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42nd Street. Directed by Lloyd Bacon, Hollywood, CA: Warner Brothers, 1933.
Gold Diggers of 1933. Directed by Mervyn LeRoy, Hollywood, CA: Warner Brothers, 1933.
The Kid From Spain Directed by Leo McCarey, Samuel Goldwyn Productions/United Artists, Hollywood, CA., 1932.
Kid Millions. Directed by Roy Del Ruth, Hollywood, CA: Samuel Goldwyn Productions/United Artists, 1934.
Roman Scandals. Directed by Frank Tuttle, Hollywood, CA: Samuel Goldwyn Productions/United Artists, 1933.
Strike Me Pink. Directed by Norman Taurog, Hollywood, CA: Samuel Goldwyn Productions/United Artists, 1936.
Whoopee! Directed by Thornton Freeland, Hollywood, CA: Samuel Goldwyn Productions/United Artists, 1930.