Communications in Asteroseismology 147, pp. 76-79, 2007/08/02
January, 2006
JENAM 2005
Preface; Plenary talk - Stellar pulsation: an overview
by D. W. Kurtz; Invited talk - Observational aspects of asteroseismology by G. Handler; Invited talk - Theoretical aspects of asteroseismology by E. Michel; Analysis of MERCATOR data - Part I: variable B stars by P. De Cat, M. Briquet, C. Aerts et al.; Analysis of MERCATOR data - Part II: variable A et F stars
by J. Cuypers, K. Goossens, C. Schoenaers, P. De Cat, C. Aerts et al.; A new spectroscopic mode identification method by W.Zima; Convection-pulsation interaction: theories and applications by M.-A. Dupret, A. Grigahcéne, M. Gabriel and R. Garrido; Oscillations of rapidly rotating stars by D. Reese, F. Lignieres and M. Rieutord; Instability strip for pre-main-sequence stars
by A. Grigahcéne, M.-A. Dupret, R. Garrido, M. Gabriel and R. Scuaire; Seismic study of the Herbig Ae star HD 104237
by M.-A. Dupret, T. Bohm, M.-J. Goupil, C. Catala and A. Grigahcéne; The new solar abundances - Part I: the observations
by M. Asplund, N. Grevesse and A.J. Sauval; The new solar abundances - Part II: the crisis and possible solutions
by J.Montalbán, A. Miglio, S. Théado, A. Noels and N. Grevesse;
Non-local time-dependent treatments of convection in A-G type stars
by M.-A. Dupret, R. Samadi, A. Grigahcéne, M.-J. Goupil and M. Gabriel; Effects of "extra-mixing" processes on the periods of high-order gravity modes in main-sequence stars by A. Miglio, J. Montalbán and A. Noels; The ε-mechanism in PMS and MS δ Scuti stars
by G. Lenain, R. Scuaire, M.-A. Dupret and A. Noels; Spectroscopic study of the pulsations in the roAp star HD24712 by M. Sachkov et al.; Excitation of oscillations in roAp stars: the roles of He settling and winds by S. Théado and M. Cunha; Radiative forces and pulsations in β Cephei stars by P.-O. Bourge, G Alecian, A. Thoul, R. Scuaire and S. Théado; A line-profile analysis of the large-amplitude β Cephei star E1 Canis Majoris by S. Saesen, M. Briquet and C. Aerts; An asteroseismic study of the β Cephei star β Canis Majoris by M. Desmet, M. Briquet, A. Mazumdar and C. Aerts;
Polytropes as simple models of β Cephei stars by M. Godart, R. Scuaire, A. Thoul and A. Noels; Radial velocity variations in K giants: planets or pulsations? by S. Hekker, S. Reffert and A. Quirrenbach; ADDITIONAL ARTICLES An extensive study of the photometric behaviour of RV Tauri variables by E. Paunzen, I.L. Andronov, L.L. Chinarova, M. Konig and M. Rode-Paunzen; A new tool for the seismic investigation of γ Doradus stars by A. Moya, J.C. Suarez, P.J. Amado, S. Martín-Ruíz, A. Grigahcéne and R. Garrido