Meetings held by the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers with interest representatives

Export list of all meetings
Commission representative(s) Date Location Interest representative(s) Subject matter Meeting minutes
Olivier Micol, Head of Unit
03/03/2025 Brussels Microsoft Corporation

Exchange of views on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Meeting minutes
Ana Carla Pereira, Director
Susanne Knofel, Head of Unit
27/02/2025 Brussels The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Intersex (LGBTQI) Youth & Student Organisation (IGLYO)

Exchange of views on the implementation of the LGBTIQ equality strategy 2020-2025 and the new LGBTIQ equality strategy post-2025
Meeting minutes
Olivier Micol, Head of Unit
20/02/2025 Brussels Suomen itsenäisyyden juhlarahasto (Sitra)

Presentation of Sitra and its on-going work, in particular on ‘Data and IA’
Meeting minutes
Ana Carla Pereira, Director
Susanne Knofel, Head of Unit
20/02/2025 online EL*C - EuroCentralAsian Lesbian* Community (EL*C)

Exchange of views on the implementation of the LGBTIQ equality strategy 2020-2025 and the new LGBTIQ equality strategy post-2025
Meeting minutes
Marie-Helene Boulanger, Head of Unit
20/02/2025 Brussels Medialiitto ry (Finnmedia)

Discussion on media in Finland and democracy
Meeting minutes
Olivier Micol, Head of Unit
20/02/2025 Brussels Sanoma Media Finland Oy (SMF)

DG JUST met with Finnmedia at Finnmedia’s request to discuss data protection issues
Meeting minutes
Ana Carla Pereira, Director
20/02/2025 Brussels European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education (EASNIE)

Courtesy visit to exchange of view on EU disability policies and priorities
Meeting minutes
Ingrid Bellander-Todino, Head of Unit
19/02/2025 Brussels Open Government Partnership Secretariat (OGP)

Civil Society Strategy and European Democracy Shield Presentation of the OPG work
Meeting minutes
Ana Carla Pereira, Director

Courtesy visit to exchange of view on EU disability policies and priorities
Meeting minutes
Ana Carla Pereira, Director

Exchange of views on the Roadmap for Women’s Rights
Meeting minutes