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Preconceptual Zika virus asymptomatic infection protects against secondary prenatal infection

Fig 5

Primary ZIKV asymptomatic infection protects against re-infection by heterologous viral genotype strains.

(A) Percent reduction in MR766 plaques after pre-incubation with each dilution of the serum from virgin or mid-gestation (E11.5) pregnant mice with prior asymptomatic primary PRVABC59 infection compared with the serum of naive control mice. (B) Schematic illustrating heterologous MR766 infection among type I IFN receptor neutralized mice with prior asymptomatic PRVABC59 infection compared with naive control mice; and ZIKV genome copies in the serum and each tissue day 3 after MR766 infection for each group of mice. (C) Schematic illustrating when mating is initiated and secondary MR766 ZIKV infection occurs amongst mice with asymptomatic primary PRVABC59 ZIKV infection compared with naive control mice. ZIKV MR766 genome copies in each maternal tissue, each individual concepti (placenta, decidua, and fetal tissue), or averaged among individual concepti in each litter day 3 after ZIKV re-infection at midgestation (E11.5). (D) Scatterplot comparing ZIKV MR766 genomic copies and ENV IgG antibody levels (A450) in clarified fetal homogenates amongst individual concepti for the mice described in panel C. Each point depicts the data from an individual mouse that is representative of at least three independent experiments each with similar results. Bar, mean ± one standard error; LOD, limits of detection; * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001.

Fig 5
