Integration of DNA-Based Approaches in Aquatic Ecological Assessment Using Benthic Macroinvertebrates
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Progress of Metabarcoding Studies in Aquatic Bioassessment Using Benthic Macroinvertebrates
3.2. Methodological Assessment
3.2.1. Sampling Strategies
3.2.2. Sample Preservation, Pre-Processing, and DNA Extraction Protocols
3.2.3. Marker Loci and Primer Pairs
3.2.4. Employment of Controls and Validation with Morphology
3.2.5. Sequencing Platforms
4. Final Considerations and Conclusions
- the preferential use of bulk communities if targeting the macrozoobenthos for aquatic assessments, or at the very least the bulk preservative, if specimens are to be kept intact. Indeed, several studies indicated that water and sediment eDNA tend to reflect only partially benthic macroinvertebrate communities, either in marine or fresh waters;
- implementation of experimental/field and/or technical replicates during sampling, DNA extraction, and PCR amplification. This implementation is critical to avoid bias in results, disentangle the effects of technical variance, including false positives (contamination) and false negatives, and increase the capacity of taxa detection in particular of rare species;
- the use of negative and positive controls (e.g., mock communities) all along the metabarcoding analytical chain;
- the use of Ethanol 95–96% for sample preservation, or DMSO buffer in the particular case of marine sessile fauna retrieved from ARMS;
- the predominant use of DNA isolation kits. In particular, the PowerMax Soil isolation kit allows DNA extraction of samples from either marine or freshwater environments and up to 10 g of biomass, generating high-quality DNA from a wide range of environmental matrices (sediment, water), and from bulk organismal samples with variable phylogenetic compositions. The downside is the high cost of these kits, which may limit the ability to implement metabarcoding-based approaches as extensively as desired, particularly in certain regions of the globe where running costs are highly limiting. Cost-effective alternatives, such as the use of non-commercial protocols (e.g., modified salt DNA extraction) can also be adopted, as long as the high-quality of the DNA extracted, at the end of the step, is ensured. When possible, method validation should be performed with mock communities.
- We highly recommend the use of more than one marker region, and more than one primer pair because freshwater and marine macroinvertebrates are typically phylogenetically diverse. However, in the impossibility of using two markers, priority should be given to COI, which has the broadest coverage in reference libraries, allows identification at the species level for most metazoans, and these are essential in benthic monitoring and for applying many indices based on macroinvertebrate taxa. When possible, in silico evaluations should be conducted, in addition to primer validation with mock communities.
- Finally, standardized sampling is also highly desirable for allowing comparable descriptions of biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems and can also greatly benefit biomonitoring through DNA metabarcoding. In fresh waters, sampling should follow a standardized protocol that is usually implemented for ecological quality assessment based on morphological identifications (i.e., standardization of sampler type and procedure, mesh size, sampling period, distribution of sub-samples by instream habitats, and sub-sampling methods) [52,151]. Among other possibilities, for assessing hard-bottom communities in marine ecosystems, the deployment of artificial structures (e.g., ARMS, ASUs) for fixed periods of time, in combination with DNA metabarcoding, is very promising for achieving long-term or high-frequency monitoring.
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Duarte, S.; Leite, B.R.; Feio, M.J.; Costa, F.O.; Filipe, A.F. Integration of DNA-Based Approaches in Aquatic Ecological Assessment Using Benthic Macroinvertebrates. Water 2021, 13, 331.
Duarte S, Leite BR, Feio MJ, Costa FO, Filipe AF. Integration of DNA-Based Approaches in Aquatic Ecological Assessment Using Benthic Macroinvertebrates. Water. 2021; 13(3):331.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDuarte, Sofia, Barbara R. Leite, Maria João Feio, Filipe O. Costa, and Ana Filipa Filipe. 2021. "Integration of DNA-Based Approaches in Aquatic Ecological Assessment Using Benthic Macroinvertebrates" Water 13, no. 3: 331.
APA StyleDuarte, S., Leite, B. R., Feio, M. J., Costa, F. O., & Filipe, A. F. (2021). Integration of DNA-Based Approaches in Aquatic Ecological Assessment Using Benthic Macroinvertebrates. Water, 13(3), 331.