Rationale and design of the Medical Research Council precision medicine with Zibotentan in microvascular angina (PRIZE) trial

Morrow, A. J. et al. (2020) Rationale and design of the Medical Research Council precision medicine with Zibotentan in microvascular angina (PRIZE) trial. American Heart Journal, 229, pp. 70-80. (doi: 10.1016/j.ahj.2020.07.007) (PMID:32942043)

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Background: Microvascular angina is caused by cardiac small vessel disease and dysregulation of the endothelin system is implicated. The minor G allele of the non-coding single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs9349379 enhances expression of the endothelin 1 gene in human vascular cells, increasing circulating concentrations of ET-1. The prevalence of this allele is higher in patients with ischemic heart disease. Zibotentan is a potent, selective inhibitor of the ETA receptor. We have identified zibotentan as a potential disease-modifying therapy for patients with microvascular angina. Methods: We will assess the efficacy and safety of adjunctive treatment with oral zibotentan (10 mg daily) in patients with microvascular angina and assess whether rs9349379 (minor G allele; population prevalence ~36%) acts as a theragnostic biomarker of the response to treatment with zibotentan. The Precision medicine with Zibotentan in microvascular angina (PRIZE) trial is a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, sequential cross-over trial. The study population will be enriched to ensure a G-allele frequency of 50% for the rs9349379 SNP. The participants will receive a single-blind placebo run-in followed by treatment with either 10 mg of zibotentan daily for 12 weeks then placebo for 12 weeks, or vice versa, in random order. The primary outcome is treadmill exercise duration using the Bruce protocol. The primary analysis will assess the within-subject difference in exercise duration following treatment with zibotentan versus placebo. Conclusion: PRIZE invokes precision medicine in microvascular angina. Should our hypotheses be confirmed, this developmental trial will inform the rationale and design for undertaking a larger multicenter trial.

Item Type:Articles
Glasgow Author(s) Enlighten ID:Macfarlane, Professor Peter and Davenport, Dr Anthony and Luo, Professor Xiaoyu and Hill, Professor Nicholas and Mangion, Dr Kenneth and Husmeier, Professor Dirk and Morrow, Dr Andrew and Miller, Ms Laura and McConnachie, Professor Alex and Ford, Tom and Welsh, Professor Paul and Berry, Professor Colin and Padmanabhan, Professor Sandosh and Dempster, Miss Jill and Sattar, Professor Naveed
Authors: Morrow, A. J., Ford, T. J., Mangion, K., Kotecha, T., Rakhit, R., Galasko, G., Hoole, S., Davenport, A., Kharbanda, R., Ferreira, V. M., Shanmuganathan, M., Chiribiri, A., Perera, D., Rahman, H., Arnold, J. R., Greenwood, J. P., Fisher, M., Husmeier, D., Hill, N. A., Luo, X., Williams, N., Miller, L., Dempster, J., Macfarlane, P. W., Welsh, P., Sattar, N., Whittaker, A., McConnachie, A., Padmanabhan, S., and Berry, C.
College/School:College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences > School of Cardiovascular & Metabolic Health
College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences > School of Health & Wellbeing > Robertson Centre
College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences > School of Life Sciences
College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences > School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing
College of Science and Engineering > School of Mathematics and Statistics > Mathematics
College of Science and Engineering > School of Mathematics and Statistics > Statistics
Journal Name:American Heart Journal
ISSN (Online):1097-6744
Published Online:17 July 2020
Copyright Holders:Copyright © 2020 The Authors
First Published:First published in American Heart Journal 229: 70-80
Publisher Policy:Reproduced under a Creative Commons License

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Project CodeAward NoProject NamePrincipal InvestigatorFunder's NameFunder RefLead Dept
303944BHF Centre of ExcellenceRhian TouyzBritish Heart Foundation (BHF)RE/18/6/34217CAMS - Cardiovascular Science
303684A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 2A cross-over trial of oral zibotentan in patients with angina due to small vessel disease: a proof-of-concept, developmental trial for safety, efficacy and biomarkers developmentColin BerryMedical Research Council (MRC)MR/S018905/1CAMS - Cardiovascular Science