European School Education Platform newsletter
Read the online version | ISSN 2812-0876
  August 2024  
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European School Education Platform newsletter

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How EU schools are embracing Ukrainian children: new insights

Russia’s ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine has resulted in one of the world's largest refugee crises. Among those affected, 1.3 million displaced minors have received temporary protection in the EU, with 700,000 enrolled in EU schools for the 2023–2024 academic year. Despite the support measures implemented by EU countries, some integration challenges remain.

Read this article to learn more about what EU countries do for including Ukrainian children in their schools.

In focus

Learning for sustainability


In June, our articles looked at sustainability education from different perspectives. 

This month's expert, Daniella Tilbury from the University of Cambridge, discusses the importance of a whole-school approach to develop learning for sustainability. Ardscoil na Mara school in Ireland shows how they put these ideas into practice in our video.  

The news articles show more examples and perspectives, such as the benefits of school-community collaboration and why teaching about climate justice matters. You can also learn about solution-based learning and future-oriented teaching as ways to educate young people to be part of the green transition.

More examples and good practices on learning for sustainability are explained in our practice article, and this webinar recording discusses tools and activities to help educate climate-active citizens.

You can also learn about how learning for sustainability is embedded in European curricula and read about other inspiring examples of schools and projects.


History in education


In July, our articles covered different approaches to history in education.

Learning about Europe’s political, social, economic and cultural knowledge is key to shaping a European identity and building a commitment to peace. Our July expert, Aurora Ailincai from the Council of Europe, emphasises the role of history education in promoting democracy and peace.

It is also important to note how history education can help counter disinformation and foster active citizenship and inclusion, which is also addressed in this interview with Laurence Bragard from the House of European History.  

Discover more ideas for making history lessons more interesting, for example with innovative digital tools or through shared cultural heritage. To learn more and to update your skills, don’t miss this guide on teaching sensitive and controversial issues, teaching materials promoting inclusion and diversity, and a podcast series on new insights into history teaching.

Latest content

Explore the content published in June and July

Toolkit for school success: The latest resources dedicated to school success, inclusive education and wellbeing at school.

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ISSN: 2812-0876