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ވިކިޕީޑިއާ، މިނިވަން އެކުމާފާނުން
Republic of Moldova
Republica Moldova
Flag of Moldova
Coat of arms of Moldova
Coat of arms
ގައުމީ ސަލާމް: Limba noastră  
Our Language
Location of Moldova (green) on the European continent (green + dark grey)
Location of Moldova (green)
on the European continent (green + dark grey)
and largest city
ރަސްމީ ބަސްތައްMoldovan (Romanian)
އާންމު ސަރަހައްދީ ބަސްތައްGagauz, Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian
ޑިމޮނިމްMoldovan, Moldavian
ސަރުކާރުParliamentary republic
Igor Dodon
Maia Sandu
Zinaida Greceanii
June 23, 1990

August 27, 19912
• Total
33,846 km2 (13,068 sq mi) (139th)
• Water (%)
• January 1, 2009[1] estimate
3,567,500 (does not include Transnistria and Bender) (129st3)
• 2004 census
• Density
1,219/km2 (3,157.2/sq mi) (87th)
ޖީޑީޕީ (ޕީޕީޕީ)2008 estimate
• ޖުމްލަ
$10.660 billion[2] (138th)
• ބޮލަކަށް ޖެހެނީ
$2,983[2] (127th)
ޖީޑީޕީ (nominal)2008 estimate
• ޖުމްލަ
$6.047 billion[2] (135th)
• ބޮލަކަށް ޖެހެނީ
$1,692[2] (123rd)
ޖިނީ (2007)37.1
އެޗްޑީއައި (2007) 0.708
Error: Invalid HDI value (111th)
ފައިސާMoldovan leu (MDL)
ޓައިމް ޒޯންޔޫޓީސީ+2 (EET)
• ސަމާ (ޑީއެސްޓީ)
ޔޫޓީސީ+3 (EEST)
ޑްރައިވިންގ ސައިޑްright
ކޯލް ކޯޑް373
އައިއެސްއޯ 3166 ކޯޑްMD
އިންޓަރނެޓް ޓީއެލްޑީ.md
  1. "Moldovan" used as formal official name; in fact Romanian.
  2. Proclaimed. Finalized along with the dissolution of the USSR in December 1991.
  3. Ranking based on 2009 UN figure
  4. 2004 census data from the National Bureau of Statistics.[3] Figure does not include Transnistria and Bender.
  1. National Bureau of Statistics of Moldova and 2004 census of Transnistrian region
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 "Moldova". International Monetary Fund. Retrieved 2009-10-01.
  3. ފަންވަތް:Ro iconNational Bureau of Statistics of Moldova