Compatibility of Different Aluminium with a New Environmental-Friendly Concrete

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DARE2C (Durable Aluminium Reinforced Environmentally-friendly Concrete Construction) project is to develop a more environmental-friendly concrete and use aluminium (Al) as reinforcement material, instead of steel. The new concrete uses supplementary cementitious materials (SCM), which provides a low alkaline environment suitable for aluminium reinforcement. Unlike steel, aluminium has a better stability in medium pH environment, which can largely improve the durability of the new Al-reinforced concrete (RC). Cover thickness can be reduced since aluminium withstands environment and carbonation does not pose a threat. The usage of lighter aluminium as reinforcement would help greatly reduce the total weight of the Al-RC structure. The objective of this work is to investigate the compatibility of different aluminium alloys in the new DARE2C concrete by gas chromatography measurement during the cement hydration. Together with the pull-out test results, the best aluminium candidate will be determined.DARE2C (Durable Aluminium Reinforced Environmentally-friendly Concrete Construction) project is to develop a more environmental-friendly concrete and use aluminium (Al) as reinforcement material, instead of steel. The new concrete uses supplementary cementitious materials (SCM), which provides a low alkaline environment suitable for aluminium reinforcement. Unlike steel, aluminium has a better stability in medium pH environment, which can largely improve the durability of the new Al-reinforced concrete (RC). Cover thickness can be reduced since aluminium withstands environment and carbonation does not pose a threat. The usage of lighter aluminium as reinforcement would help greatly reduce the total weight of the Al-RC structure. The objective of this work is to investigate the compatibility of different aluminium alloys in the new DARE2C concrete by gas chromatography measurement during the cement hydration. Together with the pull-out test results, the best aluminium candidate will be determined.

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