Preconceptual Zika virus asymptomatic infection protects against secondary prenatal infection
Fig 3
Primary ZIKV asymptomatic infection primes neutralizing antibodies that protect against re-infection.
(A) Percent reduction in ZIKV plaques after pre-incubation with each dilution of the serum of mice day 21 after asymptomatic primary infection compared with naive control mice. (B) Schematic comparing the susceptibility of naive recipient mice administered serum from donor mice with prior asymptomatic infection or naive control mice; and ZIKV genome copies in the serum or each tissue day 3 after infection. (C) Schematic comparing the susceptibility of naive recipient mice administered Fcγ receptor neutralizing antibody, along with serum from donor mice with prior asymptomatic infection or naive control mice; and ZIKV genome copies in the serum or each tissue day 3 after infection. Each point depicts the data from an individual mouse that is representative of at least three independent experiments each with similar results. Bar, mean ± one standard error; LOD, limits of detection; * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001; n.s. not significant.