Listeria monocytogenes Cytoplasmic Entry Induces Fetal Wastage by Disrupting Maternal Foxp3+ Regulatory T Cell-Sustained Fetal Tolerance
Figure 6
Listeria monocytogenes cytoplasmic entry dampens maternal Foxp3+ regulatory CD4 T cell suppressive potency.
(A) Percent GFP+ or Foxp3+ among CD4 cells in pregnant mice midgestation after infection with LmΔactA (107 CFUs) or LmΔLLOΔPLC (108 CFUs). (B) Representative plots demonstrating proliferation (CFSE dilution) among responder (Tresp) CD90.1+ CD8 cells after co-culture with each ratio of GFP+ Tregs isolated from LmΔactA (107 CFUs) or LmΔLLOΔPLC (108 CFUs) infected mice, and stimulation with anti-CD3 antibody (black line), compared with no Treg (gray filled) or no stimulation (black filled) controls (top). Relative suppression of responder cell proliferation (CFSE dilution) after co-culture with GFP+ Tregs for cells from mice described above normalized to suppression by GFP+ cells from uninfected controls at a 1∶1 Treg∶Tresp ratio (bottom). These data reflect six to eight mice per group representative of three independent experiments each with similar results.