Meetings held by the Secretariat-General with interest representatives

Export list of all meetings
Commission representative(s) Date Location Interest representative(s) Subject matter Meeting minutes
Vesa Terava, Head of Unit
10/03/2025 Brussels European Business Summit Network (EBS)

The discussion was around future events to be organised by European Business Summits Network to lay the foundation for an ongoing dialogue on biotechnology
Meeting minutes
Michael Wimmer, Director
10/03/2025 Brussels BUSINESSEUROPE
SMEunited aisbl (SMEunited)
EUROCHAMBRES – Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry (eurochambres)

To discuss the Commission’s Better Regulation agenda with a specific focus on the SME test.
Meeting minutes
Nicolas Von Lingen, Head of Unit
06/03/2025 Brussels Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO)

State of play of implementation of the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement
Meeting minutes
Michael Wimmer, Director
05/03/2025 Brussels Deutscher Sparkassen-und Giroverband (DSGV)

To discuss the Commission’s simplification agenda and explore possible approaches for constructive contributions from the financial sector.
Meeting minutes
Richard Szostak, Director
03/03/2025 Brussels Eurasia Group Ltd.

EU-UK relations
Meeting minutes
Maria Olivan-Aviles, Head of Unit
24/02/2025 Brussels Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO)
Transparency International Liaison Office to the European Union (TI EU)

Introductory meeting / transparency and ethics
Meeting minutes
Ruth-Elisa Roller Vrijenhoek, Director
21/02/2025 Brussels EuropaBio

Exchange of views on initiatives that will have an impact on the biotechnology sector like the Competitiveness Compass, Clean Industrial Deal, the Pharmaceutical Package, the Critical Medicines Act, the New Genomic Techniques proposal or the Biotechn
Meeting minutes
William Sleath, Director
20/02/2025 Brussels, Belgium Clean Clothes Campaign / Stichting Schone Kleren Kampagne (CCC)
Anti-Slavery International (Anti-Slavery)
Frank Bold Society (FBS)
Friends of the Earth Europe (FoEE)
European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ)

The Omnibus proposal regarding the CSRD, the CSDDD, and taxonomy
Meeting minutes
Ruth-Elisa Roller Vrijenhoek, Director
20/02/2025 Brussels ABB Ltd

Clean Industrial Deal
Meeting minutes
Elisabeth Werner, Deputy Secretary-General
Stefan Fuehring, Head of Unit
19/02/2025 Brussels Association des Constructeurs Européens d'Automobiles (ACEA)

ACEA’s recommendations for the EU Industrial Action Plan for Automotive Sector
Meeting minutes