Nariadenie REACH
- Pochopenie nariadenia REACH
- Identifikácia látky
- Registrácia
- Hodnotenie
- Autorizácia
- Obmedzenie
- Komunikácia v rámci dodávateľského reťazca
- Zoznam kandidátskych látok vo výrobkoch
- Právne predpisy
- Testovanie na zvieratách podľa nariadenia REACH
- Presadzovanie právnych predpisov
- Nanomateriály
- Posúdenie regulačných potrieb
- PBT assessment
- Endocrine disruptor assessment
- Cooperation with authorities and stakeholders
- Látky, ktoré môžu vzbudzovať obavy
You are a distributor if:
- you source a chemical substance or a mixture within the EEA, store it and then place it on the market for someone else (also under your own brand without changing its chemical composition in any way).
You are not a distributor if:
- you buy chemicals from outside the EEA and place them straight on the market in the EEA – then you are an importer;
- you buy chemicals within the EEA and mix them with other chemicals, dilute them or (re)fill containers, before supplying them to others – then you are a downstream user.