Published August 19, 2016 | Version v1.0
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A suite of 2-arcsec surface gravitational maps of the Slovak Republic up to the full gravitational tensor


  • 1. Department of Theoretical Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava


grav-sr-2arcsec is a suite of 2-arcsec surface gravitational maps of the Slovak Republic in terms of

  • the gravitational potential (V),
  • the full gravitational vector (Vx, Vy, Vz) in the local north-oriented reference frame (LNOF), and
  • the full gravitational tensor in LNOF (Vxx, Vxy, …, Vzz).

The suite was computed from a high-resolution gravity field model of Slovakia developed by Bucha et al. (2016). The maps rely on three sources of gravitational information:

  • the Zero-Tide version of the global geopotential model EIGEN-6C4 (Forste, C. et al., 2014) up to degree 2190 (~5 arcmin resolution, ~9 km),
  • the expansion of the residual gravitational signal up to degree 21600 in terms of spherical radial basis functions (Bucha et al. 2016) (~30 arcsec, ~950 m), and
  • residual terrain modelling (Bucha et al. 2016) (2 arcsec, ~60 m).

An independent validation of grav-sr-2arcsec revealed the standard deviation of 0.789 mGal in terms of the gravity.

Bucha, B., Janak, J., Papco, J., Bezdek, A., 2016. High-resolution regional gravity field modelling in a mountainous area from terrestrial gravity data. Geophysical Journal International 207, 949-966,


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Journal article: 10.1093/gji/ggw311 (DOI)