General Parser Combinators in Racket

Vegard Øye

How to implement a general parser combinator framework which handles left-recursive and ambiguous grammars.

This article explains how to implement a general parser combinator framework in Racket, a Lisp dialect with roots in Scheme. However, the principles are not specific to Racket and could be expressed in any language; porting is outlined at the end of the article.

All the code is released freely on GitHub under the MIT License. You can download a Zip file, or you can clone the repository with the following command:

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The repository also includes the full text of the article in Markdown format (Pandoc flavor). I welcome suggestions and improvements! Feel free to open an issue on the bug tracker, or to fork the repository. You can also contact me, Vegard Øye, at vegard (underline) oye (at) hotmail (dot) com.

The article aims to be an accessible introduction to the ideas found in the papers “Memoization in Top-Down Parsing” by Mark Johnson and “Generalized Parser Combinators” by Daniel Spiewak. If you are interested in the topic, I especially recommend you go on to read Spiewak’s paper. It is very good. Other reading suggestions are provided at the end.


Traditional top-down parsers cannot handle all recursive grammars, even if recursion may be the most natural way to express the language. An example is the following grammar for left-associative arithmetic on 0’s and 1’s:

expr -> expr "+" num
      | expr "-" num
      | num
 num -> "0" | "1"

If we attempt to translate the first rule directly into a self-calling function, the resulting parser will never terminate; instead it enters an infinite regress before consuming any input. The traditional approaches to parsing left-recursive grammars are to rewrite the grammar or use a bottom-up parser generator.

The parsers in this article, by contrast, can be freely composed without regard for left-recursion. Defining a parser for the above grammar is straightforward:

(define-parser expr
  (alt (seq expr (string "+") num)
       (seq expr (string "-") num)
(define-parser num
  (alt (string "0") (string "1")))

Furthermore, the parsers support ambiguity. Parse results are computed one at a time and returned as a lazy stream:

> (expr "1+0")

The worst-case efficiency of the parser in this article is O(n4), but with more efficient data structures, O(n3) is achievable. Furthermore, by adorning the parsers with additional metadata, LL(1) grammars can be parsed in O(n) time. See the references for details on optimization.

The article is organized into several stages, leading up to a complete interpreter for arithmetic expressions. To get there, the parsers will be rewritten multiple times:

  1. First, we will write a simple, top-down combinator framework, implementing things in the conventional way. This won’t handle left-recursive grammars in any form, but introduces a simple syntax for composing parsers.
  2. Next, we will rewrite the parsers to continuation-passing style. Although functionally equivalent to the previous version, the continuations make the code more flexible and set the stage for implementing general parsers.
  3. We will now add support for left-recursive grammars. This is done by memoizing parse results and continuations, so that nothing is computed more than once. This is the most important step, and we will study it in some detail to develop our intuition.
  4. To optimize the code, we will add a trampoline to store parse results and dispatch function calls. The trampoline is a shared data structure passed down from one parser to another.
  5. Now we have the wherewithal to implement a lazy parse process. The parsers will return a stream of parse results, computing the results as they are requested.

The article aims to be easy to understand, but is necessarily of some length. If you are familiar with parser combinators, you can skim through the first sections. The key ideas are introduced in the section on continuation-passing style. The rest of the text deals with optimization of those ideas.

Simple parser combinators

Let us start by defining some terms. A parser is a function that takes a string as input and returns a parse result. A parse result is either a success or a failure. (All our parsers will work on strings, but one could easily define parsers working on a stream of symbols or tokens.)

A parser combinator is a function that takes parsers as input and returns a new parser. In other words, it’s a higher-order function, taking functions as input and returning another function as output. Using parser combinators, we can build larger parsers out of smaller parsers.

First we will define data types for parse results. A successful result contains two values: a value and the current string position. The value can for example be an abstract syntax tree, while the position is represented as the rest of the string. A failing result just contains the position where the parser failed, which can be used for error reporting.

(struct success (val rest) #:transparent)
(struct failure (rest) #:transparent)

This Racket code defines success and failure as constructor functions for parse results. For example, we can create a successful result with the expression (success val rest), and a failure with (failure rest). We can also pattern match against these expressions, which will be demonstrated later. The #:transparent option makes the values printable.

First, we look at a trivial parser that accepts any input and returns a successful result containing some predefined value. For creating such parsers, we define the function succeed, which takes the predefined value as a parameter. (This common function is also known as “empty”, “epsilon”, “result”, “yield”, or “return”.)

(define (succeed val)
  (lambda (str)
    (success val str)))

Note that succeed returns another function (lambda (str) ...), that is, a parser. For example, (succeed '()) creates a parser which succeeds with the empty list:

> (succeed '())
> ((succeed '()) "foo")
(success '() "foo")

The next step is to compare the beginning of the input against some match string. Let us create a general function string for constructing such a parser. This function takes a matching string as input and returns a parser for matching against that string:

(define (string match)
  (lambda (str)
    (let* ((len (min (string-length str) (string-length match)))
           (head (substring str 0 len))
           (tail (substring str len)))
      (if (equal? head match)
          (success head tail)
          (failure str)))))

We can create a parser for matching, say, "foo" with (string "foo"). If the input matches, then the parser returns a successful result where the "foo" part is consumed; otherwise it returns a failure. For example, the input "foobar" gives a value of "foo" and a rest of "bar":

> ((string "foo") "foobar")
(success "foo" "bar")
> ((string "foo") "bar")
(failure "bar")

The functions succeed and string could be regarded as basic “parser generators”: both create parsers on the basis of a given specification. The parsers they create are often called terminal parsers, because they match against a terminal expression in the grammar. All the terminal parsers in this article work on strings, but one could easily modify them to accept a stream of symbols or tokens.

Now that we have some basic parsers, it is time to combine them. The first combinator is the alternatives combinator, which chooses between alternative parsers. It returns a combined parser that tries each alternative in turn until one of them matches.

(define (alt a b)
  (lambda (str)
    (let ((result (a str)))
      (match result
        [(success val rest) result]
        [failure (b str)]))))

Here we see Racket’s pattern matching in action. We invoke the first parser with (a str) and match against its result. If we get a successful parse result (success val rest), we return that. Otherwise, we invoke the second parser with (b str).

The next combinator is the sequence combinator, which chains parsers together. The output of one parser is taken as the input to another. Here is our first attempt at defining this combinator, using pattern matching:

(define (seq a b)
  (lambda (str)
    (match (a str)
      [(success val1 rest1)
       (match (b rest1)
         [(success val2 rest2)
          (success (list val1 val2) rest2)]
         [failure failure])]
      [failure failure])))

If we get a successful result (success val1 rest1) from the first parser, we pass its remainder to the next parser with (b rest1). If it also succeeds, we return a combined parse result. In all other cases, we return failure. (For simplicity, the alt and seq combinators take exactly two arguments; later we will write general versions accepting any number of arguments.)

However, because we are going to rewrite the parsers several times, it will be beneficial to express this combinator in a more abstract way. We therefore define a low-level “plumbing” function, bind, for chaining things together:

(define (bind p fn)
  (lambda (str)
    (match (p str)
      [(success val rest)
       ((fn val) rest)]
      [failure failure])))

The bind function takes two arguments, a parser p and a function fn, and returns another parser. The fn function must be of the same kind as the “parser generators” we saw earlier: it must return a parser on the basis of an input value. Together, p and fn become a parser which initially invokes p on the input. If the result is successful, then its value-part is passed to fn to create another parser. That parser is then invoked on the rest of the input.

We can now define seq in terms of bind:

(define (seq a b)
  (bind a (lambda (x)
            (bind b (lambda (y)
                      (succeed (list x y)))))))

This terse definition can be read as: “Invoke the first parser a and bind the value-part of the result to x. Then invoke the second parser b and bind the value-part of the result to y. Finally, create a combined parse result from x and y.” If any of the parsers fail, then bind stops; only successful results are passed down the chain. Thus, bind frees us from the burden of repeatedly doing pattern matching and discarding failing results.

Let us now look at a complete example. The following implements a simple linguistic grammar taken from Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs:

(define article
  (alt (string "the ")
       (string "a ")))

(define noun
  (alt (string "student ")
       (string "professor ")))

(define verb
  (alt (string "studies ")
       (string "lectures ")))

(define noun-phrase
  (seq article noun))

(define verb-phrase
  (seq verb noun-phrase))

(define sentence
  (seq noun-phrase verb-phrase))

We can parse a sentence with:

> (sentence "the professor lectures the student ")
(success '(("the " "professor ")
           ("lectures " ("the " "student "))) "")
> (sentence "not a sentence ")
(failure "not a sentence ")

For the time being, the parse result isn’t too informative; later we will define a combinator for modifying it. In any case, we can definitely see that there is parsing going on!


We now turn to the issue of efficiency. Currently, none of the functions cache their results. That is wasteful because parsing is a such a repetitious task. If each function maintains a table over its input and output values, it can avoid calculating things twice by returning the cached value instead. This is called memoization.

In Racket, it is easy to write a memo function that takes any function as input and wraps it in a memoization routine. The wrapper takes the input arguments and looks them up in a memoization table. If it finds an output value, it just returns that. If not, then it calls the original function, saves its output in the table, and returns the output. Future calls with the same arguments will return the memoized value. The following is loosely adapted from SICP:

(define (memo fn)
  (let ((alist (mlist)))
    (lambda args
      (match (massoc args alist)
        [(mcons args result) result]
        [_ (let* ((result (apply fn args))
                  (entry (mcons args result)))
             (set! alist (mcons entry alist))

We implement the memoization table as a mutable association list, using the Racket function massoc to access it. It is actually a list of mutable cons cells (args . result). If massoc returns a cons cell, we match against it and return the result. Otherwise (the wildcard pattern is denoted by _), we call the original function with (apply fn args), store the result in a cons cell, insert it into the table, and then return the result.

Now we can easily memoize our definitions. For example, here is a memoized version of alt:

(define (alt a b)
   (lambda (str)
     (let ((result (a str)))
       (match result
         [(success val rest) result]
         [failure (b str)])))))

This combinator returns a memoized parser. We can memoize all the functions in this way.

There is one more wrinkle to sort out. Because Racket evaluates expressions eagerly, we run into a “tying the knot” problem when defining self-referential parsers:

(define r
  (alt (seq (string "a") r)
       (string "a")))

This will give an error because r is evaluated as an argument to seq before r is defined. We need to delay the evaluation somehow. One solution is to wrap the code in a function:

(define r
  (lambda (arg)
    ((alt (seq (string "a") r)
          (string "a"))

Now the code is evaluated not when the parser is defined, but when it is invoked. To make things more convenient, we can create a delay-parser macro which automatically delays the code for us, as well as a define-parser macro for delayed parser definitions.

(define-syntax-rule (delay-parser parser)
  (lambda args
    (apply parser args)))

(define-syntax-rule (define-parser parser body)
  (define parser
    (delay-parser body)))

Now we can write:

(define-parser r
  (alt (seq (string "a") r)
       (string "a")))

However, because the evaluation is delayed, a new parser instance is created each time the parser is used! This is solved by memoizing the combinators too: each combinator will only create a given parser once. Recall that (define (alt a b) ...) is syntactic sugar for (define alt (lambda (a b) ...)):

(define alt
  (lambda (a b)
     (lambda (str) ...))))

This is the same combinator as before, just written in a slightly different way that emphasizes the function that is bound to alt. Now we can memoize the combinator itself:

(define alt
   (lambda (a b)
      (lambda (str) ...)))))

When we memoize both the parsers and the parser combinators, parsing is efficient and the delayed execution only creates a single parser instance.

The current parser combinators support recursion to a limited degree. The r parser is right-recursive because the self-reference is “to the right” in the sequence. Therefore, r will always consume some part of the input string (an "a") before recursing. In a left-recursive grammar, on the other hand, the self-reference comes first:

(define-parser s
  (alt (seq s (string "a"))
       (string "a")))

This parser will enter an infinite regress because it repeatedly calls itself before consuming any input. To handle left-recursive grammars, we need to reimagine the parser combinators.

Continuation-passing style

So far, we have taken advantage of the fact that many grammars can be translated directly into a program. Such a program will have a straightforward, hierarchical structure, with functions calling functions all the way down to the level of string matching. It will either return a single result or no result at all.

Not all grammars are this simple, however. Once we introduce recursion, there is no guarantee that the grammar will translate into a terminating program, even if the grammar is well-defined. Furthermore, grammars can be ambiguous: with several matching alternatives, a string can parsed in multiple, equally valid ways. For simplicity, our alt combinator only returned a single result (the first that matched). A more complete implementation would return the set of results.

To address these issues, we will rewrite and express our parsers in a more flexible way: continuation-passing style. Instead of having our parsers return their results to the caller, they will pass them to a continuation. The continuation then carries on the parsing. All the parsers will have an additional argument for the continuation they are to pass their results to. The continuation itself is a function of one argument. (Racket actually has native continuations, but we will use functions as continuations to make the implementation more portable.)

Let us start by rewriting the succeed function. Recall the original definition:

(define (succeed val)
  (lambda (str)
    (success val str)))

To transform the returned parser to continuation-passing style, we add a second argument, cont. Instead of returning the parse result, we pass it to cont:

(define (succeed val)
  (lambda (str cont)
    (cont (success val str))))

To use the parser, we need to supply it with a continuation. Any function of one argument will do. For example, we can use print, which will cause the result to be printed to standard output:

> ((succeed '()) "foo" print)
(success '() "foo")

Of course, this is a bit cumbersome, so in the final version we will provide a simpler interface for invoking parsers. For now, we proceed with string:

(define (string match)
  (lambda (str cont)
    (let* (...)
      (if (equal? head match)
          (cont (success head tail))
          (cont (failure tail))))))

The definitions so far are quite similar to the original. For the seq combinator, however, we need to change the definition of bind:

(define (bind p fn)
  (lambda (str cont)
    (p str (lambda (result)
             (match result
               [(success val rest)
                ((fn val) rest cont)]
                (cont failure)])))))

(define (seq a b)
  (bind a (lambda (x) ...)))

Here we use continuations to chain things together. The parser p is called with a continuation (lambda (result) ...) that receives the result and matches against it. If it is successful, then the continuation carries on and invokes fn. The final result is passed to cont, the continuation for the combined parser. Conveniently, we only need to modify bind; the definition of seq is unchanged.

While expressed in a different style, all the code so far functions the same as before. For the alt combinator, however, we will change the semantics. It will now try all alternatives, branching out in parallel:

(define (alt a b)
  (lambda (str cont)
    (a str cont)
    (b str cont)))

The continuation will be invoked twice, once for the first parser and once for the second. If the first parser succeeds and the second fails, then the continuation will first receive a successful result, and then a failing result.

We have now rewritten our parsers to continuation-passing style. In itself, this doesn’t solve the problems we had with recursive grammars, but it sets the stage for the solution. Observe that while the alt combinator produces two results, it doesn’t pass them at the same time. The execution is more fine-grained: the combinator creates a separate branch for the calculation of each result.

In other words, there is a kind of concurrency here (even if the current implementation is sequential). The key insight is that in a recursive grammar, one branch may depend on another: the recursive branch cannot continue before the base branch has produced a result. Is there a way we can make the branches cooperate, regardless of their order of execution?

As it turns out, the answer is memoization! That is because when we memoize a continuation-passing style function, not only do we keep track of input values and output values, but also the continuations that are interested in those values. Each table entry will contain a list of results (since the function may output more than one value), and a list of continuations (since the same function may be called in different places).

Thus, we can broadcast results from one branch of the grammar to another, “reawakening” the interested branch. How do we awaken a branch? By calling its continuation! In fact, the same continuation may be called several times in a recursive grammar, which we will see below. Like in a video game, each continuation is a “save point” in our program, and we can reload any part of it as our knowledge progresses.

To memoize functions written in continuation-passing style, we define a memo-cps wrapper. For clarity, we define a few local functions: push-continuation! adds a continuation to an entry, push-result! adds a result to the entry, result-subsumed? checks if the entry already contains a given result, make-entry creates an empty entry, and table-ref looks up an memoization entry, creating an empty entry if one does not exist.

(define (memo-cps fn)
  (let ((table (mlist)))
    (define entry-continuations mcar)
    (define entry-results mcdr)
    (define (push-continuation! entry cont)
      (set-mcar! entry (mcons cont (entry-continuations entry))))
    (define (push-result! entry result)
      (set-mcdr! entry (mcons result (entry-results entry))))
    (define (result-subsumed? entry result)
      (mmember result (entry-results entry)))
    (define (make-entry)
      (mcons (mlist) (mlist)))
    (define (table-ref str)
      (match (massoc str table)
        [(mcons str entry) entry]
        [_ (let ((entry (make-entry)))
             (set! table (mcons (mcons str entry) table))
    (lambda (str cont)
      (let ((entry (table-ref str)))
        (match entry
          ;; first time memoized procedure has been called with str
          [(mcons (mlist) (mlist))
           (push-continuation! entry cont)
           (fn str (lambda (result)
                     (unless (result-subsumed? entry result)
                       (push-result! entry result)
                       (for ((cont (entry-continuations entry)))
                            (cont result)))))]
          ;; memoized procedure has been called with str before
           (push-continuation! entry cont)
           (for ((result (entry-results entry)))
                (cont result))])))))

There are two cases to consider: when the memoized function is called for the first time, and when it has been called before. When the function is called for the first time, we insert the original continuation, cont, into the table. Then we invoke the function with a custom continuation (lambda (result) ...) which in turn will invoke cont, as well as any other continuations which may have been inserted into the table in the meantime. We can think of the continuation (lambda (result) ...) as our “man on the inside”: it alone will do the work of being passed into the function and receive its results. Then it broadcasts those results to the continuations on the outside.

Thus, in the second case when the function has been called before, we just insert the continuation into the list of continuations. Our “inside man” will then notify the continuation of new results as they are produced. Meanwhile, the continuation goes through the results that have already been memoized, and then it “goes to sleep”.

Now we are ready to memoize the definitions. We use memo-cps for the returned parsers and memo for the parser combinators, which are regular functions. As before, the use of memo is necessary because delay-parser delays the combinators to being called at runtime.

(define succeed
   (lambda (val)
      (lambda (str cont) ...)))))

(define string
   (lambda (match)
      (lambda (str cont) ...)))))

(define seq
   (lambda (a b)
      (bind a (lambda (x) ...))))))

(define alt
   (lambda (a b)
      (lambda (str cont) ...)))))

Now we can define our left-recursive grammar:

(define-parser s
  (alt (seq s (string "a"))
       (string "a")))

Let’s parse the string "aaa":

> (s "aaa" print)
(success "a" "aa")
(success '("a" "a") "a")
(success '(("a" "a") "a") "")
(failure "")

We get three results before the parser reaches the end of the string and terminates with a failure. This lets us see how the continuations are repeated: when the self-reference in (seq s ...) is encountered, the branch “goes to sleep” since s has been called before. Then the second branch matches a single "a". Since this is one of the results of s, it is printed to standard output, but it is also broadcast to the first branch. That branch matches another "a", and the combined sequence becomes another result for s. The result is again printed and broadcast to the first branch, and so on, until we reach the end of the string.

Let us now define a more convenient interface for invoking parsers. The run-parser function runs a parser with a continuation that collects all successful results in a list, which is then returned. Only results that consume the whole string (with a remainder of "") are collected.

(define (run-parser parser str)
  (let ((results '()))
    (parser str (lambda (result)
                  (match result
                    [(success val "")
                     (set! results (cons result results))]
                    [failure failure])))

We can implement an even simpler interface by exploiting the fact that Racket allows functions to have optional arguments. Thus, we can make the continuation argument optional! If the parser is invoked without a continuation, then the default is to use the continuation of run-parser. A wrapper for this interface can be defined as follows:

(define (make-parser parser)
  (lambda (str (cont #f))
    (if cont
        (parser str cont)
        (run-parser parser str))))

Then we can incorporate this wrapper into define-parser:

(define-syntax-rule (define-parser parser body)
  (define parser
     (delay-parser body))))

Our parsers can now be invoked in two ways: as a CPS function passing the results to a continuation, or as a regular function returning the results to the caller. Here is an example of the latter:

> (s "aaa")
(list (success '(("a" "a") "a") ""))

The parser returns a list containing a single result matching the whole input.


A weakness of the current implementation is that the memoized parser results are scattered all over the place. Each parser has its own memoization table, storing the accumulated results from both the current parsing and from previous parsings. This is difficult to maintain and optimize.

Another issue is that when dealing with ambiguous grammars, all the results are produced at once. For such grammars, it would be more flexible to return a lazy stream of results, producing results one at a time. (An infinitely ambiguous grammar may produce infinitely many results!)

To achieve this, we will encapsulate parser results and parser calls in a shared data structure called a trampoline. The trampoline contains a loop that iterates through parser calls and dispatches parsers. Each parser will have an extra tramp argument for the trampoline.

We will define the trampoline as a Racket class, with fields and methods. This is just for convenience; we could also piece together a mutable list structure from scratch, like we did with the memoization tables. In the end, the trampoline is just a stateful object passed down from one parser to another.

Here is an outline of our trampoline% class (by convention, class names end with %):

(define trampoline%
  (class object% (super-new)
    (define stack (mlist))
    (define table (mlist))

    (define/public (has-next?) ...)
    (define/public (step) ...)
    (define/public (push-stack fn . args) ...)
    (define/public (push fn arg continuation) ...)
    (define/public (run) ...)))

The trampoline contains two fields, the stack and the table. The stack contains function calls, while the table contains memoized values. Both are mutable lists, modified by the public methods has-next?, step, push-stack, push and run.

The parsers will be modified to save their execution on the call stack. That is, instead of calling a parser directly, the parser call is pushed onto the stack. The trampoline loop then iterates through the stack until it is exhausted, checking with the has-next? method. This method returns true if the stack is nonempty and false if it is empty.

(define/public (has-next?)
  (not (empty? stack)))

The push-stack method pushes a function call onto the stack. The call is a cons cell (fn . args), containing a function and its arguments.

(define/public (push-stack fn . args)
  (let ((call (mcons fn args)))
    (set! stack (mcons call stack))))

The step method pops a parser call off the stack and invokes it. We obtain the first element with (mcar stack), matching against it to obtain the function and its arguments. We advance the stack pointer to the next element, and then apply the function to its arguments with apply.

(define/public (step)
  (when (has-next?)
    (match (mcar stack)
      [(mcons fn args)
       (set! stack (mcdr stack))
       (apply fn args)])))

The run method repeatedly invokes step until the stack is exhausted.

(define/public (run)
  (do () ((not (has-next?)))

The other part of the trampoline is the memoization table, where every parser caches its results. The memoization logic is contained in the push method, which works as a memoizing front-end for push-stack. It is similar to the memo-cps function from earlier, except that it operates on a two-level table. Note that instead of invoking the function directly when called for the first time, the function is passed to push-stack.

(define/public (push fn str cont)
  (define entry-continuations ...)
  (define entry-results ...)
  (define (push-continuation! entry cont) ...)
  (define (push-result! entry result) ...)
  (define (result-subsumed? entry result) ...)
  (define (make-entry) ...)
  (define (table-ref fn str) ...)
  (let ((entry (table-ref fn str)))
    (match entry
      [(mcons (mlist) (mlist))
       (push-continuation! entry cont)
       ;; push the parser on the stack
       (push-stack fn str this
                   (lambda (result)
                     (unless (result-subsumed? entry result)
                       (push-result! entry result)
                       (for ((cont (entry-continuations entry)))
                            (cont result)))))]
       (push-continuation! entry cont)
       (for ((result (entry-results entry)))
            (cont result))])))

As mentioned, the table has two levels (it is a nested association list). The first level maps parsers to memoization records, and the second level maps input to output. This is all handled by the local table-ref function, which automatically creates an empty entry when a function or its input is referenced for the first time.

(define (table-ref fn str)
  (let ((pair (massoc fn table)))
    (match pair
      [(mcons fn memo)
       (match (massoc str memo)
         ;; parser has been called with str before
         [(mcons str entry) entry]
         ;; first time parser has been called with str
         [_ (let ((entry (make-entry)))
              (set-mcdr! pair (mcons (mcons str entry) memo))
      ;; first time parser has been called
      [_ (let* ((entry (make-entry))
                (memo (mlist (mcons str entry))))
           (set! table (mcons (mcons fn memo) table))

We are now ready to rewrite the parsers. For the most part, this is just a matter of adding an extra argument, tramp, for the trampoline. The succeed and string parsers don’t use the trampoline at all:

(define succeed
   (lambda (val)
     (lambda (str tramp cont)
       (cont (success val str))))))

(define string
   (lambda (match)
     (lambda (str tramp cont)
       (let* (...)
         (if (equal? head match)
             (cont (success head tail))
             (cont (failure tail))))))))

Note the absence of memo-cps, since parser memoization is handled by the trampoline. The seq combinator just passes the tramp argument down from one parser to another:

(define (bind p fn)
  (lambda (str tramp cont)
    (p str tramp
       (lambda (result)
         (match result
           [(success val rest)
            ((fn val) rest tramp cont)]
            (cont failure)])))))

(define seq
   (lambda (a b)
     (bind a (lambda (x) ...)))))

As before, the changes are in bind, which passes the trampoline around. The definition of seq stays the same, except that memo-cps is gone.

Only the alt combinator will use the trampoline directly. Instead of invoking the alternative parsers itself, it pushes them on the stack:

(define alt
   (lambda (a b)
     (lambda (str tramp cont)
       (send tramp push a str cont)
       (send tramp push b str cont)))))

The send function is Racket’s way of accessing the methods of a object. To invoke the push method of the tramp object, we write (send tramp push ...) and the method’s arguments.

Now we can create a trampoline, pass it to a parser along with a continuation, and invoke the run method:

> (define tramp (new trampoline%))
> (s "aaa" tramp print)
> (send tramp run)
(success "a" "aa")
(success '("a" "a") "a")
(success '(("a" "a") "a") "")
(failure "")

Of course, this is not the most convenient interface, so we will redefine the run-parser function to return the successful results as a lazy stream. To that end, we first define a make-stream convenience macro, which lets us use the stream constructor stream-cons in a simpler manner. The stream-cons function takes two expressions, one for producing the first element and one for producing the rest of the stream. Our make-stream macro just takes a single expression for producing the stream, which is easier in case multiple results are produced.

(define-syntax-rule (make-stream body ...)
   (stream-cons '() (begin body ...))))

Now we can define run-parser as a call to make-stream:

(define (run-parser parser str)
  (let ((tramp (new trampoline%))
        (results '()))
    (define (compute)
      (when (send tramp has-next?)
        (do () ((not (and (empty? results)
                          (send tramp has-next?))))
          (send tramp step)))
    (define (stream)
      (let ((result (sequence->stream results)))
        (set! results (mlist))
        (if (send tramp has-next?)
            (stream-append result (make-stream (compute)))
     (parser str tramp
             (lambda (result)
               (match result
                 [(success val "")
                  (set! results (cons result results))]
                 [failure failure])))

First, we create a new trampoline and an empty results list. After defining a few local functions, we make a stream that invokes the parser with a continuation that will add successful results to results. The local function compute is invoked to step through the trampoline’s stack until at least one result shows up in results or the stack is exhausted. The results are returned lazily by calling the local stream function, which creates a stream where the first results are taken from results, and the rest are produced by calling compute again.

In other words, instead of stepping through the whole call stack at once with the run method, run-parser performs a more fine-grained execution with step. Whenever it obtains a result, it stops execution, unless forced to produce more (and the call stack is not exhausted).

Finally, we can create a cleaner interface where the tramp and cont arguments are optional:

(define-syntax-rule (define-parser parser body)
  (define parser
     (delay-parser body))))

(define (make-parser parser)
  (lambda (str (tramp #f) (cont #f))
    (if (and tramp cont)
        (parser str tramp cont)
        (run-parser parser str))))

When we now invoke our parsers in the regular way, we get a stream:

> (s "aaa")

We can force the stream by converting it to a list:

> (stream->list (s "aaa"))
(list (success '(("a" "a") "a") ""))

Final improvements

As defined, the alt and seq combinators only take two arguments: we can write (alt a b), but not (alt a b c). We can generalize alt by iterating over a rest argument parsers:

(define alt
   (lambda parsers
     (lambda (str tramp cont)
       (for ((fn parsers))
            (send tramp push fn str cont))))))

Generalizing seq is most easily done with a fold. In essence, we take the binary definition and rename it to a local function seq2, swap the arguments around, and then use it to reduce the list of parsers to a single value. We also adjust the way the combined result is created so that we get a flat list (val1 val2 val3) instead of ((val1 val2) val3).

(define seq
   (lambda parsers
     (define (seq2 b a)
       (bind a (lambda (x)
                 (bind b (lambda (y)
                           (succeed (append x (list y))))))))
     (foldl seq2 (succeed '()) parsers))))

Now we will add some new definitions. First we define the regexp parser, which is similar to string except that it matches against a regular expression:

(define regexp
   (lambda (pattern)
     (lambda (str tramp cont)
       (match (regexp-match-positions (string-append "^" pattern) str)
         [(cons (cons beg end) _)
          (let* ((len (string-length str))
                 (head (substring str beg end))
                 (tail (substring str end len)))
            (cont (success head tail)))]
         [_ (cont (failure str))])))))

This lets us define terminal parsers in a simpler way: for example, (regexp "[0-9]+") matches a whole number.

Furthermore, we will provide semantic actions for our parsers by adding a new combinator, the reduction combinator. This combinator transforms the parse result using a given function.

(define red
   (lambda (p fn)
     (bind p (lambda (val)
               (match val
                 [(list val ...) (succeed (apply fn val))]
                 [_ (succeed (fn val))]))))))

For example, we can write (red (regexp "[0-9]+") string->number) to convert the match string to an actual number. The arity of the supplied function must match the value it is applied to.

We can now define an interpreter for the following grammar for arithmetic expressions:

  expr -> expr "+" term
        | expr "-" term
        | term
  term -> term "*" factor
        | term "/" factor
        | factor
factor -> "(" expr ")"
        | num
   num -> "[0-9]+"

Using anonymous functions for semantic actions, we can express the interpreter as follows:

(define-parser expr
  (alt (red (seq expr (string "+") term)
            (lambda (x _ y) (+ x y)))
       (red (seq expr (string "-") term)
            (lambda (x _ y) (- x y)))

(define-parser term
  (alt (red (seq term (string "*") factor)
            (lambda (x _ y) (* x y)))
       (red (seq term (string "/") factor)
            (lambda (x _ y) (/ x y)))

(define-parser factor
  (alt (red (seq (string "(") expr (string ")"))
            (lambda (_ x __) x))

(define-parser num
  (red (regexp "[0-9]+")

When we invoke the interpreter, the returned result contains the calculated value:

> (stream->list (expr "1*2+3*4"))
(list (success 14 ""))
> (stream->list (expr "9-(5+2)"))
(list (success 2 ""))

Since the grammar is unambiguous, each expression only has one value.

Further reading

This concludes the article. Several improvements are possible from here. For example, one could specify a monadic interface for composing parsers. Racket’s macro system could be used to define an even simpler DSL. Branches in the grammar could be parallelized by using a monitor for the trampoline. Finally, one can optimize the combinators by adorning the parsers with metadata for calculating the FIRST and FOLLOW sets (Spiewak).

The code can be ported to an object-oriented language by creating a Parser interface and composing parser objects. Continuations can be implemented as functor objects if the language lacks first-order functions. The trampoline becomes another class. Some languages, like Ruby and Scala, offer facilities for creating a terse, DSL-like syntax.

For more information, follow the references:

  • Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (HTML), second edition, Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996. The example grammar is from section 4.3.2, “Examples of Nondeterministic Programs: Parsing natural language”, while the memoization wrapper is outlined in exercise 3.27 from section 3.3.3, “Representing Tables”. Note that an updated and unofficial HTML5 version of the book offers a vastly improved reading experience on modern devices.
  • Memoization in Top-Down Parsing” (PDF), Mark Johnson, Brown University, 1995. Published in Computational Linguistics, Volume 21, Number 3. Covers regular memoization, continuation-passing style, and memoization of continuation-passing style functions.
  • Generalized Parser Combinators” (PDF), Daniel Spiewak, University of Wisconsin, 2010. Implemented as the gll-combinators Scala library, using continuation-passing style and trampolined dispatch. Offers an accessible introduction to the GLL algorithm.
  • Parsing Techniques: A Practical Guide, second edition, Dick Grune and Ceriel J. H. Jacobs, Springer, 2008. Chapter 11 contains a richly illustrated description of generalized LL parsing.
  • GLL Parsing” (PDF), Adrian Johnstone and Elizabeth Scott, University of London, 2009. Published in Proceedings of LDTA. Explains the GLL algorithm in abstract terms.
  • Modelling GLL Parser Implementations”, Adrian Johnstone and Elizabeth Scott, University of London, 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6563. Models an implementation of the GLL algorithm in a theoretical language.

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Vegard Øye | 2012