Blane, D. , Lunan, C., Bogie, J., Albanese, A., Henderson, D. and Mercer, S. (2024) Tackling the inverse care law in Scottish general practice: policies, interventions and the Scottish Deep End Project. [Research Reports or Papers]
Mercer, S. W. , Blane, D. , Donaghy, E., Henderson, D., Lunan, C. and Sweeney, K. (2023) Health inequalities, multimorbidity, and primary care in Scotland. Future Healthcare Journal, 10(3), pp. 219-225. (doi: 10.7861/fhj.2023-0069) (PMID:38162206) (PMCID:PMC10753226)
Henderson, D.A.G., Donaghy, E., Dozier, M., Guthrie, B., Huang, H., Pickersgill, M., Stewart, E. , Thompson, A., Wang, H.H.X. and Mercer, S.W. (2023) Understanding primary care transformation and implications for ageing populations and health inequalities: A systematic scoping review of new models of primary health care in OECD countries and China. BMC Medicine, 21, 319. (doi: 10.1186/s12916-023-03033-z) (PMID:37620865) (PMCID:PMC10463288)
MacRae, C. et al. (2023) The impact of varying the number and selection of conditions on estimated multimorbidity prevalence: a cross-sectional study using a large, primary care population dataset. PLoS Medicine, 20(4), e1004208. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1004208) (PMID:37014910) (PMCID:PMC10072475)
MacRae, C. et al. (2023) Age, sex, and socioeconomic differences in multimorbidity measured in four ways: UK primary care cross-sectional analysis. British Journal of General Practice, 73(729), e249-e256. (doi: 10.3399/BJGP.2022.0405) (PMID:36997222) (PMCID:PMC9923763)
Simpson, R., Simpson, S., Wasilewski, M., Mercer, S. and Lawrence, M. (2022) Mindfulness-based interventions for people with multiple sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-aggregation of qualitative research studies. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(21), pp. 6179-6193. (doi: 10.1080/09638288.2021.1964622) (PMID:34498997)
Stewart, E. , Donaghy, E., Guthrie, B., Henderson, D., Huang, H., Pickersgill, M., Wang, H. and Mercer, S. (2022) Transforming primary care in Scotland: A critical policy analysis. British Journal of General Practice, 72(719), pp. 292-294. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp22X719765) (PMID:35618463) (PMCID:PMC9172236)
Ho, I. S.-S. et al. (2022) Variation in the estimated prevalence of multimorbidity: systematic review and meta-analysis of 193 international studies. BMJ Open, 12(4), e057017. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057017) (PMID:35487738) (PMCID:PMC9058768)
Chng, N. R. , Hawkins, K., Fitzpatrick, B., O'Donnell, C. , Mackenzie, M. , Wyke, S. and Mercer, S. (2021) Implementing social prescribing in primary care in areas of high socioeconomic deprivation: process evaluation of the ‘Deep End’ community links worker programme. British Journal of General Practice, 71(713), e912-e920. (doi: 10.3399/BJGP.2020.1153) (PMID:34019479) (PMCID:PMC8463130)
McCallum, M. , Gray, C. M. , Hanlon, P. , O'Brien, R. and Mercer, S. W. (2021) Exploring the utility of self-determination theory in complex interventions in multimorbidity: a qualitative analysis of patient experiences of the CARE Plus intervention. Chronic Illness, 17(4), pp. 433-450. (doi: 10.1177/1742395319884106) (PMID:31674216)
Hanlon, P. , Gray, C. M. , Chng, N. R. and Mercer, S. W. (2021) Does Self-Determination Theory help explain the impact of social prescribing? A qualitative analysis of patients’ experiences of the Glasgow ‘Deep-End’ Community Links Worker intervention. Chronic Illness, 17(3), pp. 173-188. (doi: 10.1177/1742395319845427) (PMID:31053038)
Fleetwood, K., Wild, S. H., Smith, D. J. , Mercer, S. W. , Licence, K., Sudlow, C. L.M. and Jackson, C. A. (2021) Severe mental illness and mortality and coronary revascularisation following a myocardial infarction: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Medicine, 19, 67. (doi: 10.1186/s12916-021-01937-2) (PMID:33745445) (PMCID:PMC7983231)
Henderson, D. A.G., Atherton, I., McCowan, C. , Mercer, S. W. and Bailey, N. (2021) Linkage of national health and social care data: a cross-sectional study of multimorbidity and social care use in people aged over 65 years in Scotland. Age and Ageing, 50(1), pp. 176-182. (doi: 10.1093/ageing/afaa134) (PMID:32687158)
MacRae, C., Henderson, D. A.G., Mercer, S. W. , Burton, J. , De Sousa, N., Grill, P., Marwick, C. and Guthrie, B. (2021) Excessive polypharmacy and potentially inappropriate prescribing in 147 care homes: a cross-sectional study. BJGP Open, 5(6), BJGPO.2021.0167. (doi: 10.3399/BJGPO.2021.0167) (PMID:34620596)
Lai, F. T.T. et al. (2020) Association between antipsychotic use and acute ischemic heart disease in women but not in men: a retrospective cohort study of over one million primary care patients. BMC Medicine, 18, 289. (doi: 10.1186/s12916-020-01765-w) (PMID:33131494) (PMCID:PMC7604971)
Hayes, H., Gibson, J., Fitzpatrick, B., Checkland, K., Guthrie, B., Sutton, M., Gillies, J. and Mercer, S. W. (2020) Working lives of GPs in Scotland and England: cross-sectional analysis of national surveys. BMJ Open, 10(10), e042236. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-042236) (PMID:33127639) (PMCID:PMC7604859)
Clark, A. et al. (2020) Global, regional, and national estimates of the population at increased risk of severe COVID-19 due to underlying health conditions in 2020: a modelling study. Lancet Global Health, 8(8), e1003-e1017. (doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(20)30264-3) (PMID:32553130) (PMCID:PMC7295519)
Jackson, C. A., Kerssens, J., Fleetwood, K., Smith, D. J. , Mercer, S. W. and Wild, S. H. (2020) Incidence of ischaemic heart disease and stroke among people with psychiatric disorders: retrospective cohort study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 217(2), pp. 442-449. (doi: 10.1192/bjp.2019.250) (PMID:31753047) (PMCID:PMC7511900)
Baylan, S. et al. (2020) Measuring the Effects of Listening for Leisure on Outcome after stroke (MELLO): a pilot randomised controlled trial of mindful music listening. International Journal of Stroke, 15(2), pp. 149-158. (doi: 10.1177/1747493019841250) (PMID:30940047) (PMCID:PMC7045280)
Simpson, R., Simpson, S., Ramparsad, N., Lawrence, M., Booth, J. and Mercer, S. W. (2020) Effects of mindfulness-based interventions on physical symptoms in people with multiple sclerosis - a systematic review and meta-analysis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 38, 101493. (doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2019.101493) (PMID:31835209)
Thorn, J. et al. (2020) Cost-effectiveness of a patient-centred approach to managing multimorbidity in primary care: a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 10(1), e030110. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030110) (PMID:31959601) (PMCID:PMC7044971)
Simpson, R. and Mercer, S. W. (2020) Using the Medical Research Council framework for developing and evaluating complex interventions: mindfulness-based interventions for people with multiple sclerosis. In: SAGE Research Methods Cases. SAGE. ISBN 9781529734508 (doi: 10.4135/9781529734508)
Simpson, R., Simpson, S., Wood, K., Mercer, S. W. and Mair, F. S. (2019) Using normalisation process theory to understand barriers and facilitators to implementing mindfulness-based stress reduction for people with multiple sclerosis. Chronic Illness, 15(4), pp. 306-318. (doi: 10.1177/1742395318769354) (PMID:29699410)
Mercer, S. W. , Fitzpatrick, B., Grant, L., Chng, N. R. , McConnachie, A. , Bakhshi, A., James-Rae, G., O'Donnell, C. A. and Wyke, S. (2019) Effectiveness of community-links practitioners in areas of high socioeconomic deprivation. Annals of Family Medicine, 17(6), pp. 518-525. (doi: 10.1370/afm.2429) (PMID:31712290)
Jackson, C. A., Fleetwood, K., Kerssens, J., Smith, D. J. , Mercer, S. and Wild, S. H. (2019) Incidence of type 2 diabetes in people with a history of hospitalization for major mental illness in Scotland, 2001-2015: a retrospective cohort study. Diabetes Care, 42(10), pp. 1879-1885. (doi: 10.2337/dc18-2152) (PMID:31471379)
Rycroft-Malone, J., Gradinger, F., Owen Griffiths, H., Anderson, R., Crane, R. S., Gibson, A., Mercer, S. W. and Kuyken, W. (2019) ‘Mind the gaps’: the accessibility and implementation of an effective depression relapse prevention programme in UK NHS services: learning from mindfulness-based cognitive therapy through a mixed-methods study. BMJ Open, 9(9), e026244. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026244) (PMID:31501097) (PMCID:PMC6738673)
Simpson, R., Byrne, S., Ramparsad, N., Lawrence, M., Booth, J. and Mercer, S. W. (2019) Mindfulness-based interventions for mental well-being among people with multiple sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 90(9), pp. 1051-1058. (doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2018-320165) (PMID:31196913)
Simpson, S., Wyke, S. and Mercer, S. W. (2019) Adaptation of a mindfulness-based intervention for incarcerated young men: a feasibility study. Mindfulness, 10(8), pp. 1568-1578. (doi: 10.1007/s12671-018-1076-z)
Johnston, M. C., Crilly, M., Black, C., Prescott, G. J. and Mercer, S. (2019) Defining and measuring multimorbidity: a systematic review of systematic reviews. European Journal of Public Health, 29(1), pp. 182-189. (doi: 10.1093/eurpub/cky098) (PMID:29878097)
Lorenc, A., Feder, G., MacPherson, H., Little, P., Mercer, S. W. and Sharp, D. (2018) Scoping review of systematic reviews of complementary medicine for musculoskeletal and mental health conditions. BMJ Open, 8(10), e020222. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020222) (PMID:30327397) (PMCID:PMC6196876)
Mercer, S. , Simpson, R., Lawrence, M. and Wyke, S. (2018) Mindfulness-based interventions for young offenders: a scoping review. Mindfulness, 9(5), pp. 1330-1343. (doi: 10.1007/s12671-018-0892-5) (PMID:30294385) (PMCID:PMC6153893)
Henderson, D. , Bailey, N. , McCowan, C. and Mercer, S. (2018) Multimorbidity and access to social care: exploiting emerging administrative data sources in Scotland. International Journal of Population Data Science, 3(4), p. 136. (doi: 10.23889/ijpds.v3i4.727)
Chaplin, K. et al. (2018) Understanding usual care for patients with multimorbidity: baseline data from a cluster-randomised trial of the 3D intervention in primary care. BMJ Open, 8(8), e019845. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-019845) (PMID:30158215) (PMCID:PMC6119425)
Salisbury, C. et al. (2018) Management of multimorbidity using a patient-centred care model: a pragmatic cluster-randomised trial of the 3D approach. Lancet, 392(10141), pp. 41-50. (doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)31308-4) (PMID:29961638) (PMCID:PMC6041724)
Baylan, S. et al. (2018) Participants’ experiences of music, mindful music, and audiobook listening interventions for people recovering from stroke. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1423(1), pp. 349-359. (doi: 10.1111/nyas.13618) (PMID:29727009)
Skivington, K. , Smith, M., Chng, N. R. , Mackenzie, M. , Wyke, S. and Mercer, S. W. (2018) Delivering a primary care-based social prescribing initiative: a qualitative study of the benefits and challenges. British Journal of General Practice, 68(672), e487-e494. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp18X696617) (PMID:29784868) (PMCID:PMC6014416)
Henderson, D. , Bailey, N. , McCowan, C. and Mercer, S. (2018) Validation of the Scottish Social Care Survey using data from Renfrewshire Council. International Journal of Population Data Science, 3(2), 003. (doi: 10.23889/ijpds.v3i2.471)
Mercer, S. W. , Zhou, Y., Humphris, G. M., McConnachie, A. , Bakhshi, A., Bikker, A., Higgins, M., Little, P., Fitzpatrick, B. and Watt, G. C.M. (2018) Multimorbidity and socioeconomic deprivation in primary care consultations. Annals of Family Medicine, 16(2), pp. 127-131. (doi: 10.1370/afm.2202) (PMID:29531103)
Jani, B. D. , Simpson, R., Lawrence, M., Byrne, S. and Mercer, S. (2018) Acceptability of mindfulness from the perspective of stroke survivors and caregivers: a qualitative study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 4, 57. (doi: 10.1186/s40814-018-0244-1) (PMID:29497560) (PMCID:PMC5827989)
Guthrie, B. and Mercer, S. W. (2018) Divided we fall: the commodification of primary medical care. British Medical Journal, 360, k787. (doi: 10.1136/bmj.k787) (PMID:29472238)
Arigliani, M. et al. (2018) Measuring empathy in pediatrics: validation of the Visual CARE measure. BMC Pediatrics, 18, 57. (doi: 10.1186/s12887-018-1050-x) (PMID:29439733) (PMCID:PMC5812057)
Maxwell, M., Hibberd, C., Aitchison, P., Calveley, E., Pratt, R., Dougall, N., Hoy, C., Mercer, S. and Cameron, I. (2018) The patient centred assessment method for improving nurse-led biopsychosocial assessment of patients with long-term conditions: a feasibility RCT. Health Services and Delivery Research, 6(4), (doi: 10.3310/hsdr06040) (PMID:29377652)
McGregor, J., Mercer, S. W. and Harris, F. M. (2018) Health benefits of primary care social work for adults with complex health and social needs: a systematic review. Health and Social Care in the Community, 26(1), pp. 1-13. (doi: 10.1111/hsc.12337) (PMID:27059167)
Blane, D. N. , Gillies, J. C.M., Mercer, S. W. and Smith, G. I. (2018) 'Learning together': Sharing international experience on new models of primary care. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 36(1), pp. 3-4. (doi: 10.1080/02813432.2018.1426152) (PMID:29385879)
Mercer, S. and Lundy, J.-M. (2018) Comorbidity, multimorbidity, and the challenge of equity. In: Catalano, M., Pecsvarady, Z., Olinic, D., Wautrecht, J.-C., Gerotziafas, G., Amann-Vesti, B., Karetova, D., Fagrell, B., Diehm, C., Kozak, M. and Edmonds, M. (eds.) European Book on Vascular Medicine/Angiology. VAS: Milan, Italy.
Bikker, A. P., Fitzpatrick, B., Murphy, D., Forster, L. and Mercer, S. W. (2017) Assessing the Consultation and Relational Empathy (CARE) Measure in sexual health nurses' consultations. BMC Nursing, 16, 71. (doi: 10.1186/s12912-017-0265-8) (PMID:29204104) (PMCID:PMC5702142)
Guthrie, B., Gillies OBE, J., Calderwood, C., Smith, G. and Mercer, S. (2017) Developing middle-ground research to support primary care transformation. British Journal of General Practice, 67(664), pp. 498-499. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp17X693209) (PMID:29074679)
Stokes, J., Man, M.-S., Guthrie, B., Mercer, S. W. , Salisbury, C. and Bower, P. (2017) The foundations framework for developing and reporting new models of care for multimorbidity. Annals of Family Medicine, 15(6), pp. 570-577. (doi: 10.1370/afm.2150) (PMID:29133498)
Weatherburn, C. J., Guthrie, B., Mercer, S. W. and Morales, D. R. (2017) Comorbidities in adults with asthma: population-based cross-sectional analysis of 1.4 million adults in Scotland. Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 47(10), pp. 1246-1252. (doi: 10.1111/cea.12971) (PMID:28665552)
Katikireddi, S. , Skivington, K. , Leyland, A. H. , Hunt, K. and Mercer, S. W. (2017) The contribution of risk factors to socioeconomic inequalities in multimorbidity across the lifecourse: a longitudinal analysis of the Twenty07 cohort. BMC Medicine, 15, 152. (doi: 10.1186/s12916-017-0913-6) (PMID:28835246) (PMCID:PMC5569487)
McLean, G. and Mercer, S. W. (2017) Chronic migraine, comorbidity and socioeconomic deprivation: cross-sectional analysis of a large nationally representative primary care database. Journal of Comorbidity, 7(1), pp. 89-95. (doi: 10.15256/joc.2017.7.114)
McLean, G., Hindle, J. V., Guthrie, B. and Mercer, S. W. (2017) Co-morbidity and polypharmacy in Parkinson’s disease: insights from a large Scottish primary care database. BMC Neurology, 17, 126. (doi: 10.1186/s12883-017-0904-4) (PMID:28666413) (PMCID:PMC5493890)
Smith, G. I., Mercer, S. W. , Gillies, J. C.M. and McDevitt, A. (2017) Improving together: a new quality framework for GP clusters in Scotland. British Journal of General Practice, 67(660), pp. 294-295. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp17X691601) (PMID:28663413)
Simpson, R., Byrne, S., Wood, K., Mair, F. S. and Mercer, S. W. (2017) Optimising mindfulness-based stress reduction for people with multiple sclerosis. Chronic Illness, 14(2), pp. 154-166. (doi: 10.1177/1742395317715504) (PMID:28661195)
Simpson, R., Mair, F. S. and Mercer, S. W. (2017) Mindfulness-based stress reduction for people with multiple sclerosis – a feasibility randomised controlled trial. BMC Neurology, 17, 94. (doi: 10.1186/s12883-017-0880-8) (PMID:28511703) (PMCID:PMC5434553)
McLean, G., Lawrence, M., Simpson, R. and Mercer, S.W. (2017) Mindfulness-based stress reduction in Parkinson's disease: a systematic review. BMC Neurology, 17, 92. (doi: 10.1186/s12883-017-0876-4) (PMID:28506263) (PMCID:PMC5433018)
Lund Jensen, N., Pedersen, H. S., Vestergaard, M., Mercer, S. W. , Glümer, C. and Prior, A. (2017) The impact of socioeconomic status and multimorbidity on mortality: a population-based cohort study. Clinical Epidemiology, 9, pp. 279-289. (doi: 10.2147/CLEP.S129415)
Baron-Franco, B., Mclean, G., Mair, F. S. , Roger, V. L., Guthrie, B. and Mercer, S. W. (2017) Comorbidity and polypharmacy in chronic heart failure: a large cross-sectional study in primary care. British Journal of General Practice, 67(658), e314-e320. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp17X690533) (PMID:28396366)
Chetty, U., McLean, G., Morrison, D. , Agur, K., Guthrie, B. and Mercer, S. W. (2017) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and comorbidities: a large cross-sectional study in primary care. British Journal of General Practice, 67(658), e321-e328. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp17X690605) (PMID:28450344)
Lowrie, R., McConnachie, A. , Williamson, A. E. , Kontopantelis, E., Forrest, M., Lannigan, N., Mercer, S. W. and Mair, F. S. (2017) Incentivised chronic disease management and the inverse equity hypothesis: findings from a longitudinal analysis of Scottish primary care practice-level data. BMC Medicine, 15(1), 77. (doi: 10.1186/s12916-017-0833-5) (PMID:28395660) (PMCID:PMC5387284)
Wood, K., Lawrence, M., Jani, B. , Simpson, R. and Mercer, S. W. (2017) Mindfulness-based interventions in epilepsy: a systematic review. BMC Neurology, 17(1), 52. (doi: 10.1186/s12883-017-0832-3) (PMID:28320349) (PMCID:PMC5360054)
Rycroft-Malone, J., Gradinger, F., Griffiths, H. O., Crane, R., Gibson, A., Mercer, S. , Anderson, R. and Kuyken, W. (2017) Accessibility and implementation in the UK NHS services of an effective depression relapse prevention programme: learning from mindfulness-based cognitive therapy through a mixed-methods study. Health Services and Delivery Research, 5(14), pp. 1-190. (doi: 10.3310/hsdr05140) (PMID:28368561)
van Dijk, I., Scholten Meilink Lenferink, N., Lucassen, P. L.B.J., Mercer, S. W. , van Weel, C., Olde Hartman, T. C. and Speckens, A. E.M. (2017) Reliability and validity of the Dutch version of the consultation and relational empathy measure in primary care. Family Practice, 34(1), pp. 119-124. (doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmw116) (PMID:27920117)
Blane, D. N. , Mackay, D. , Guthrie, B. and Mercer, S. W. (2017) Smoking cessation interventions for patients with coronary heart disease and comorbidities: an observational cross-sectional study in primary care. British Journal of General Practice, 67(655), e118-e129. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp16X688405) (PMID:27919936)
Weatherburn, C. J., Heath, C. A., Mercer, S. W. and Guthrie, B. (2017) Physical and mental health comorbidities of epilepsy: Population-based cross-sectional analysis of 1.5 million people in Scotland. Seizure, 45, pp. 125-131. (doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2016.11.013)
Adkins, G. et al. (2017) Improving Together: A National Framework for Quality and GP Clusters in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]
Clague, F., Mercer, S. W. , McLean, G., Reynish, E. and Guthrie, B. (2017) Comorbidity and polypharmacy in people with dementia: insights from a large, population-based cross-sectional analysis of primary care data. Age and Ageing, 46(1), pp. 33-39. (doi: 10.1093/ageing/afw176) (PMID:28181629)
Fortin, M., Vansaghi, T., van den Akker, M., Haught, J., Mercer, S. W. , Smith, S. M. and Gunn, J. (2017) The Journal of Comorbidity affiliates with the North American Primary Care Research Group. Journal of Comorbidity, 7(1), pp. 114-116. (doi: 10.15256/joc.2017.7.123) (PMID:29354596) (PMCID:PMC5772377)
Mercer, S. W. , Fitzpatrick, B., Grant, L., Chng, N. R. , O'Donnell, C. , Mackenzie, M. , McConnachie, A. , Bakhshi, A. and Wyke, S. (2017) The Glasgow ‘Deep End’ Links Worker Study Protocol: a quasi-experimental evaluation of a social prescribing intervention for patients with complex needs in areas of high socioeconomic deprivation. Journal of Comorbidity, 7(1), pp. 1-10. (doi: 10.15256/joc.2017.7.102)
Mercer, S. W. , Gillies, J., Gunn, J., Fortin, M., van den Akker, M. and Smith, S. M. (2017) The Journal of Comorbidity affiliates with the Scottish School of Primary Care. Journal of Comorbidity, 7(1), pp. 112-113. (doi: 10.15256/joc.2017.7.121) (PMID:29359125) (PMCID:PMC5777538)
Mercer, S. W. , O'Brien, R., Fitzpatrick, B., Higgins, M., Guthrie, B., Watt, G. and Wyke, S. (2016) The development and optimisation of a primary care-based whole system complex intervention (CARE Plus) for patients with multimorbidity living in areas of high socioeconomic deprivation. Chronic Illness, 12(3), pp. 165-181. (doi: 10.1177/1742395316644304) (PMID:27068113) (PMCID:PMC4995497)
Prior, A., Fenger-Grøn, M., Larsen, K. K., Larsen, F. B., Robinson, K. M., Nielsen, M. G., Christensen, K. S., Mercer, S. W. and Vestergaard, M. (2016) The association between perceived stress and mortality among people with multimorbidity: a prospective population-based cohort study. American Journal of Epidemiology, 184(3), pp. 199-210. (doi: 10.1093/aje/kwv324)
Ruscitto, A., Mercer, S. W. , Morales, D. and Guthrie, B. (2016) Accounting for multimorbidity in pay for performance: a modelling study using UK quality and outcomes framework data. British Journal of General Practice, 66(649), e561-e567. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp16X686161) (PMID:27381486)
Chung, R. Y. et al. (2016) The association between types of regular primary care and hospitalization among people with and without multimorbidity: A household survey on 25,780 Chinese. Scientific Reports, 6, 29758. (doi: 10.1038/srep29758) (PMID:27435519) (PMCID:PMC4951721)
Hendry, A., Taylor, A., Mercer, S. and Knight, P. (2016) Improving outcomes through transformational health and social care integration - The Scottish experience. Healthcare Quarterly, 19(2), pp. 73-79. (doi: 10.12927/hcq.2016.24703)
Steele Gray, C., Mercer, S. , Palen, T., McKinstry, B. and Hendry, A. (2016) eHealth advances in support of people with complex care needs: Case examples from Canada, Scotland and the US. Healthcare Quarterly, 19(2), pp. 24-28. (doi: 10.12927/hcq.2016.24696)
Wong, S. Y. S. et al. (2016) Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy v. group psychoeducation for people with generalised anxiety disorder: randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 209(1), pp. 68-75. (doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.115.166124) (PMID:26846612)
Man, M.-S. et al. (2016) Improving the management of multimorbidity in general practice: protocol of a cluster randomised controlled trial (The 3D Study). BMJ Open, 6(4), e011261. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011261) (PMID:27113241) (PMCID:PMC4854003)
Agur, K., McLean, G., Hunt, K. , Guthrie, B. and Mercer, S. W. (2016) How does sex influence multimorbidity? Secondary analysis of a large nationally representative dataset. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(4), 391. (doi: 10.3390/ijerph13040391) (PMID:27043599) (PMCID:PMC4847053)
Mercer, S. (2016) Drug efficacy in older people with multimorbidity. NICE Eyes on Evidence, 83,
Mercer, S. W. , Higgins, M., Bikker, A. M., Fitzpatrick, B., McConnachie, A. , Lloyd, S. M. , Little, P. and Watt, G. C. M. (2016) General practitioners empathy and health outcomes: a prospective observational study of consultations in areas of high and low deprivation. Annals of Family Medicine, 14(2), pp. 117-124. (doi: 10.1370/afm.1910) (PMID:26951586) (PMCID:PMC4781514)
Place, M. A., Murphy, J., Duncan, E. A.S., Reid, J. M. and Mercer, S. W. (2016) A preliminary evaluation of the Visual CARE Measure for use by Allied Health Professionals with children and their parents. Journal of Child Health Care, 20(1), pp. 55-67. (doi: 10.1177/1367493514551307) (PMID:25352539)
Smith, S. M., Reeve, J., Gunn, J., Hill, N. R., Fortin, M., O'Donnell, C. A. , van den Akker, M., Protheroe, J. and Mercer, S. W. (2016) The Journal of Comorbidity affiliates with the Society for Academic Primary Care. Journal of Comorbidity, 6(2), pp. 73-75. (doi: 10.15256/joc.2016.6.88) (PMID:29090177) (PMCID:PMC5556448)
Baylan, S. et al. (2016) MELLO: Study Protocol: A Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial Of Listening Based Leisure Activities Following Ischemic Stroke. In: 13th Neuropsychological Rehab. Special Interest Group World Federation of Neurohabilitation (WFNR), Glasgow, 11-12 Jul 2016,
Mann, C., Shaw, A., Guthrie, B., Wye, L., Man, M.-S., Hollinghurst, S., Brookes, S., Bower, P., Mercer, S. and Salisbury, C. (2016) Protocol for a process evaluation of a cluster randomised controlled trial to improve management of multimorbidity in general practice: the 3D study. BMJ Open, 6(5), e011260. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011260) (PMID:27147391) (PMCID:PMC4861104)
Mercer, S. , Fischbacher-Smith, D. , Furler, J., Sanci, L., Moffat, K. and de Silva, D. (2016) Safer Primary Care: Caring for People with Multiple Conditions. [Research Reports or Papers]
Mercer, S. , Furler, J., Moffat, K., Fischbacher-Smith, D. and Sanci, L. (2016) Multimorbidity: Technical Series on Safer Primary Care. World Health Organization: Geneva. ISBN 9789241511650
Mercer, S. W. et al. (2016) The Care Plus study- a whole system intervention to improve quality of life of primary care patients with multimorbidity in areas of high socioeconomic deprivation: exploratory cluster randomised controlled trial and cost-utility analysis. BMC Medicine, 14, 88. (doi: 10.1186/s12916-016-0634-2) (PMID:27328975) (PMCID:PMC4916534)
Morrison, D. , Agur, K., Mercer, S. , Eiras, A., González-Montalvo, J. I. and Gruffydd-Jones, K. (2016) Managing multimorbidity in primary care in patients with chronic respiratory conditions. npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 26, 16043. (doi: 10.1038/npjpcrm.2016.43)
McLean, G., Guthrie, B., Mercer, S.W. and Watt, G.C.M. (2015) General practice funding underpins the persistence of the inverse care law: cross-sectional study in Scotland. British Journal of General Practice, 65(641), e799-e805. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp15X687829)
Wang, H. H. , Wang, J. J., Wong, S. Y.S., Wong, M. C.S., Mercer, S. W. and Griffiths, S. M. (2015) The development of urban community health centres for strengthening primary care in China: a systematic literature review. British Medical Bulletin, 116(1), pp. 139-153. (doi: 10.1093/bmb/ldv043) (PMID:26582539)
Yu, F. S.K., Yip, B. H.K., Kung, K., Fung, C. S.C., Wong, C. K.M., Lam, A. T., Mercer, S. W. and Wong, S. Y.S. (2015) The association of types of training and practice settings with doctors’ empathy and patient enablement among patients with chronic illness in Hong Kong. PLoS ONE, 10(12), e0144492. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0144492) (PMID:26658427) (PMCID:PMC4678047)
Williams, C. and Mercer, S. (2015) Can mindfulness groups treat common mental health problems? Problematic design and short follow-up fails to answer the question. Evidence Based Mental Health, 18(4), p. 124. (doi: 10.1136/eb-2015-102108) (PMID:26459468)
Wang, H. H. , Wang, J. J., Wong, S. Y.S., Wong, M. C.S., Li, F. J., Wang, P. X., Zhou, Z. H., Zhu, C. Y., Griffiths, S. M. and Mercer, S. W. (2015) Effect of employment and social medical insurance on hospital admissions for people living with multimorbidity in China: analysis of a large community household survey. Lancet, 386(Sup 1), S19. (doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)00597-8)
Wang, H.H.X. , Wong, S.Y.S., Wong, M.C.S., Wang, J.J., Griffiths, S.M. and Mercer, S.W. (2015) The underlying drivers of multimorbidity in middle-income developing countries (E-letter). Annals of Family Medicine,
Sinnott, C., Mercer, S. W. , Payne, R. A., Duerden, M., Bradley, C. P. and Byrne, M. (2015) Improving medication management in multimorbidity: development of the MultimorbiditY COllaborative Medication Review And DEcision Making (MY COMRADE) intervention using the Behaviour Change Wheel. Implementation Science, 10(1), 132. (doi: 10.1186/s13012-015-0322-1) (PMID:26404642) (PMCID:PMC4582886)
Zhou, Y., Lundy, J.-M. , Humphris, G. and Mercer, S. W. (2015) Do multimorbidity and deprivation influence patients' emotional expressions and doctors' responses in primary care consultations? – An exploratory study using multilevel analysis. Patient Education and Counseling, 98(9), pp. 1063-1070. (doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2015.05.026) (PMID:26111501)
Little, P., White, P., Kelly, J., Everitt, H. and Mercer, S. (2015) Randomised controlled trial of a brief intervention targeting predominantly non-verbal communication in general practice consultations. British Journal of General Practice, 65(635), e351-e356. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp15X685237) (PMID:26009529)
Marikar Bawa, F. L., Mercer, S. W. , Atherton, R. J., Clague, F., Keen, A., Scott, N. W. and Bond, C. M. (2015) Does mindfulness improve outcomes in patients with chronic pain? Systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of General Practice, 65(635), e387-e400. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp15X685297) (PMID:26009534)
Dumbreck, S., Flynn, A., Nairn, M., Wilson, M., Treweek, S., Mercer, S. W. , Alderson, P., Thompson, A., Payne, K. and Guthrie, B. (2015) Drug-disease and drug-drug interactions: systematic examination of recommendations in 12 UK national clinical guidelines. British Medical Journal, 350, h949. (doi: 10.1136/bmj.h949) (PMID:25762567) (PMCID:PMC4356453)
Wang, H. H.X. et al. (2015) Relationships of multimorbidity and income with hospital admissions in 3 health care systems. Annals of Family Medicine, 13(2), pp. 164-167. (doi: 10.1370/afm.1757) (PMID:25755038)
Hanževački, M., Jakovina, T., Bajić, Ž., Tomac, A. and Mercer, S. (2015) Reliability and validity of the Croatian version of Consultation and Relational Empathy (CARE) Measure in primary care setting. Croatian Medical Journal, 56(1), pp. 50-56. (doi: 10.3325/cmj.2015.56.50) (PMID:25727042) (PMCID:PMC4364352)
Langan-Martin, J. , Lowrie, R., McConnachie, A. , McLean, G., Mair, F. , Mercer, S. and Smith, D. (2015) Physical health indicators in major mental illness: data from the quality and outcome framework in the UK. Lancet, 385(S1), S61. (doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)60376-2) (PMID:25267051)
Langan-Martin, J. , Smith, D. and Mercer, S. (2015) Physical health indicators in SMI. British Journal of General Practice, 65(630), p. 12. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp15X683077)
Bikker, A. P., Fitzpatrick, B., Murphy, D. and Mercer, S. W. (2015) Measuring empathic, person-centred communication in primary care nurses: validity and reliability of the consultation and relational empathy (CARE) measure. BMC Family Practice, 16, 149. (doi: 10.1186/s12875-015-0374-y) (PMID:26493072) (PMCID:PMC4619021)
Chung, R. Y., Mercer, S. , Lai, F. T.T., Yip, B. H.K., Wong, M. C.S. and Wong, S. Y.S. (2015) Socioeconomic determinants of multimorbidity: a population-based household survey of Hong Kong Chinese. PLoS ONE, 10(10), e0140040. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0140040) (PMID:26451589) (PMCID:PMC4599799)
Cooper, S.-A. , McLean, G., Guthrie, B., McConnachie, A. , Mercer, S. , Sullivan, F. and Morrison, J. (2015) Multiple physical and mental health comorbidity in adults with intellectual disabilities: population-based cross-sectional analysis. BMC Family Practice, 16, 110. (doi: 10.1186/s12875-015-0329-3) (PMID:26310664) (PMCID:PMC4551707)
Heath, C. A., Mercer, S.W. and Guthrie, B. (2015) Vascular comorbidities in younger people with dementia: a cross-sectional population-based study of 616 245 middle-aged people in Scotland. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 86, pp. 959-964. (doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2014-309033)
Little, P., White, P., Kelly, J., Everitt, H., Gashi, S., Bikker, A. and Mercer, S. (2015) Verbal and non-verbal behaviour and patient perception of communication in primary care: an observational study. British Journal of General Practice, 65(635), e357-e365. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp15X685249) (PMID:26009530)
Lundy, J.-M. , Bikker, A., Higgins, M., Watt, G. C., Little, P., Humphries, G. M. and Mercer, S. W. (2015) General practitioners' patient-centredness and responses to patients' emotional cues and concerns: relationships with perceived empathy in areas of high and low socioeconomic deprivation. Journal of Compassionate Health Care, 2, 2. (doi: 10.1186/s40639-015-0011-6)
Mercer, S. W. , Payne, R. A., Nicholl, B. I. and Morrison, J. (2015) Risk of intracranial haemorrhage linked to co-treatment with antidepressants and NSAIDs. British Medical Journal, 2015(351), h3745. (doi: 10.1136/bmj.h3745) (PMID:26173949)
Mercer, S. W. , Payne, R. A., Nicholl, B. N. and Morrison, J. (2015) Authors’ reply to Lewis and Bray. British Medical Journal, 2015(351), h4446. (doi: 10.1136/bmj.h4446) (PMID:26286087)
Moffat, K. and Mercer, S. (2015) Challenges of managing people with multimorbidity in today’s healthcare systems. BMC Family Practice, 16, 129. (doi: 10.1186/s12875-015-0344-4) (PMID:26462820) (PMCID:PMC4604728)
Simpson, R., Mair, F. and Mercer, S. (2015) Mindfulness-based interventions for people with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 21(9), pp. 1093-1094. (doi: 10.1177/1352458515579702) (PMID:25921039)
van den Akker, M., Gunn, J., Mercer, S. , Fortin, M. and Smith, S. (2015) Secondary analysis of data on comorbidity/multimorbidity: a call for papers. Journal of Comorbidity, 5(1), pp. 120-121. (doi: 10.15256/joc.2015.5.57)
Zhang, D. X. et al. (2014) Prevention of anxiety and depression in Chinese: a randomized clinical trial testing the effectiveness of a stepped care program in primary care. Journal of Affective Disorders, 169, pp. 212-220. (doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2014.08.015)
Blane, D. N. , Williams, C. , Morrison, J. , Wilson, A. and Mercer, S. (2014) Psychological therapies in primary care: a progress report. British Journal of General Practice, 64(628), pp. 556-557. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp14X682117)
Court, H., McLean, G., Guthrie, B., Mercer, S. W. and Smith, D. J. (2014) Visual impairment is associated with physical and mental comorbidities in older adults: a cross-sectional study. BMC Medicine, 12(1), p. 181. (doi: 10.1186/s12916-014-0181-7)
Langan-Martin, J. , Lowrie, R., McConnachie, A. , McLean, G., Mair, F. , Mercer, S. W. and Smith, D. J. (2014) Physical health indicators in major mental illness: evidence of reduced uptake from UK-Wide QOF data. British Journal of General Practice, 64(627), e649-e656. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp14X681829)
McLean, G., Langan-Martin, J. , Martin, D. J., Guthrie, B., Mercer, S. W. and Smith, D. J. (2014) Standard cardiovascular disease risk algorithms underestimate the risk of cardiovascular disease in schizophrenia: evidence from a national primary care database. Schizophrenia Research, 159(1), pp. 176-181. (doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2014.07.022)
Lam, C. L.K., Yu, E. Y.T., Lo, Y. Y.C., Wong, C. K.H., Mercer, S. M. , Fong, D. Y.T., Lee, A., Lam, T. P. and Leung, G. M. (2014) Having a family doctor is associated with some better patient-reported outcomes of primary care consultations. Frontiers in Medicine, 1(Art 29), pp. 1-8. (doi: 10.3389/fmed.2014.00029)
McLean, G., Gunn, J., Wyke, S. , Guthrie, B., Watt, G. C.M., Blane, D. N. and Mercer, S. W. (2014) The influence of socioeconomic deprivation on multimorbidity at different ages: a cross-sectional study. British Journal of General Practice, 64(624), e440-e447. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp14X680545) (PMID:24982497) (PMCID:PMC4073730)
Mercer, S. W. , Salisbury, C. and Fortin, M. (Eds.) (2014) ABC of Multimorbidity. Series: ABC Series. Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford. ISBN 9781118383889
Fortin, M., Mercer, S. W. and Salisbury, C. (2014) Introducing multimorbidity. In: Mercer, Stewart W., Salisbury, Chris and Fortin, Martin (eds.) ABC of Multimorbidity. Series: ABC Series. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 1-4. ISBN 9781118383889
Mercer, S. W. , Fortin, M. and Salisbury, C. (2014) Optimizing outcomes in multimorbidity. In: Mercer, Stewart W., Salisbury, Chris and Fortin, Martin (eds.) ABC of Multimorbidity. Series: ABC Series. Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford, pp. 46-48. ISBN 9781118383889
Mercer, S. W. and Salisbury, C. (2014) Multimorbidity and the primary care clinic. In: Mercer, Stewart W., Salisbury, Chris and Fortin, Martin (eds.) ABC of Multimorbidity. Series: ABC Series. Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford, pp. 17-21. ISBN 9781118383889
Payne, R. A., Abel, G. A., Avery, A. J., Mercer, S. W. and Roland, M. O. (2014) Is polypharmacy always hazardous? A retrospective cohort analysis using linked electronic health records from primary and secondary care. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 77(6), pp. 1073-1082. (doi: 10.1111/bcp.12292)
Rycroft-Malone, J., Anderson, R., Crane, R. S., Gibson, A., Gradinger, F., Owen Griffiths, H., Mercer, S. and Kuyken, W. (2014) Accessibility and implementation in UK services of an effective depression relapse prevention programme – mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT): ASPIRE study protocol. Implementation Science, 9(62), (doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-9-62)
Mercer, S. W. (2014) Comorbidity in asthma is important and requires a generalist approach. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 23(1), pp. 4-5. (doi: 10.4104/pcrj.2014.00012)
Aomatsu, M., Abe, H., Abe, K., Yasui, H., Suzuki, T., Sato, J., Ban, N. and Mercer, S.W. (2014) Validity and reliability of the Japanese version of the CARE Measure in a general medicine outpatient setting. Family Practice, 31(1), pp. 118-126. (doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmt053)
Bikker, A. P., Cotton, P. and Mercer, S. (2014) Embracing Empathy: A Universal Approach to Person-Centred, Empathic Healthcare Encounters. Radcliffe Health. ISBN 9781909368187
Fitzgerald, N. M., Heywood, S., Bikker, A. P. and Mercer, S. W. (2014) Enhancing empathy in healthcare: mixed-method evaluation of a pilot project implementing the CARE Approach in primary and community care settings in Scotland. Journal of Compassionate Health Care, 1(6), (doi: 10.1186/s40639-014-0006-8)
Gallacher, K. I. , Batty, G. D., McLean, G., Mercer, S. W. , Guthrie, B., May, C. R., Langhorne, P. and Mair, F. S. (2014) Stroke, multimorbidity and polypharmacy in a nationally representative sample of 1,424,378 patients in Scotland: implications for treatment burden. BMC Medicine, 12(151), (doi: 10.1186/s12916-014-0151-0)
Langan-Martin, J. , McLean, G., Park, J., Martin, D., Connolly, M., Mercer, S. W. and Smith, D. J. (2014) Impact of socioeconomic deprivation on rate and cause of death in severe mental illness. BMC Psychiatry, 14(261), (doi: 10.1186/s12888-014-0261-4)
O'Brien, R., Wyke, S. , Guthrie, B., Watt, G. C.C.M. and Mercer, S. W. (2014) The ‘everyday work’ of living with multimorbidity in socioeconomically deprived areas of Scotland. Journal of Comorbidity, 4(1), pp. 1-10. (doi: 10.15256/joc.2014.4.32)
Simpson, R., Booth, J., Lawrence, M., Byrne, S., Mair, F. and Mercer, S. (2014) Mindfulness based interventions in multiple sclerosis - a systematic review. BMC Neurology, 14(15), (doi: 10.1186/1471-2377-14-15)
Simpson, R. J., McLean, G., Guthrie, B., Mair, F. and Mercer, S. W. (2014) Physical and mental health comorbidity is common in people with multiple sclerosis: nationally representative cross-sectional population database analysis. BMC Neurology, 14(128), (doi: 10.1186/1471-2377-14-128)
Smith, D. J. , Court, H., McLean, G., Martin, D., Langan Martin, J. , Guthrie, B., Gunn, J. and Mercer, S. W. (2014) Depression and multimorbidity: cross-sectional study of 1,751,841 patients in primary care. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 75(11), pp. 1202-1208. (doi: 10.4088/JCP.14m09147) (PMID:25470083)
Smith, S. M., Mercer, S. W. , Gunn, J., van den Akker, M. and Fortin, M. (2014) Enhancing research quality and reporting: why the Journal of Comorbidity is now publishing study protocols. Journal of Comorbidity, 4(1), pp. 55-57. (doi: 10.15256/joc.2014.4.46)
Wang, H. H. , Wang, J. J., Wong, S. Y.S., Wong, M. C.S., Li, F. J., Wang, P. X., Zhou, Z. H., Zhu, C. Y., Griffiths, S. M. and Mercer, S. W. (2014) Epidemiology of multimorbidity in China and implications for the healthcare system: cross-sectional survey among 162,464 community household residents in southern China. BMC Medicine, 12(188), (doi: 10.1186/s12916-014-0188-0)
Smith, D. , Martin, D., McLean, G., Langan-Martin, J. , Guthrie, B. and Mercer, S. (2013) Multimorbidity in bipolar disorder and under-treatment of cardiovascular disease: a cross sectional study. BMC Medicine, 11, p. 263. (doi: 10.1186/1741-7015-11-263)
Hou, R.J. et al. (2013) The effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction program on the mental health of family caregivers: a randomized controlled trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 83(1), pp. 45-53. (doi: 10.1159/000353278)
Reeve, J. et al. (2013) Examining the practice of generalist expertise: a qualitative study identifying constraints and solutions. JRSM Short Reports, 4(12), (doi: 10.1177/2042533313510155)
Murphy, J., Mercer, S.W. and Duncan, E.A.S. (2013) A pilot study to explore the feasibility, validity and reliability of a visual version of the CARE Measure. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 20(9), pp. 460-465.
Lawrence, M., Booth, J., Mercer, S. and Crawford, E. (2013) A systematic review of the benefits of mindfulness-based interventions following transient ischemic attack and stroke. International Journal of Stroke, 8(6), pp. 465-474. (doi: 10.1111/ijs.12135)
Payne, R.A., Abel, G.A., Guthrie, B. and Mercer, S.W. (2013) The effect of physical multimorbidity, mental health conditions and socioeconomic deprivation on unplanned admissions to hospital: a retrospective cohort study. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 185(5), E221-E228. (doi: 10.1503/cmaj.121349)
Blane, D. , Williams, C. , Morrison, J. , Wilson, A. and Mercer, S. (2013) Cognitive behavioural therapy: why primary care should have it all. British Journal of General Practice, 63(607), pp. 103-104. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp13X663235)
Langan, J. , Mercer, S.W. and Smith, D.J. (2013) Multimorbidity and mental health: can psychiatry rise to the challenge? British Journal of Psychiatry, 202(6), pp. 391-393. (doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.112.123943)
Lawson, K., Mercer, S. , Wyke, S. , Grieve, E. , Guthrie, B., Watt, G.C.M. and Fenwick, E. (2013) Double trouble: the impact of multimorbidity and deprivation on preference-weighted health related quality of life - a cross sectional analysis of the Scottish Health Survey. International Journal for Equity in Health, 12(67), (doi: 10.1186/1475-9276-12-67)
Martin, U. and Mercer, S.W. (2013) A comparison of general practitioners prescribing of gluten-free foods for the treatment of coeliac disease with national prescribing guidelines. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, (doi: 10.1111/jhn.12116)
Smith, D.J. , Langan, J. , McLean, G., Guthrie, B. and Mercer, S.W. (2013) Schizophrenia is associated with excess multiple physical-health comorbidities but low levels of recorded cardiovascular disease in primary care: cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 3(4), e002808. (doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-002808)
Smith, S.M., Bayliss, E.A., Mercer, S.W. , Gunn, J., Vestergaard, M., Wyke, S., Salisbury, C. and Fortin, M. (2013) How to design and evaluate interventions to improve outcomes for patients with multimorbidity. Journal of Comorbidity, 3(1), pp. 10-17.
Wong, C.K., Yip, B.H., Mercer, S. , Griffiths, S., Kung, K., Wong, M.C., Chor, J. and Wong, S.Y. (2013) Effect of facemasks on empathy and relational continuity: a randomised controlled trial in primary care. BMC Family Practice, 14(200), (doi: 10.1186/1471-2296-14-200)
Wong, S.Y.S., Wong, C.K., Chan, F.W.K., Chan, P.K.S., Ngai, K., Mercer, S. and Woo, J. (2013) Chronic psychosocial stress: does it modulate immunity to the influenza vaccine in Hong Kong Chinese elderly caregivers? Age, 35(4), pp. 1479-1493. (doi: 10.1007/s11357-012-9449-z)
Jani, B. , Bikker, A., Higgins, M., Fitzpatrick, B., Little, P., Watt, G.C.M. and Mercer, S.W. (2012) Patient-centredness and the outcome of consultations with depressed patients in areas of high and low socioeconomic deprivation. British Journal of General Practice, 62(601), e576-e581. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp12X653633)
Barnett, K., Mercer, S.W. , Norbury, M., Watt, G., Wyke, S. and Guthrie, B. (2012) Epidemiology of multimorbidity and implications for health care, research, and medical education: a cross-sectional study. Lancet, 380(9836), pp. 37-43. (doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60240-2)
Mercer, S.W. , Guthrie, B., Furler, J., Watt, G.C.M. and Hart, J.T. (2012) Multimorbidity and the inverse care law in primary care. British Medical Journal, 344, e4152. (doi: 10.1136/bmj.e4152)
Murphy, D.J., Guthrie, B., Sullivan, F.M., Mercer, S.W. , Russell, A. and Bruce, D.A. (2012) Insightful practice: a reliable measure for medical revalidation. BMJ Quality and Safety, 21, pp. 649-656. (doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2011-000429)
France, E.F., Wyke, S. , Gunn, J.N., Mair, F. , McLean, G. and Mercer, S.W. (2012) Multimorbidity in primary care: a systematic review of prospective cohort studies. British Journal of General Practice, 62(597), e297-e307. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp12X636146)
Bikker, A.P., Mercer, S.W. and Cotton, P. (2012) Connecting, Assessing, Responding, Empowering (CARE): A universal approach to person-centred, empathic healthcare encounters. Education for Primary Care, 23(6), pp. 454-457.
Guthrie, B., Payne, K., Alderson, P., McMurdo, M.E.T. and Mercer, S.W. (2012) Adapting clinical guidelines to take account of multimorbidity. British Medical Journal, 345(oct04), e6341-e6341. (doi: 10.1136/bmj.e6341)
Guthrie, B., Watt, G., Wyke, S. and Mercer, S.W. (2012) Epidemiology of multimorbidity – Authors' reply. Lancet, 380(9851), pp. 1383-1384. (doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)61796-6)
Jani, B. , Blane, D. and Mercer, S. (2012) The role of empathy in therapy and the physician-patient relationship. Forschende Komplementarmedizin / Research in Complementary Medicine, 19(5), pp. 252-257. (doi: 10.1159/000342998)
Mercer, S. (2012) Empathy is key. In: Working Towards People Powered Health: Insights from Practitioners. NESTA: London, UK, p. 25.
Mercer, S.W. , Gunn, J., Bower, P., Wyke, S. and Guthrie, B. (2012) Managing patients with mental and physical multimorbidity. British Medical Journal, 345, e5559-e5559. (doi: 10.1136/bmj.e5559)
Mercer, S.W. , Jani, B.D. , Maxwell, M., Wong, S.Y.S. and Watt, G.C.M. (2012) Patient enablement requires physician empathy: a cross-sectional study of general practice consultations in areas of high and low socioeconomic deprivation in Scotland. BMC Family Practice, 13, p. 6. (doi: 10.1186/1471-2296-13-6)
Watt, G., Brown, G., Budd, J., Cawston, P., Craig, M., Jamieson, R., Langridge, S., Lyon, A., Mercer, S.W. , Morton, C., Mullin, A., O'Neil, J., Paterson, E., Sambale, P. and Williamson, A.E. (2012) General Practitioners at the Deep End: The Experience and Views of General Practitioners Working in the Most Severely Deprived Areas of Scotland. Royal College of General Practitioners: London, UK. ISBN 9780850843385
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Lam, C.L.K., Leung, G.M., Mercer, S.W. , Fong, D.Y.T., Lee, A., Lam, T.P. and Lo, Y.Y.C. (2011) Utlilisation patterns of primary health care services in Hong Kong: does having a family doctor make any difference? Hong Kong Medical Journal, 17(S3), S28-S32.
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Wong, S.Y.S., Chan, F.W.K., Wong, R.L.P., Wong, M.C.E., Chu, M.C., Lam, Y.Y.L., Mercer, S.W. and Ma, S.H. (2011) Comparing the effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction and multidisciplinary intervention programs for chronic pain: a randomized comparative trial. Clinical Journal of Pain, 27(8), pp. 724-734. (doi: 10.1097/AJP.0b013e3182183c6e)
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Murphy, D.J., Bruce, D.A., Mercer, S.W. and Eva, K.W. (2009) The reliability of workplace-based assessment in postgraduate medical education and training: a national evaluation in general practice in the United Kingdom. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 14(2), pp. 219-232. (doi: 10.1007/s10459-008-9104-8)
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Mercer, S.W., Neumann, M., Wirtz, M., Fitzpatrick, B. and Vojt, G. (2008) General practitioner empathy, patient enablement, and patient-reported outcomes in primary care in an area of high socio-economic deprivation in Scotland - a pilot prospective study using structural equation modelling. Patient Education and Counseling, 73(2), pp. 240-245. (doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2008.07.022)
McGregor, W., Jabareen, H., O'Donnell, C.A. , Mercer, S.W. and Watt, G.C.M. (2008) Impact of the 2004 GMS contract on practice nurses : a qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice, 58(555), pp. 711-719. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp08X342183)
Wong, M.C.S., Jiang, J.Y., Fung, H., Griffiths, S. and Mercer, S.W. (2008) Antihypertensive drug class and impaired fasting glucose: a risk association study among Chinese patients with uncomplicated hypertension. BMC Clinical Pharmacology, 8(6), (doi: 10.1186/1472-6904-8-6)
Wong, M.C.S., Jiang, J.Y., Lam, A.T., Fung, H., Griffiths, S. and Mercer, S.W. (2008) Patterns of antihypertensive prescribing, discontinuation and switching among a Hong Kong Chinese population from over one million prescriptions. Journal of Human Hypertension, 22(10), pp. 714-716. (doi: 10.1038/jhh.2008.83)
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Howie, J.G.R., Heaney, D.J., Maxwell, M., Freeman, G.K. and Mercer, S.W. (2008) Further observations on enablement. British Journal of General Practice, 58(552), pp. 499-500. (doi: 10.3399/bjgp08X319477)
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Mercer, S.W. and Lean, M. (2008) Request for slimming tablets. British Medical Journal, 337, a1287. (doi: 10.1136/bmj.a1287)
Mercer, S.W. and Murphy, D.J. (2008) Validity and reliability of the CARE Measure in secondary care. Clinical Governance: An International Journal, 13(4), pp. 269-283. (doi: 10.1108/14777270810912969)
Wong, M.C.S., Chan, A.C.Y., Kwan, W.K., Mercer, S.W. , Griffiths, S.M. and Yiu, Y.K. (2008) Collaboration between family medicine and internal medicine: a new model of care for effective primary care. Hong Kong Practitioner, 30, pp. 60-69.
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Mercer, S.W. , Fitzpatrick, B., Gourlay, G., Vojt, G., Mcconnachie, A. and Watt, G.C.M. (2007) More time for complex consultations in a high deprivation practice is associated with increased patient enablement. British Journal of General Practice, 57(545), pp. 960-966. (doi: 10.3399/096016407782604910)
Cawston, P.G., Mercer, S.W. and Barbour, R.S. (2007) Involving deprived communities in improving the quality of primary care services: does participatory action research work? BMC Health Services Research, 7, (doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-7-88)
McKinstry, B., Walker, J., Porter, M., Fulton, C., Tait, A., Hanley, J. and Mercer, S.W. (2007) The impact of general practitioner morale on patient satisfaction with care: a cross-sectional study. BMC Family Practice, 8, (doi: 10.1186/1471-2296-8-57)
Mercer, S.W. , Cawston, P.G. and Bikker, A. (2007) Quality in general practice consultations: a qualitative study of the views of patients living in an area of high socio-economic deprivation in Scotland. BMC Family Practice, 8(22), (doi: 10.1186/1471-2296-8-22)
Mercer, S.W. and MacDonald, R. (2007) Disability and human rights. Lancet, 370(9587), pp. 548-549.
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Reilly, D., Mercer, S.W., Bikker, A. and Harrison, T. (2007) Outcome related to impact on daily living: preliminary validation of the ORIDL instrument. BMC Health Services Research, 7, (doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-7-139)
Mercer, S.W. and Howie, J.G.R. (2006) CQI-2 — a new measure of holistic interpersonal care in primary care consultations. British Journal of General Practice, 56(525), pp. 262-268.
Finucane, A. and Mercer, S.W. (2006) An exploratory mixed methods study of the acceptability and effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for patients with active depression and anxiety in primary care. BMC Psychiatry, 6(14), pp. 1-14.
Mercer, S.W. , Sevar, K. and Sadutshan, T.D. (2006) Using clinical audit to improve the quality of obstetric care at the Tibetan Delek Hospital in North India: a longitudinal study. Reproductive Health, 3(4), pp. 1-4.
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Ruwanpura, E., Mercer, S.W. , Ager, A. and Duveen, G. (2006) Cultural and spiritual constructions of mental distress and associated coping mechanisms of Tibetans in exile: implications for western interventions. Journal of Refugee Studies, 19, pp. 187-202.
Bikker, A., Mercer, S.W. and Reilly, D.T. (2005) A pilot prospective study on the consultation and relational empathy, patient enablement, and health changes over 12 months in patients going to the Glasgow homoeopathic hospital. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 11, pp. 591-600.
Hasegawa, H., Reilly, D., Mercer, S.W. and Bikker, A. (2005) Holism in primary care: the views of Scotland's general practitioners. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 6(4), pp. 320-328.
Mercer, S.W. (2005) Practitioner empathy, patient enablement and health outcomes of patients attending the Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital: a retrospective and prospective comparison. Wiener Medizinishce Wochenschrift, 155(21/22), pp. 498-501.
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Mercer, S.W. and Reilly, D. (2004) A qualitative study of patient's views on the consultation at the Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital, an NHS integrative complementary and orthodox medical care unit. Patient Education and Counseling, 53, pp. 13-18. (doi: 10.1016/S0738-3991(03)00242-8)
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Mercer, S.W. (2003) An empathy-based consultation quality measure for use in CAM and conventional-care settings. Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 8(1), p. 153. (doi: 10.1111/j.2042-7166.2003.tb05818.x)
McPherson, H., Mercer, S.W. , Scullion, T. and Thomas, K.J. (2003) Empathy, enablement, and outcome: an exploratory study on acupuncture patients' perceptions. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 9(6), pp. 869-876.
Mercer, S.W. , Dieppe, P., Chambers, R. and MacDonald, R. (2003) Equality for people with disabilities in medicine: time for action and partnerships. British Medical Journal, 327(7420), pp. 882-883.
Mercer, S.W. , Hasegawa, H., Reilly, D. and Bikker, A.P. (2002) Length of consultations. Time and stress are limiting holistic care in Scotland. British Medical Journal, 325(1241),
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Mercer, S.W. and Reynolds, W. (2002) Empathy and quality of care. British Journal of General Practice, 52(Supple), pp. 9-12.
Powell, B., Mercer, S.W. and Harte, C. (2002) Measuring the impact of rehabilitation services on the quality of life of disabled people in Cambodia. Disasters, 26(2), pp. 175-191.
Mercer, S.W. and Tessier, S. (2001) A qualitative study of general practitioners' and practice nurses' attitudes to obesity management in primary care. Health Bulletin, 59(4), pp. 248-253.
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