of their value chain, helping them to keep pace with the rapid changes affecting the financial industry.

    We achieve each challenging milestone thanks to our open and interactive approach to innovation. Many startups are a valuable source of new technology and FinTech companies are typically founded with the purpose of disrupting existing financial systems. Being close to these startups is a good way to spot new opportunities and trends. This also makes it easier to connect with people and ideas, companies and entrepreneurs, governments and industries – thus acting as a vehicle for sharing and transferring innovation.

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  • BBVA Mobile App for Visually Impaired


    BBVA ha presentado recientemente una nueva aplicación móvil destinada a facilitar la operativa en sus más de 6.000 cajeros en España a las personas ciegas, con discapacidad física o intelectual leve. GFT fue el partner tecnológico escogido por la entidad bancaria para el desarrollo del concepto, así como de la implementación del mismo en el canal móvil de este proyecto pionero. Gracias a la explotación de las capacidades y servicios del Laboratorio de Innovación Digital de GFT, se pasó del reto…

    BBVA ha presentado recientemente una nueva aplicación móvil destinada a facilitar la operativa en sus más de 6.000 cajeros en España a las personas ciegas, con discapacidad física o intelectual leve. GFT fue el partner tecnológico escogido por la entidad bancaria para el desarrollo del concepto, así como de la implementación del mismo en el canal móvil de este proyecto pionero. Gracias a la explotación de las capacidades y servicios del Laboratorio de Innovación Digital de GFT, se pasó del reto al prototipo en pocas semanas y se validó con usuarios invidentes su adecuación.

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  • Proyecto AZTECA: Integración Laboral de Personas con Discapacidad


    El proyecto nace para facilitar el cumplimiento de la Ley de Integración Social y Laboral para Minusválidos (LISMI), que pretende la incorporación de trabajadores con discapacidad al mercado de trabajo ordinario de una forma normalizada y satisfactoria para sus aspiraciones.
    En ese sentido, el alcance del proyecto AZTECA (Ambientes Inteligentes con Tecnología Accesible para el Trabajo) es investigar y desarrollar nuevas tecnologías que contribuyan a la integración laboral de colectivos de…

    El proyecto nace para facilitar el cumplimiento de la Ley de Integración Social y Laboral para Minusválidos (LISMI), que pretende la incorporación de trabajadores con discapacidad al mercado de trabajo ordinario de una forma normalizada y satisfactoria para sus aspiraciones.
    En ese sentido, el alcance del proyecto AZTECA (Ambientes Inteligentes con Tecnología Accesible para el Trabajo) es investigar y desarrollar nuevas tecnologías que contribuyan a la integración laboral de colectivos de personas con discapacidad visual, auditiva y motriz en entornos laborales de oficina a través de una arquitectura de servicios orientada a la interacción, la comunicación, la movilidad y el trabajo independiente.

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