Details Publication date14 December 2017 Description Each year, the Council, the Parliament and the Commission discuss the EU's legislative priorities and agree together on their top priorities for the upcoming year, which are set out in an annual Joint Declaration. This allows them to work more closely together to tackle the big challenges that lie ahead. The first Joint Declaration was signed in December 2016. With around 18 months until the next European elections, a central democratic moment for voters to assess the effectiveness of the Union, the Joint Declaration is the time to show that Europe can deliver for its citizens when and where it matters. Convinced that the European Union is the best instrument to achieve our objectives, the three Institutions agreed to continue working together to make our Union stronger, more united and more democratic in the years ahead. The three institutions agree to deliver a positive agenda for a more inclusive and more united EU and a forward looking new financial framework for the years after 2020, supporting the objectives of the Union and ensuring the right balance between EU policies in the interest of citizens. The Joint Declaration sets out seven priority areas: Better protecting the security of our citizens; Reforming and developing our migration policy in a spirit of responsibility and solidarity; Giving a new boost to jobs, growth and investment; Addressing the social dimension of the European Union; Delivering on our commitment to implement a connected Digital Single Market; Delivering on our objective of an ambitious Energy Union and a forward looking climate change policy; and Further developing the democratic legitimacy at EU level. Files 14 DECEMBER 2017Joint Declaration on the EU's legislative priorities for 2018-19 14 DECEMBER 2017Working document for the Joint Declaration on the EU's legislative priorities for 2018-19 Related links Joint Declaration on the EU's legislative priorities for 20172018 Commission work programme more united, stronger and more democratic Union: Joint Declaration on the EU's legislative priorities for 2018-2019