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Fujikura Automotive Europe

Fujikura Automotive Europe

Fabricación de vehículos de motor

Zaragoza, Aragón 3254 seguidores

Creating exceptional value for our customers around the world using "Tsunagu" technologies (Japanese for "connecting")

Sobre nosotros

Fujikura Automotive Europe es un grupo de empresas dedicadas a la fabricación de componentes para el sector automovilístico. Las oficinas centrales están en España (Zaragoza). La empresa se fundó en 1992, para dar servicio a un importante fabricante de automóviles español. Desde entonces, el grupo ha crecido con el objetivo de ofrecer el mejor servicio posible a nuestros clientes, estableciendo oficinas de servicio al cliente (Customer Service Centres - CSCs) y plantas productivas cerca de nuestros clientes. Con ésta filosofía, el Grupo se estableció en Rumanía, posteriormente en Centroamérica con diferentes plantas en México y finalmente abrió el primer CSC en Alemania (Wolfsburg). Éste grupo de automoción basado en Europa, se unió al Grupo Fujikura en 2006. Desde entonces, el Grupo Fujikura Automotive Europe ha recorrido una larga distancia para establecer colaboración con nuestros clientes con nuevas instalaciones en nuevos territorios (Marruecos, Rusia, Ucrania y Moldavia). Además, hemos expandido nuestros CSCs en Europa (Alemania, España y República Checa) y hemos potenciado nuestros Centros de Desarrollo especializados en Alemania para contribuir en el éxito de nuestros clientes, ofreciéndoles el desarrollo de productos de tecnología puntera. Fujikura Automotive Europe da soporte a sus clientes con más de 15000 empleados distribuidos por Europa y el Norte de África.

Sitio web
Fabricación de vehículos de motor
Tamaño de la empresa
Más de 10.001 empleados
Zaragoza, Aragón
De financiación privada
Cableado electrico y Automoción


Empleados en Fujikura Automotive Europe


  • We are happy to share that the celebration of Waterwhale International's 15th Anniversary, came with a recognition award for our Company! We're proud to have Waterwhale as a partner, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration to drive innovation and excellence in the automotive industry. A big thank you to Waterwhale for this recognition, and to our team for their tireless efforts. Let's keep pushing boundaries and striving for greatness! #Waterwhale

    Ver la página de empresa de Waterwhale International

    727 seguidores

    Inolvidable noche la que pasamos ayer en el WTCZ celebrando el 15 Aniversario de #Waterwhale. Enhorabuena al Arzobispado de Zaragoza, al Aeropuerto de Teruel, a Fujikura Automotive Europe y al Cluster de Automoción y Mobilidad de Aragón, reconocidos por la firma en los #Premios15Aniversario Muchas gracias a todos los que nos pudisteis acompañar en esta inolvidable velada. ¡A por otros 15! #YouWillNeverSailAlone

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  • Dear Fujikura-Community, 🚘 this week we had the pleasure of welcoming Mr. Holba & Mr. Melichar from #Skoda Purchasing in #Morocco. We were able to present our plant and our professional performing production to them. 👊 Many thanks to all for the productive conversations about current and future projects.   😎 From the left: Alberto Sotomayor Castilla (Operation Leader Kenitra), Michal Hybner (FAE Sales KeyAccount Manager Skoda), Adam Holba (Teamleader Skoda Purchasing Wire Harness), Jan Melichar (Skoda Head of Purchasing Connectivity), Andreas Feyler (FAE Sales), Noureddine Kabrane (Plant Manager Kenitra3).

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  • Team effort pays off 💪 We are really excited to share that our Company has been awarded with the Talentia Global Transformation award by Talentia Software!   This is the result of our Human Resources team’s hard work and commitment along with Talentia’s invaluable support and guidance.   We would like to give special thanks to Alicia Gómez García, Elsa Jimenez Lorda, María Charalampidou, Manuel Ruiz and Mari Cruz Sanchez Soler as core players to this project and also to all our HR professionals, IT, change agents, managers and employees who are working every day to successfully implement it. #HR #MeetTalentia2024

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  • WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY Every year, the World Economic Forum Global Risks elaborate a Report. As 2024 begins, the 19th edition of the report is set against a backdrop of rapidly accelerating technological change and economic uncertainty, as the world is plagued by a duo of dangerous crises: climate and conflict   Environmental risk continues to dominate the risks landscape over all three-time frames and today, World Environment Day, looking for give visibility to the different caused by extreme weather we would like to share with all of you this information.  2023 was the warmest year in history after seven consecutive months of record-breaking temperatures from June to December. Las year also saw extreme weather event sus as Canadian Wildfires, Hurricane Otis off Mexico’s southern Pacific costa, and Typhoon Doksuri in China. These extreme weather events as likely to only became more common after scientist fount the global warming is well on the way to crossing the Paris Agreement’s 1.5 ºC threshold in January 2023. With climate change accelerating, companies and governments are searching for ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In Fujikura Automotive Europe for FY2022, we calculated our Impact in Carbon Footprint, and currently we are calculating the carbon footprint for FY2023. Our comprise is to be aligned with the International Standard (Science Based Targets) and reach the neutral carbon footprint in 2050 and develop our decarbonization plan to reach our goals. In this day we would like to extend to the rest of the people and make responsible actions to reduce the impact on the environment.  

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  • It is a pleasure to announce that we have obtained the verification for the Carbon Footprint FY 2022 according with the standard UNE-ISO 14064-1: 2019 "Greenhouse gases - Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals (ISO 14064-1:2018)". This verification gives us an improvement in our corporate image and commitment to sustainability, as well as a competitive advantage in the current market where sustainability is increasingly valued. We would like to thank Laura Bustos García, our Sustainability GHG Expert and also the different departments who helped to reach this goal, and the support of the Management of the Company. We will continue working to reduce these results and achieve the goal of being carbon neutral by 2050!

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