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Statistics Explained

Data extracted in February 2025

Planned article update: January 2026

Digital economy and society statistics - enterprises

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Data extracted in February 2025

Planned article update: January 2026


In 2024, 20.05% of EU enterprises employed ICT specialists.

In 2024, 52.90% of EU enterprises conducted remote meetings over the internet.

In 2024, 13.48% of EU enterprises used artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

The share of EU enterprises using internet connections of more than 1 Gb/s was 15.09% in 2024.

[[File:Digital economy and society statistics enterprises 10-02-2025.xlsx]]

Enterprises conducting remote meetings via the internet, 2024


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This article presents recent statistical data on several different aspects of the digital economy and society in the European Union (EU), focusing on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) by enterprises.

Progress in the development of the digital economy is regarded as essential to improve the competitiveness of the EU’s economy. ICT have quickly become an integral part of how enterprises function: indeed, their extensive use has had a profound impact on how businesses are run, touching upon a range of aspects such as how they organise their production or service provision processes and their internal or external communication.

This article presents recent statistics on the use of the internet by enterprises; remote meetings and remote access to enterprise resources over the internet and on the ICT security in enterprises. Other important topics in the article reflect the employment, recruitment and training of ICT specialists in EU enterprises and the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI). The article closes with information on e-commerce.

Access to the internet

Enterprises connected to the internet via fixed broadband

In 2024, the vast majority (95.36%) of EU enterprises with at least 10 employees and self-employed persons used a fixed broadband connection to access the internet (see Figure 1). The share was even higher for medium and large enterprises, where almost all enterprises reported connecting to the internet via fixed broadband.

a vertical bar chart showing Enterprises with fixed broadband connection, by speed of fixed internet connection and size class in the EU in the year 2024.
Figure 1: Enterprises with fixed broadband connection, by speed of fixed internet connection and size class, EU, 2024
(% of enterprises)
Source: Eurostat (isoc_ci_it_es)

More than one-third of large enterprises use internet connections faster than 1 Gb/s

With almost all enterprises connected to the internet via broadband, the speed of these connections still deserves attention, as the use of other more advanced technologies by the enterprises often relies on high speed of the internet. In 2024, 6.53% of enterprises in the EU had an internet connection speed that was below < 30 Mb/s, with higher shares having a connection that was in the range of ≥ 30 Mb/s but < 100 Mb/s (23.58%) and in the range of ≥ 100 Mb/s but < 500 Mb/s (32.37%). More than one-sixth (17.70%) had a connection in the range of ≥ 500 Mb/s but < 1 Gb/s, while the fastest internet connections (at least 1 Gb/s) were used by 15.09% of enterprises in the EU. As can be seen from Figure 1, the share of large enterprises using the fastest connection speeds (≥ 1 Gb/s) was almost 3 times higher (36.40%) than the figure recorded for small enterprises (13.27%).

Remote meetings and remote access to enterprise resources

More than half of enterprises in the EU conducting remote meetings via the internet

In 2024, 52.90% of enterprises in the EU reported conducting remote meetings via online platforms like Skype, Zoom, MS Teams, WebEx, etc. The percentage of enterprises, which conducted remote meetings online, was the highest among the large enterprises (94.36%), compared with the medium-sized enterprises (78.50%) and small enterprises (47.04%) (Figure 2).

a vertical bar chart showing the enterprises conducting remote meetings via the internet by size class in the EU, for the year 2024.
Figure 2: Enterprises conducting remote meetings via the internet, by size class, EU, 2024
(% of enterprises)
Source: Eurostat (isoc_ci_mvis)

The percentage of enterprises, which conducted remote meetings online was the highest in Finland (84.54%), Sweden (79.07%) and Denmark (78.46%). The lowest shares of such enterprises were registered in Latvia (33.98%), Hungary (33.52%) and Bulgaria (32.43%) (Figure 3).

a vertical bar chart showing the enterprises conducting remote meetings via the internet in the year 2024, in the EU, individual EU countries and some of the EFTA countries.
Figure 3: Enterprises conducting remote meetings via the internet, 2024
(% of enterprises)
Source: Eurostat (isoc_ci_mvis)

Remote access to enterprise ICT systems

In 2024, the staff in 81.02% of EU enterprises had remote access to the e-mail system of the enterprise. More than two-thirds of enterprises (69.01%) reported their employed persons to have remote access to the documents of the enterprise (e.g. files, spreadsheets, presentations, charts, photos). In more than 65% of enterprises employees were able to access remotely the business applications or software of the enterprise (e.g. access to accounting, sales, orders, customer relationship management (CRM) software). The share of enterprises with persons employed having remote access was, in particular, high among large enterprises, where 9 of 10 enterprises reported that their staff have remote access to each of the 3 different types of ICT systems (Figure 4).

a vertical bar chart showing the enterprises with persons employed having remote access, by size class EU for the year 2024.
Figure 4: Enterprises with persons employed having remote access, by size class, EU, 2024
(% of enterprises)
Source: Eurostat (isoc_ci_ras)

In 2024, more than half of enterprises in all EU countries, reported that some of their employees have remote access to the e-mail system of the enterprise. The highest shares were recorded in Finland (96.90%), Belgium (93.79%), Croatia (92.50%), Estonia (91.36%) and France (91.16%) where that was the case for more than 90% of enterprises. On the other hand, in less than two-thirds of enterprises in Greece (61.49%) and Hungary (66.03%), employees had remote access to the email system of the enterprise (Figure 5).

a vertical bar chart showing enterprises with persons employed having remote access to the email system of the enterprise in the year 2024 in the EU, individual EU countries, some of the EFTA countries and some candidate countries.
Figure 5: Enterprises with persons employed having remote access to the email system of the enterprise, 2024
(% of enterprises)
Source: Eurostat (isoc_ci_ras)

ICT security in enterprises

ICT security refers to relevant incidents as well as measures, controls and procedures applied by enterprises in order to ensure integrity, confidentiality and availability of their data and ICT systems.

ICT security measures

In 2024, 92.76% of EU enterprises used at least one ICT security measure. The most common measure used was the strong password authentication (83.69%), followed by data backup to a separate location or cloud (79.23%) and network access control (65.43%). Less than half of enterprises reported using Virtual Private Networks (VPN) (49.64%), maintaining log files for analysis after security incidents (45.16%) or monitoring system that allows to detect suspicious activity (45.08%). Enterprises less frequently used a combination of 2 or more authentication mechanisms (39.84%), encryption techniques for data, documents or e-mails (39.72%), ICT security tests (34.64%), ICT risk assessments (34.10%) or user identification and authentication via biometric methods (18.27%) (Figure 6).

a horizontal bar chart showing ICT security measures used by enterprises in the EU in the year 2024.
Figure 6: ICT security measures used by enterprises, EU, 2024
(% of enterprises)
Source: Eurostat (isoc_cisce_ra)

Documents on measures, practices or procedures on ICT security

In 2024, 35.50% of EU enterprises had documents, which put in place measures, practices or procedures on ICT security. The percentage of large enterprises having documents on ICT security (81.48%) was more than 2.5 times higher than the share recorded for small enterprises (30.31%). Slightly more than one-fifth of the enterprises in the EU (21.82%) have defined or reviewed their documents on measures, practices or procedures on ICT security during the last 12 months. For 7.58% this was the case between 12 and 24 months ago and for another 4.58% more than 24 months ago. More than half of large enterprises (57.87%) reported having defined or reviewed their documents on ICT security within the last 12 months, while for medium-sized and small enterprises this share was significantly lower with 35.72% and 17.98% respectively (Figure 7).

a vertical bar chart showing enterprises with documents on measures, practices or procedures on ICT security, by size class in the EU in the year 2024.
Figure 7: Enterprises with documents on measures, practices or procedures on ICT security, by size class, EU, 2024
(% of enterprises)
Source: Eurostat (isoc_cisce_ra)

Enterprises make persons employed aware of their obligations in ICT security

In 2024, almost 3 out of 5 EU enterprises (59.97%) made their employees aware of their obligations in ICT security related issues. Voluntary training or internally available information for instance on the intranet was the most common form used (42.59% of enterprises), followed by contracts such as employment contracts (34.25%) and by compulsory training courses or viewing compulsory material (24.51%). The share of enterprises making persons employed aware of their obligations in ICT security by any measure was particularly high for large (92.34%) and medium-sized enterprises (76.45%). Nevertheless, also more than half of small enterprises (55.99%) reported making persons employed aware of their obligations in ICT security (Figure 8).

a vertical bar chart showing enterprises making persons employed aware of their obligations in ICT security related issues, by size class in the EU in the year 2024.
Figure 8: Enterprises making persons employed aware of their obligations in ICT security related issues, by size class, EU, 2024
(% of enterprises)
Source: Eurostat (isoc_cisce_ra)

Among all EU countries, the percentage of enterprises making persons employed aware of their obligation in ICT security ranged from 77.47% in Czechia and 74.81% in Finland to 38.96% in Croatia and 31.68% in Greece. In 21 EU countries, the share of enterprises which reported making persons employed aware of their obligations in ICT security related issues was higher than 50% (Figure 9).

a vertical bar chart showing the enterprises making persons employed aware of their obligations in ICT security related issues in the year 2024, in the EU, individual EU countries, some of the EFTA countries and some candidate countries.
Figure 9: Enterprises making persons employed aware of their obligations in ICT security related issues, 2024
(% of enterprises)
Source: Eurostat (isoc_cisce_ra)

Consequences of ICT related security incidents

In 2023, more than 1 in 5 EU enterprises (21.54%) experienced ICT related security incidents leading to consequences such as unavailability of ICT services, destruction or corruption of data or disclosure of confidential data (Figure 10). The ICT security incidents can be caused by malicious attacks from outside or inside the enterprise, or by non-malicious causes, such as hardware or software failures or unintentional action by own employees. Almost 2 out of 5 EU large enterprises (38.28%) reported experiencing ICT security incidents with consequences in 2023. By contrast, this was the case for slightly less than one-fifth of small enterprises (19.85%).

a vertical bar chart showing enterprises experienced ICT related security incidents leading to consequences, by size class in the EU in the year 2023.
Figure 10: Enterprises experienced ICT related security incidents leading to consequences, by size class, EU, 2023
(% of enterprises)
Source: Eurostat (isoc_cisce_ic)

ICT specialists – employment, recruitment and training

Employment and recruitment of ICT specialists

In 2024, 20.05% of EU enterprises employed ICT specialists. The percentage of large enterprises employing ICT specialists (78.44%) was more than 5 times higher than the ratio of small enterprises employing ICT specialists (14.04%) (Figure 11). In 2024, 9.55% of EU enterprises reported that during 2023 they recruited or tried to recruit ICT specialists and 5.49% had difficulties in filling those vacancies.

a vertical bar chart showing the enterprises employing, recruiting and having hard-to-fill vacancies for ICT specialists by size class in the EU for the year 2024.
Figure 11: Enterprises employing, recruiting and having hard-to-fill vacancies for ICT specialists, by size class, EU, 2024
(% of enterprises)
Source: Eurostat (isoc_ske_itspe) and (isoc_ske_itrcrs)

Among EU countries, Malta, Denmark, Finland and Ireland presented the highest proportion of enterprises employing ICT specialists, with more than 30% of enterprises each (34.11%, 30.94%, 30.51% and 30.28%). Romania, with 13.16%, and Italy, with 12.44%, recorded the lowest ratio of enterprises employing ICT specialists in 2024 (Figure 12).

a vertical bar chart showing the enterprises employing ICT specialists in the year 2024, in the EU, individual EU countries, some of the EFTA countries and some candidate countries.
Figure 12: Enterprises employing ICT specialists, 2024
(% of enterprises)
Source: Eurostat (isoc_ske_itspe)

More than 1 out of 5 enterprises provided ICT training to their employees

Training is crucial to enhance or equip employees with new ICT skills. ICT training is relevant for all the staff, particularly for ICT specialists, but also for other employees i.e. non-ICT specialists. In 2023, 22.29% of the EU enterprises provided training to all their staff in order to enhance their ICT related skills. The ratio reached 72.62% among large enterprises, which was more than 4 times higher than for small enterprises (17.21%) (Figure 13).

a vertical bar chart showing the enterprises that provided ICT related training to their employees by size class in the EU for the year 2023.
Figure 13: Enterprises that provided ICT related training to their employees, by size class, EU, 2023
(% of enterprises)
Source: Eurostat (isoc_ske_itts)

Artificial intelligence (AI)

AI refers to systems that use technologies such as: text mining, computer vision, speech recognition, natural language generation, machine learning, deep learning to gather and/or use data to predict, recommend or decide, with varying levels of autonomy, the best action to achieve specific goals. AI systems can be purely software based, or embedded in devices.

In 2024, 1 in 7 EU enterprises used AI technologies

In 2024, 13.48% of enterprises in the EU with more than 10 employees and self-employed persons reported using 1 or several of the following AI technologies:

  • AI technologies for performing analysis of written language
  • AI technologies for machine learning (e.g. deep learning)
  • AI technologies automating different workflows or assisting in decision making
  • AI technologies for converting spoken language into machine-readable format
  • AI technologies for identifying objects or persons based on images
  • AI technologies for generating written or spoken language
  • AI technologies enabling physical movement of machines via autonomous decisions based on observation of surroundings

The share of large enterprises using these AI technologies stood at 41.17% and was significantly higher than the value recorded for small enterprises (11.21%). The difference might be explained with the complexity of the implementation of the AI technologies within the enterprise. EU enterprises used most AI technologies for performing analysis of written language (6.88%) and generating written or spoken language (5.41%). Again, the share of large enterprises reported using these types of AI technologies was more than 3 times higher (Figure 14).

a vertical bar chart showing Enterprises using AI technologies, by type of technology and size class in the EU in the year 2024.
Figure 14: Enterprises using AI technologies, by type of AI technology and size class, EU, 2024
(% of enterprises)
Source: Eurostat (isoc_eb_ai)

Among EU countries, AI technologies were used by more than a quarter of enterprises in Denmark (27.58%) and Sweden (25.09%). The lowest figures were recorded in Bulgaria (6.47%) Poland (5.90%) and Romania (3.07%) (Figure 15).

a vertical bar chart showing enterprises using AI technologies in the year 2024,in the EU, individual EU countries, some of the EFTA countries and some candidate countries.
Figure 15: Enterprises using AI technologies, 2024
(% of enterprises)
Source: Eurostat (isoc_eb_ai)

Enterprises engaged in e-commerce

E-commerce refers to the trading of goods or services over computer networks such as the internet. E-sales concern the receipt of orders by methods specifically designed for the purpose of receiving orders, either via electronic data interchange (EDI) or through websites or apps (web sales); orders received by way of manually typed e-mail messages are excluded.

Almost 1 in 4 EU enterprises made e-sales in 2023

In 2023, 23.83% of enterprises in the EU made e-commerce sales. These e-sales accounted for 19.12% of the total turnover generated during 2023 (see Figure 16).

a vertical bar chart with 8 bars showing the enterprises making e-sales and turnover from e-sales, by size class in the EU in the year 2023.
Figure 16: Enterprises making e-sales and turnover from e-sales, by size class, EU, 2023
(% of enterprises / % of total turnover)
Source: Eurostat (isoc_ec_esels) and (isoc_ec_evals)

The share of turnover from EDI-type sales is greater than that from web sales

Enterprises which receive e-commerce orders may be divided into those making e-sales via a website or apps (web sales) and those making e-sales via electronic data interchange (EDI). Although a higher proportion (20.55%) of enterprises used websites and apps to make e-sales in 2023 than used EDI-type sales (6.14%) (see Eurostat data source isoc_ec_esels), the share of turnover from web sales in the total turnover generated by EU enterprises was relatively low, standing at 7.32% in comparison with 11.78% for the turnover from EDI-type sales (see Figure 17). In relative terms, the split in turnover between that generated from e-sales via EDI-type messages and that generated by web sales was most pronounced in Slovenia, Denmark, Italy and Finland, where EDI-type sales accounted for a share of total turnover that was at least 2 times as high as that recorded for web sales. By contrast, in Latvia, Ireland, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Greece, the share of total turnover generated by web sales was higher than the share generated via EDI-type sales.

a double bar chart showing the turnover from e-sales, by type of order for the year 2023, in the EU, individual EU countries, some EFTA countries, and some of the candidate countries.
Figure 17: Turnover from e-sales, by type of order, 2023
(% of total turnover)
Source: Eurostat (isoc_ec_evals)

More turnover comes from web sales to other businesses and public authorities than from business to consumer web sales

Across the EU, enterprises generated 7.32% of their total turnover from web sales during 2023, consisting of sales via a website or apps. Figure 18 presents an analysis of how these sales were divided between different types of customer. Total turnover coming from web sales to other businesses and government (B2BG) was 3.87%, while 3.42% of total turnover came from business to consumer web sales (B2C).

Portugal, Greece, Ireland, Estonia, Romania, Latvia, Malta, Spain and Cyprus were the EU countries that reported the majority of their turnover from web sales in 2023 was derived from business to consumer sales. By contrast, the share of total turnover that was derived from web sales made through business to business and business to government web transactions was at least twice as high as the share from business to consumer web sales in Hungary, Slovenia and Belgium.

a double bar chart showing the turnover from web sales, by type of customer in the year 2023 in the EU, individual EU countries, Norway and some candidate countries.
Figure 18: Turnover from web sales, by type of customer, 2023
(% of total turnover)
Source: Eurostat (isoc_ec_evals)

Almost twice as many enterprises use their own websites or apps than e-commerce marketplaces for their web sales

Figure 19 presents the breakdown by sales channel used by enterprises that made web sales in 2023. The information is split between those enterprises that made web sales via their own website or apps and those enterprises that made web sales via e-commerce marketplaces. During 2023, 85.77% of enterprises in the EU with web sales, used their own website or apps for sales, while 45.25% used an e-commerce marketplace. More than 95% of enterprises with web sales sold online via their own website or apps in Estonia (98.11%), Czechia (95.12%) and Sweden (95.04%). The lowest share was registered in Lithuania (46.87%), where enterprises with web sales preferred to sell via e-commerce marketplaces (86.64%). High shares of enterprises with web sales selling via e-commerce marketplaces were recorded also in Poland (63.46%), Greece (63.37%), Cyprus (62.49%) and Italy (60.40%) (Figure 19).

a double bar chart showing enterprises with web sales, by type of sales in the year 2023, in the EU, EU individual EU countries, Norway and some candidate countries.
Figure 19: Enterprises with web sales, by type of sales, 2023
(% of enterprises with web sales)
Source: Eurostat (isoc_ec_esels)

Source data for tables and graphs

Data sources

Rapid technological changes in areas related to the internet and other new applications of ICTs pose challenges for statistics. As such, this area of statistics changes at a relatively rapid pace, compared with most other official statistics. Indeed, statistical tools are adapted to satisfy new demands for data and the ICT survey is reassessed on an annual basis in order to reflect the rapid pace of technological change.

The information presented in this article is based on the results of a EU survey on ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises. The statistics were obtained from enterprise surveys conducted by national statistical authorities. The results of this annual survey are used to benchmark ICT-driven developments, both by following developments for core variables over time and by looking in greater depth at other aspects at a specific point in time.

While the survey on ICT usage in enterprises initially concentrated on e-commerce, internet access and connectivity issues, its scope has subsequently been extended to cover a wider variety of subjects (for example, cloud computing, social media, mobile connections to the internet, the use of e-business solutions, ICT specialists, the outsourcing of ICT functions, the use of IoT and artificial intelligence, data analysis and 3D printing).


The statistical observation unit is the enterprise, as defined in Regulation (EEC) No 696/93. Note that the annual survey on ICT usage in enterprises covers enterprises that have at least 10 employees and self-employed persons.

The activity coverage of the survey is restricted to those enterprises whose principal activity is within NACE Rev. 2 Sections C to N excluding Section K and Division 75, but including Group 95.1. These are manufacturing; electricity, gas, steam and water supply, sewerage and waste management; construction; wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; transportation and storage; accommodation and food service activities; information and communication; real estate; professional, scientific and technical activities (excluding veterinary activities); administrative and support activities; and the repair of computers and communication equipment.

The data collected can be analysed according to enterprise size classes (defined in terms of employees and self-employed persons), with information presented for small enterprises (10-49 employees and self-employed persons), medium enterprises (50-249 employees and self-employed persons) and large enterprises (250 or more employees and self-employed persons).

The data are organised in Eurostat's online database according to the year in which the survey was conducted. Most data refer to the situation during the early part of the same year as the survey. However, data on e-commerce, recruitment of ICT specialists and consequences of ICT related security incidents refer to the calendar year preceding the survey (in other words, to 2023 for the 2024 survey).


In 2019, the new European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, described how she wanted the EU to grasp the opportunities presented by the digital age. Indeed, A Europe fit for the digital age is 1 of 6 Commission priorities for the period 2019-2024. Such a digital transformation is based on the premise that digital technologies and solutions should: open up new opportunities for businesses; boost the development of trustworthy technology; foster an open and democratic society; enable a vibrant and sustainable economy; help fight climate change. With this in mind, during February 2020 the European Commission adopted an overarching presentation of the Commission's ideas and actions for Shaping Europe's Digital Future, as well as specific proposals in relation to:

In 2021, the Digital Compass for the EU's Digital Decade (COM(2021)118 final, set the EU's digital targets for 2030 by the evolving around 4 cardinal points: skills, digital transformation of businesses, secure and sustainable digital infrastructures, and digitalization of public services.

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ICT usage in enterprises (isoc_e)
Connection to the internet (isoc_ci)
Type of connections to the internet by NACE Rev. 2 activity (isoc_ci_it_en2)
Type of connections to the internet by size class of enterprise (isoc_ci_it_es)
Meetings via the internet by NACE Rev. 2 activity (isoc_ci_mvin2)
Meetings via the internet by size class of enterprise (isoc_ci_mvis)
Remote access by NACE Rev. 2 activity (isoc_ci_ran2)
Remote access by size class of enterprise (isoc_ci_ras)
E-commerce (isoc_ec)
E-commerce sales of enterprises by NACE Rev. 2 activity (isoc_ec_eseln2)
E-commerce sales of enterprises by size class of enterprise (isoc_ec_esels)
Value of e-commerce sales by NACE Rev. 2 activity (isoc_ec_evaln2)
Value of e-commerce sales by size class of enterprise (isoc_ec_evals)
E-business (isoc_eb)
Artificial intelligence by NACE Rev. 2 activity (isoc_eb_ain2)
Artificial intelligence by size class of enterprise (isoc_eb_ai)
ICT security (isoc_cisc)
Security policy, measures, risks and staff awareness by NACE Rev.2 activity (isoc_cisce_ran2)
Security policy, measures, risks and staff awareness by size class of enterprise (isoc_cisce_ra)
Security incidents and consequences by NACE Rev.2 activity (isoc_cisce_icn2)
Security incidents and consequences by size class of enterprise (isoc_cisce_ic)
Digital skills (isoc_sk)
ICT specialists (isoc_sks)
ICT competence and demand for ICT skills in enterprises (isoc_ske)
Enterprises that employ ICT specialists by NACE Rev.2 activity (isoc_ske_itspen2)
Enterprises that employ ICT specialists by size class of enterprise (isoc_ske_itspe)
Enterprises that recruited or tried to recruit ICT specialists by NACE Rev.2 activity (isoc_ske_itrcrn2)
Enterprises that recruited or tried to recruit ICT specialists by size class of enterprise (isoc_ske_itrcrs)
ICT training (isoc_skt)
Enterprises that provided training to develop/upgrade ICT skills of their personnel by NACE Rev.2 activity (isoc_ske_ittn2)
Enterprises that provided training to develop/upgrade ICT skills of their personnel by size class of enterprise (isoc_ske_itts)

Thematic section


Selected datasets

ICT usage in enterprises (t_isoc_e)
Digital skills (t_isoc_sk)


External links


  • Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on European business statistics
  • Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 concerning Community statistics on the information society
  • Regulation (EC) No 960/2008 of 30 September 2008 implementing Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 concerning Community statistics on the information society
  • Regulation (EC) No 1023/2009 of 29 October 2009 implementing Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 concerning Community statistics on the information society
  • Regulation (EU) No 821/2010 of 17 September 2010 implementing Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 concerning Community statistics on the information society
  • Regulation (EU) No 937/2011 of 21 September 2011 implementing Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 concerning Community statistics on the information society
  • Regulation (EU) No 1083/2012 of 19 November 2012 implementing Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 concerning Community statistics on the information society
  • Regulation (EU) No 859/2013 of 5 September 2013 implementing Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 concerning Community statistics on the information society
  • Regulation (EU) No 1196/2014 of 30 October 2014 implementing Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 concerning Community statistics on the information society
  • Regulation (EU) 2015/2003 of 10 November 2015 implementing Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 concerning Community statistics on the information society
  • Regulation (EU) 2016/2015 of 17 November 2016 implementing Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 concerning Community statistics on the information society
  • Regulation (EU) 2017/1515 of 31 August 2017 implementing Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 concerning Community statistics on the information society
  • Regulation (EU) 2018/1798 of 21 November 2018 implementing Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning Community statistics on the information society for the reference year 2019
  • Regulation (EU) 2019/1910 of 7 November 2019 implementing Regulation (EC) No 808/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning Community statistics on the information society for reference year 2020
  • Regulation (EU) 2020/1030 of 15 July 2020 laying down the technical specifications of data requirements for the topic 'ICT usage and e-commerce' for the reference year 2021, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council
  • Regulation (EU) 2021/1190 of 15 July 2021 laying down the technical specifications of data requirements for the topic 'ICT usage and e-commerce' for the reference year 2022 pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council
  • Regulation (EU) 2022/1344 of 1 August 2022 laying down the technical specifications of data requirements for the topic 'ICT usage and e-commerce' for the reference year 2023, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council
  • Regulation (EU) 2023/1507 of 20 July 2023 laying down the technical specifications of data requirements and the deadlines for submission of metadata and quality reports for the topic of ICT usage and e-commerce for the reference year 2024, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council
  • Regulation (EU) 2024/1883 of 9 July 2024 laying down the technical specifications of data requirements and the deadlines for submission of metadata and quality reports for the topic Information and Communication Technologies usage and e-commerce for the reference year 2025, pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council
  • Regulation (EC) No 696/1993 of 15 March 1993 on the statistical units for the observation and analysis of the production system in the Community