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1 March 2007 Determination of a complete lemur mitochondrial genome from feces
Atsushi Matsui, Felix Rakotondraparany, Masami Hasegawa, Satoshi Horai
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Mitochondrial genome (mt-genome) sequences are widely used in molecular phylogenetic studies because of their relatively small size and of the strict orthology of their genes. It is sometimes the most difficult step in such studies to get samples particularly from endangered species. Here, we report successful amplification and sequencing of mt-genome of Propithecus (sifaka) from feces sample, using the extract method of Chelex-100 Phenol-Chloroform or QIAamp DNA Stool kit (Qiagen) in combination with FTA cards (Whatmann). For biologists, such a noninvasive sampling method should be an important resource that will provide greater opportunities to collect invaluable samples. By using the mt-genome sequence of sifaka obtained by this work with other published sequences of primates, we estimated the phylogeny of primates, and demonstrated that the evolutionary rate acceleration occurred in the Anthropoids lineage after they diverged from tarsier.

Atsushi Matsui, Felix Rakotondraparany, Masami Hasegawa, and Satoshi Horai "Determination of a complete lemur mitochondrial genome from feces," Mammal Study 32(1), 7-16, (1 March 2007).[7:DOACLM]2.0.CO;2
Received: 24 October 2006; Accepted: 1 November 2006; Published: 1 March 2007
DNA extraction
feces sample
mt-genome sequencing
phylogeny of primates
violation of molecular clock
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