This is an edition which is no longer maintained. Some interactive data visualisations and links to the source dataset are no longer working.
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What are the sustainable development goals (SDGs)?
The SDGs, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015, provide a new global policy framework aiming at ending all forms of poverty, fighting inequalities and tackling climate change.
They are divided into 17 goals, which relate to social, economic and environmental aspects.
Why do the SDGs matter to me?
The topics addressed by them touch many parts of your life, the life of your family and friends as well as your country's future.
The subset of EU SDG indicators presented here aims to help you to better relate to this topic and provide statistics so you can better understand and evaluate the situation of your country today.
Why should I use this digital publication?
Do you want to find out how your country fares with regards to living and working conditions, education, climate change and innovation?
Our interactive visualisations shed light on these and many more aspects: explore trends & compare your country to other European countries.
Sustainable developments goals