Electrical Engineering

Elektroteknikk, sivilingeniør Master's degree programmes /Duration: 2 year(s) / Credits (ECTS): 120
Campus Narvik
Application deadline

Nordic applicants: 15 April, EU/EEA + Swiss applicants: 1 March, Non-EU/EEA applicants: 15 November

With a Master's in Electrical Engineering, you'll be at the heart of the electric world's future. Drive sustainability through electrification and digitalization, powered by renewable energy and smart grids. Explore thrilling opportunities in healthcare, transportation, energy, and industry. Join us and be a vital contributor in the renewable energy revolution.


Med en master i Elektroteknikk (Electrical Engineering) vil du befinne deg i kjernen av fremtidens elektriske verden. Du vil være med på å fremme bærekraft gjennom elektrifisering og digitalisering, drevet av fornybar energi og intelligente strømnett. Utforsk spennende muligheter innen helse, transport, energi og industri. Bli en viktig bidragsyter i den fornybare energirevolusjonen.

Her finner du norsk beskrivelse av Elektroteknikk, sivilingeniør - master

Admission requirements:

A relevant undergraduate Bachelor degree in Engineering programme in power electronics and electrical machines. Basic knowledge in power systems is also an advantage.

In addition, the following requirements must be met:

• minimum 25 credits in mathematics (equivalent to Mathematical Methods 1, 2 og 3)

• 5 credits in statistics

• 7,5 ects i physics on a higher level is required.

The requirement for physics can be covered by 7.5 credits in physics, building physics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and/or mechanics of materials.

Applicants from within the Nordic countries:

The application deadline is 15. april

The study is 2 years long, but with the possibility of 3- or 4-years for Norwegian/Nordic applicants and applicants from within EU/EØS.

If you don't have enough mathematics and/or physics to qualify for the master's degree, you can take one of these courses in the first semester at UiT in Narvik: TEK-2800 Mathematics 3 (5 ects) and/or TEK-2801 Physics 2 (5 ects)

Applicants from outside the Nordic countries:

Applicants with education from non-Nordic countries must document English language proficiency. You will find more information of English language requirements ++here:

The application deadline is
November 15th for non-EU/EEA applicants
1st March for EU/EEA + Swiss applicants

You will find more information about international admission here

Non-EU students must be prepared to pay tuition fees, more information here


Søkere fra Norge/nordiske land:

Søknadfrist er 15. april for opptak til høstsemesteret - søking via UiTs søknadsweb, søknadskode 4601

Studiet er 2-årig, men med mulighet for 3- eller 4-årig løp for søkere fra Norge/Norden og søkere innenfor EU/EØS.

Her finner du all informasjon knyttet til søking og opptak.

Opptakskrav Elektroteknikk, sivilingeniør - master:
Bachelorgrad i ingeniørfag eller tilsvarende innen fagområdene elektronikk, kraftelektronikk eller elektriske maskiner.

I tillegg må følgende krav være oppfylt:
Det kreves minimum

  • 25 studiepoeng i matematikk,tilsvarende Matematikk 1, 2 og 3)
  • 5 studiepoeng i statistikk
  • 7,5 fag i fysikk på høyere nivå.
    Kravet til fysikk kan dekkes av 7,5 studiepoeng i fysikk, bygningsfysikk, fluidmekanikk, termodynamikk og/eller fasthetslære.

Har du for lite matematikk og/eller fysikk for å kvalifisere til siv.ing/master i teknologi, kan du ta ett av disse emnene i første semester ved UiT i Narvik: TEK-2800 Matematikk 3 (5 stp) og/eller TEK-2801 Fysikk 2 (5 ects)

Program description

Full-time or part-time study

You can complete the master's program as a full-time student over 2 years or part-time over 3 or 4 years. Part time is not available for Non-EU/EEA applicants. For those who are working in parallel to studying, we recommend that the part-time study be carried out in collaboration with your company to allocate enough time for you to complete the studies. There is an opportunity to propose a master's thesis in collaboration with your company, providing mutual benefits. For more information, see the latest version of the study plan under "Study plan" on the program's main page.

The master’s program covers essential and advanced skills within
electric energy conversion, electric drives, control methods and
power systems for electrical engineers working with the
technology for the future. These technologies are critical for the
electrification and digitalisation of our society, an important
element towards a sustainable future. Important applications are
renewable energy generation, energy storage, energy distribution,
and electric transport including electric vehicles, ships, and

Advanced skills are supported by fundamental knowledge given
within electromagnetism, power electronics, programming, power
systems, control engineering, measurement system, signal
transmission and mathematics.

In the third semester, the student can choose to specialise by their choice of electric
courses, or exchange to another institution provided that external
courses are similar in content and scope to those specified in this
program description.

See additional information and an overview of mandatory tasks in
the individual course descriptions.

The Master in Electrical Engineering is founded on the "conditions
for use of the protected title Sivilingeniør" according to “Nasjonale
retningslinjer for ingeniørutdanning” by “Universitets- og

Learning outcomes

After completing the study program, the candidate has the following
learning outcome:


  • has knowledge of the principles of electromagnetism and its application in electrical engineering.
  • knows the principles of electric power system.
  • has a knowledge of energy conversion using power electronics. and applications to electrical machines and power supplies.
  • has knowledge of measurement sensors, signal processing, and how these could be integrated in an advanced control system.
  • has basic knowledge of computer architecture and programming.
  • has basic knowledge about economics and innovation, with special focus on idea development.
  • has a deep understanding in one or more of the following topics:

    • operation and control of power systems
    • integration of renewable energy and smart grids.
    • stability of power systems
    • thorough knowledge of electrical machines, their dynamics and choice of suitable power electronic converter types for motor drives.
    • programmable controllers and logic systems
    • design and production electronic solutions


  • can use linear algebra and numerical methods as mathematical
    tools for analysing physical processes and technical solutions.
  • can combine power electronics, control engineering and electrical
    systems into advanced electric motor drives.
  • can perform simulations and analysis of electric power systems.
  • can analyse electromagnetic fields in electric systems.
  • can complete and document a larger independent research work in the form of a master thesis.
  • can perform one or more of the following skills:

    • stability analysis of power systems
    • integration of distributed renewable energy into the grid
    • can design and prototype electric circuits.
    • can use programmable microelectronics in order to control and monitor mechatronics, electric systems, electric devices, and industrial processes.

General competence:

  • gains insight into new and innovative technologies and will be able to put these into an interdisciplinary society and ethical perspective.
  • gains insight into various aspects of future network systems, energy solutions and sustainability challenges.
  • can disseminate knowledge in oral and written form to professionals and non-specialists.
  • is able to see the combination of physical energy systems and software in cyber-physical systems and mechatronics.

Job prospectives

With a Master in Electrical Engineering, you can work in development, construction, research, environmental surveillance, data technology, electrical supply and instrumentation. Employers are often in the supplier industry, power sector and maritime sector, although the education is relevant for most uses of electricity.

With a growing focus on the development of sustainable and renewable energy production, electric energy will play a key role in many new energy-intensive areas of our society. We see it in transport, on land, sea and in the air as an exciting development area. The electrical engineer will play a central role in the renewable energy community of the future.

Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering / 'Sivilingeniør'

Access to further studies

The program qualifies students to take a PhD, and UiT campus Narvik can offer such an education through the PhD Programme in Engineering Sciences. PhD at the Department of Electrical Engineering will be affiliated with the research group Electromechanical Systems.

Study plan

Language of instruction


Teaching and assessment

All teaching on this program takes place in English.
Most courses are based on lectures, self-study and assignments
or small projects, individually or in groups. Each 5 ECTS course
usually includes 40 lectures, plus supervision time. The handouts
can be voluntary or mandatory. Mandatory lab exercises are
included in some topics. Scientific theory, application and analysis
is emphasized in assignments and projects. The individual course
descriptions provide additional information.

The study offers a learning foundation where digital tools and
online support resources are widely used. Learning resources of
each subject are available in an LMS (Learning Management
System). Most of the subject information is gathered there, such
as lecture notes, assignments, tests, links, deadlines, etc., and it
is also a platform for the main communication with lecturers and
fellow students.

Teaching can take place in different ways depending on the topic.
Traditional lecture model is primarily used, while some courses
has implemented projects, "flipped classroom" and other types of
active teaching methods.

In a traditional lecture model, teachers will lecture in scheduled
hours. However, a part of the scheduled hours will be hours of
self-study, where students can work with lab assignments, tasks
that are included in work requirements or tasks that are part of an
assessment. The lecturer and any scientific assistants will be

It is possible to study parts of the master’s program at another university. An individual plan must in this case be made in accordance with the academic program leader.

Destinations for studies abroad


Har du spørsmål om studiet?
Send mail til [email protected]

15. april er søknadsfristen for søkere med norsk/nordisk utdanningsbakgrunn - søknadskode 4601

Til dette programmet ønskes både norske- og engelskspråklige studenter.

Språk: Forelesningene gis på engelsk. Til eksamen er det mulig å søke om å få oppgavesett og/eller besvare eksamen på et annet språk.

Spørsmål om opptak kan sendes til: [email protected]


The candidate will be awarded the right to use the Norwegian professional title sivilingeniør. This right is legally protected in Norway.
Du har rett til å bruke den beskyttede tittelen sivilingeniør etter endt studium. Det vil fremgå av vitnemålet.


Term Plans

Bjarte Hoff
Associate professor / Academic Programme Director for Master Electrical Engineering