Wikipedia editor
Not really, it's my userpage. Hope you like it here. You probably won't, but you probably won't hate it here either. That's good enough.
Name : Han (Surname withdrawn for privacy reasons and legal contract with FedEx Corp. )
Location : Sandiacre , Nottinghamshire /Derbyshire (Depending on source), People's Republic of Soviet Britain, and it's all mighty ruler Gordon Stalin
Ethnicity : Chinese
Gender : Male
School : George Spencer Foundation School and Technology College
Age : 14
Hobbies : Speaking to watermelons.
Personality : What is this personality you speak of?
Alter-ego /Sockpuppet : The Stig , Banksy , Jack the Ripper , Robert Mugabe's psychiatrist , User:Willy on Wheels , Jimmy Wales , Zombie Jesus and finally: User:UnusualGazelle
Special K ? : No thanks.
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These boxes are evil. Do not trust them at any cost.
It is 05:59:28 on January 9, 2025 , according to the server's time and date.
pig -1Isthay userway isway ableway otay ontributecay ithway away asicbay evellay ofway Igpay Atinlay .
IntS -0This user has no interest in Internet slang , or talks like an offline person.
ubx -5This user uses entirely too many userboxes .
ubx -nThis user communicates exclusively via userboxes .
dlph -NSree'ook kkkk'kk eee ack.
prog-0 This user does not know how to program .
This user employs a more formal style of writing in articles than in talk pages.
they he or she This user considers the singular they to be substandard English usage.
their there they're This user thinks that there are too many people who don’t know that they're worse than their own children at spelling!
. The This user does not put two spaces after a full stop.
ANAL 4 This user advocates good grammar usage.
Pickyness PickinessThis user changes the adjective ending "y" to "i" to form nouns with "-ness".
AIM -AbleThis user understands AIM talk perfectly well, but does not seriously use it. Ever.
This user likes kiwis (not the fruit).
This user tends to like chicken , a little bit too much.
This user firmly believes that this is a better world because of the presence of dogs .
This user's favourite animal is the Mandrill .
This user is not a pet owner.
This user is a car enthusiast.
Porsche This user pronounces Porsche the right way : /ˈpɔːrʃə/ —with "ə" at the end.
63 This user knows that the average age of a Buick driver is 63.
This user's favorite color is ultraviolet .
T This user is a fan of topical comedy and satire .
This user never reads anything useful on a blog —ever.
This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
G This user will use Google before asking dumb questions.
This user uses Yahoo! Mail as a primary e-mail service.
This user contributes using a PC .
n This user uses a nVidia {{{1}}} graphics card in their PC.
This user still remembers these .
No iPod
This user does not use an iPod and does not wish to own one. .
BB This user contributes using a broadband connection.
This user loves food in moderation.
This user prefers eating pizza with pineapple .
This user enjoys tofu .
This user eats fish .
H2 O This user drinks water regularly.
Coke This user likes to drink Coke on occasion.
GAME This user plays "the Game" .
This user passed
GO !
(…so where is my $200?)
This user prefers to play games on a PC .
This user plays various breakout-style games
Pi ≈ 3.1415926535897932384626
This user knows by heart the first
9 digits in the decimal representation of
pi .
This user plays the piano .
This user can't stand rap music.
Yupp tspp tsupp burreevick durridullan dick dully dillun ditsdundulla ribbee dubbee dulla roop buddyroobyrung goory gung gook gaya geeree gung goo !
This user accepts evolution as a biological fact.
This user enjoys using Celestia to look at the virtual skies.
This user has absolutely no life. +
This user has visited Italy .
This user would like to visit USA .
This user's species is a Homo Sapiens . Human
This user admires all expressions of nature .
This user believes that communism is an ideal system of government —in theory.
"America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilisation in between." – Oscar Wilde
"The secret to creativity is to know how to hide your sources." – Albert Einstein
"There is only one difference between a madman and me, I am not mad." – Salvador Dali
This user enjoys the interesting and weird works of Douglas Adams .
This user hasn't been roundhouse kicked by Chuck Norris . Not yet...
BBC This user supports the BBC .
This user wholeheartedly believes that Big Brother is the worst television program that has/does/ever will exist.
BUREAUCRAT HERMES CONRAD This user is anal 78.36% of the time.
ABE This user is not a communist! They may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist, but they are not a porn star !
Room 101 This user wants to put Reality TV into Room 101 .
TV B This user knows there's only one way to find out…FIGHT!
This user's other car is a TARDIS .
Fox News This user hates Fox News and anything connected to it.
news The only reality show this user watches is the news.
This user can not lick his/her own elbow .
This user can’t sleep, clown’ll eat me.
This user has an unusual name! It is Han!
This user is a male .
The sanity of this user has been disputed. Refer to the talk page to discuss this topic.
:( This user wishes there were more userboxes on Wikipedia.
This little tag you are reading is a userbox .
This user needs just one more userbox on their page!
Userboxes Rock! This user is a userbox!
This user loves userboxes!
This Userbox doesn't exist, you're just crazy.
Too many userboxes This user may have too many userboxes ... nah, no way!!
This is a cell-sized userbox.
This user is aware of how silly this huge table looks on their user page, but acknowledges that its real purpose is twofold: statistics and standardization.
This user provides information using userboxes because he or she is bored.
This user was born in the Year of the Dog . 狗
This user knows how toFind x .
sar -2This user is an intermediate speaker of sarcasm.
than then This user understands the difference between using "than " and "then ."
ANAL 4 This user advocates good grammar usage.
This user is a fish , or at least thinks so.
This user is NOT known for taking themself too seriously.
=D This user thinks Star Wars is the cause of World War 1.
DAMN! This user's computer is CRAPPY!
(well duh!)
Scr Res
This user contributes at 1024x768 resolution .
@ This user does not wish to disclose their email or screen name .
This user DOES like Green Eggs and Ham.
This userbox is flavoured like Chocolate Rain, and is special edition! Make up some cool new flavours of your own!
This user enjoys playing Sudoku .
This user has become Numb .
This user believes in logic .
This user would like to know what a black hole looks like from inside, but doesn't want to investigate it personally.
This user prefers warm weather .
This user did not participate in the Earth Hour event.
This user does not contribute by using a web browser. Rather, they upload material directly to the internet by using the awesome power of their mind .
This user is rated 12 .
This user knows The Question to the Ultimate Answer, but isn't going to tell you.
This user is from the planet Earth .
Soylent Green is People!
This user is out there, they can't be bargained with, they can't be reasoned with, they don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear, and they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead .
This user has a fever. And the only prescription is more cowbell !
>_< This person dislikes anime (or doesn't admit to watching it).
Politics : from Poli (Greek ) meaning many and Ticks (English ) meaning blood sucking creatures.
This user believes that movie stars and celebrities should stick to what they're good at, not become politicians.
This user believes political correctness was created in good intentions, but is often overused, misused, or taken way out of context.
This user wants all states of Europe to join the EU .
Your victory inspires us. Things that seemed impossible become feasible .
This user is an explosive.
This user is a vampire and vants to suck your blood. BLEH!
This user likes to watch colorful tennis balls bounce up & down.
This user exists. This is not claiming that this user is not a bot, sockpuppet, blocked user, or inactive user, it is just stating that this user EXISTS. He/She/It/They would like to point out that the reader must exist as well. Existent
"it" This user prefers being called it .
This user is a dolphin , or of delphine ancestry.
This user enjoys the subject of Design .
This user is a NINJA !What Ninja? I don't see a... *SCHHING!* AAH!
Keane This user is lost Somewhere Only We Know.
This user is in a place called Vertigo and they know donde está.
The drugs didn't work... they just made this user worseThe Verve
This user thinks that Weird Al is weird.
Dec 25 This user's favorite holiday is Christmas .
It is approximately 5:59 AM where this user lives.
day Today is Thursday .
This user loves deadlines . They love the whooshing sound they make as they go by.
This user was born in the Year of the Dog . 狗
This user is one in 48,523,543 .
This user has been a member of Wikipedia since 9 March 2008 .
This user thinks that Wikipedia is the best thing since sliced bread. ±
Flexible This user deals with edits, deletion, and creation of pages individually instead of unilaterally and encourages others to do so.
This user trusts Wikipedia as a reliable source.
This user has a sense of humour and shows it on their userpage .
This user believes that it is destiny you saw their user page.
This user is standing behind you.
Please Sign Your Posts
This user has NO personality.
W This user is a Wikipedian . This is the only userbox.
This user needs more userboxes . MORE , I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!
ubx -5This user uses entirely too many userboxes .
This user supports the use of ridiculously huge userboxes
This user has found a userbox that does not offend anybody in any way.
END This user has no more userboxes.
Main Article: Redundancy
407 as of May 29, 2009. (Get in! If anyone would like to do a recount they're more than welcome to. Is there a leaderboard?)
How long did it take you to do that Hypnotoad thing?
A: No time at all, I just entered it in one of those generators on the internet.
Are you really the Stig?
A: .... --- .-- / -.. .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- / -.. --- ..- -... - / -- -.-- / ... - .. --. -. . ... ... .-.-.-
Why? Just why?
A: Because I said so.
Do you know who I am?
A: Richard Curtis?
Why would I be Richard Curtis?
A: You have a glint in your eye.
But you've never seen my eye?
A: Or have I? Or have I...
A: Oh. Sorry then. My mistake.
Do you know the Muffin man?
A: Yes, he lives on Drewberry Lane. We go back a long way.
Eh no. It's Drury Lane.
A: I know the Muffin Man and you don't. Don't be so silly.
How can you splazigate my groderonts?"
A: Er, sorry?
Do you know why I called you here?
A: Please my lord! I know nothing about the clogged up drainpipes! I swear!
You clogged up the drainpipes?!
A: Er... no.
Can I just say that you really are odd for a 14 year old?
A: Yes, I'm a bit odd, but the fact that I use proper spelling and grammar does not make my name Sir Winston Diggleby Bufton-Tufton Alfred Duke of Northumberland PhD.
Why do you have so many userboxes?
A: Why not?
What kind of answer is that?
A: A good one.
How is that a good answer?
A: Because I said it was.
Can you make more Formula One season reviews?
A: I think you've got the wrong person.
A: Welcome to my world.
What's that coming over the hill? Is it a monster? IS IT A MONSTER?
A: You need to start trying to avoid this static abuse.
But if you're both WoW and Jimmy Wales, then that means Jimmy Wales = Willy on Wheels! Impossible! Is it?
A: Stranger things have happened.
No they haven't?
A: Yes they have. I call myself Jimmy on Wheels.
The meaning of life [ edit ]
To find the true meaning of life, click here.
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